UC San Diego Extended Studies Boot Camps is closed

This school is now closed. Although UC San Diego Extended Studies Boot Camps is no longer accepting students or running its program, you can still see historical information and UC San Diego Extended Studies Boot Camps alumni reviews on the school page.


UC San Diego Extended Studies Boot Camps

Average Rating4.6
43 Reviews
0 Courses

UC San Diego Extended Studies Boot Camps offer 12-week, full-time and 24-week, part-time web development courses, and 24-week, part-time data science and cybersecurity courses. The full stack curriculum includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Express.js, Node.js, databases, MongoDB, MySQL, and Git.

The data curriculum includes programming in Excel, Python, R programming, JavaScript charting, HTML/CSS, API interactions, SQL, Tableau, fundamental statistics, machine learning, and more. Enjoy close collaboration with other professionals while receiving hands-on experience.

Applicants do not need prior experience to enroll, but once admitted, all students will complete a pre-course tutorial. As the programs are part-time, UC San Diego Extended Studies Boot Camps are designed for working professionals and students who are actively pursuing a career change or advancement or looking to gain a new skill set.

Students will benefit from a wide range of career services to be positioned for success through graduation and beyond. Services include portfolio reviews, resume and social media profile support, high-impact career events, workshops, virtual tech panels, mock interviews, and 1:1 career coaching. Upon program completion, students will receive an Award of Completion from UC San Diego Extended Studies and will have a portfolio of projects demonstrating a working knowledge of web development or data science, or have skills applicable to cybersecurity certifications.

UC San Diego Extended Studies Boot Camps are offered in collaboration with edX.

43 UC San Diego Extended Studies Boot Camps Reviews

Schools can't pay to alter or remove their reviews. Course Report never suppresses negative reviews
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  • Unemployed Dev
    Unemployed Dev
    Unemployed Developer • Graduate • Full Stack Flex - Part-Time • San Diego
    Jan 03, 2018
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Not Ideal for Absolute Begginers

    The more I learn about web development the more I despise and regret attending this boot camp. I could have learned all of this on my own and in a much more effective way. As a developer, I can't let others make the wrong choice and end up like many of us UCSD graduates.

    First the numbers. There isn't any! How many students get jobs after the course? With my class about 3 of 25 got positions. You don't see numbers posted anywhere. A great boot camp is transparent with the numbers...


    Eric Johnson of UC San Diego Extended Studies Boot Camps

    Student Success Manager

    Jan 22, 2018

    We're sorry to hear that your experience with our program was not an overall positive one. Our course structure includes in-class lectures where our instructors teach market-driven front-end and back-end technologies, but a crucial aspect of our program is the lab work and hands-on learning that allows our students to apply their knowledge on real-world projects.

    We make it a point to emphasize throughout the program that while we will not secure direct employment for students, our career services will empower students with the necessary tools and support they need in order to become a competitive job seeker in today's market. We understand that your cohort did receive career support in the form of resume and portfolio reviews, social media profile assistance, technical interview coaching, and guest speaking events with companies like Creative Circle, Mindtouch, Amazon Fresh, and more. Were these services helpful?

    While we understand that not all students require career support services, many students from your cohort were able to secure new employment opportunities with companies like Hewlett-Packard, Zeeto, LeaseLabs, Victorise, Sphere, Piper Networks, ThoughtSTEM and Millennium Health after completing the boot camp.

    We'd love the opportunity to speak with you to see if we can provide you with any further career support at this time in order to best equip you for success. Please contact me directly at (858) 519-8997 to discuss your needs.

  • Andy
    San Diego
    Oct 02, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Very good program

    I am very satisfied with the 6 months program

    - Syllabus is great. The course schedule are all well designed. The program covers most commonly used technologies like JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, Node, Express, React, MongoDB, MySQL, etc. The whole process is done step by step, so all students (no matter if he/she has previous web development experience or not) start from the basic HTML, CSS and JavaScript and use it as the foundation of learning more fancy stuff like Node and React....


    Eric Johnson of UC San Diego Extended Studies Boot Camps

    Student Success Manager

    Oct 09, 2017

    Congratulations on completing the boot camp, Andy! Thank you for taking the time to write a detailed review, as insights like these are helpful to future students. 

    It’s wonderful to hear that you enjoyed the curriculum and class schedule, and found your instructors and TAs to be helpful. We’re glad that you had such a positive experience with this program, and we hope you’re proud of all the hard work you put into learning these valuable new skills. We’re wishing you all the best in your future endeavors. 
  • Grant Evans
    Grant Evans
    Software Engineer • Graduate • Full Stack Flex - Part-Time • San Diego
    Sep 19, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great course for the price

    Overall, I am 100% satisfied with the bootcamp. I’ll give some background about myself to kind of put my experience into perspective. I ended up landing a great job due to the bootcamp, but I believe my background in engineering played a large role as well.


    I’ve been coding on a regular basis since around 2011, but it was only with Matlab and VBA. I had tried learning to code real languages (Java, Python, etc) several times, only to get to the point where I understand...


    Eric Johnson of UC San Diego Extended Studies Boot Camps

    Student Success Manager

    Sep 22, 2017

    Hi Grant,

    Congratulations on your new job! We’re overjoyed to hear that you had such a constructive and positive experience with our program. We love helping students develop their passion for web development, so it’s excellent to hear that this program provided you with the structure, guidance, and resources you needed to realize your goal of entering this exciting career field.

    It’s terrific that your instructor, TAs, and the career services team provided you with the support you needed for successful in this program. We’re constantly updating our curriculum based on student feedback, so we thank you for sharing your thoughts on the course topics.

    Thank you so much for this review. We understand this course can be challenging, and we hope you’re proud of all the hard work you put into completing the program. Know that we’re wishing you the best of luck in your future endeavors.
  • David Khalameyzer
    David Khalameyzer
    Web Developer • Graduate • Full Stack Flex - Part-Time • San Diego
    Aug 09, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Worthy Investment

    Having recently graduated, I can say that the bootcamp assisted and played a role in fully transforming my outside interest in tech and innovation into a full-on career in the field. I had aspirations for a long time before taking the course, but it was ultimately the step that I NEEDED to take to advance myself.  

    If you're worried that you don't have enough of a technical background to get started, FEAR NOT. I started the course quite literally at a blank slate (barely knowing ...


    Eric Johnson of UC San Diego Extended Studies Boot Camps

    Student Success Manager

    Aug 11, 2017

    Thank you for your feedback, David. We’re thrilled that you have been able to use the skills you gained in this program to turn your interest into a career, congratulations on all of your success!

    Our team works hard everyday to help our students achieve their goals in the program, and beyond; so it’s wonderful to hear that you had such a great experience. We hope you’re proud of all of the hard work you put into completing this program. We wish you nothing but the best in your future endeavors.

  • Mark Lagamayo
    Graduate • San Diego
    Mar 28, 2024
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Life-Changing Bootcamp!

    I transformed from a cybersecurity novice to a dedicated graduate, investing over 20 hours weekly. UCSD’s boot camp is my pride!
    1. Security Policies and Standards: Understand the principles governing security practices.
    2. Security Threats: Explore common threats and vulnerabilities.
    3. Wireless Networking and Security: Learn about securing wireless networks.
    4. Authentication and Access Control: Master techniques for user authentication and access managemen...
  • Chris Dixon
    Applicant • Full Stack Flex - Part-Time • San Diego
    Aug 19, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Very Low Quality Coding Bootcamp.

    This Bootcamp is put on by a company called Trilogy and not UC San Diego. The trilogy team is very inexperienced - just go through the beginning enrollment process and it should be very clear to you. Everyone involved is very careless and unhelpful.

    Much better options in San Diego, you'll get a lot more out of another program. 


    Eric Johnson of UC San Diego Extended Studies Boot Camps

    Student Success Manager

    Sep 03, 2017

    Hi Anonymous, thank you for sharing your feedback. We regret that you were unhappy with your experience applying to the program.
    As you note, UC San Diego Extension chose to collaborate with Trilogy Education Services (TES) to develop The Coding Boot Camp. TES is the leading continuing education program manager in the U.S., and has partnered with over 24 top universities to support their efforts. This partnership allows us to tap into TES’ proven framework for helping students learn about the latest technologies in an environment that fosters lifelong learning.
    Everyone at The Coding Boot Camp at UC San Diego Extension is extremely passionate about our students and ensuring that they feel valued and supported—from the first admissions phone call and even past graduation. Our admissions team loves to help students as they work to make an educated decision about which boot camp to attend, and we strive to make this the best experience possible. We are sorry that your admissions experience did not meet these expectations.

    We would love the opportunity to speak with you again to not only discuss your experience in more detail, but make the situation right. You can reach us at (858) 519-8997.
  • Jiemei Zhang
    Jiemei Zhang
    Graduate • Data Science and Visualization - Part-Time • San Diego
    Aug 07, 2018
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    the bootcamp helped me find my real passion

    I had nearly no coding experience (a little coding in college 10 years ago) before attending the data visualization bootcamp, after 6 months I can now create a full-stack website with data visuzalization I couldn't imagine 6 months ago. The instructor and TAs are really nice and smart people. Happy to work and learn from them. The course helped me stick to my passion. I recommend everyone to this bootcamp!


    Boot Camp Team of UC San Diego Extended Studies Boot Camps

    Community Team

    Aug 07, 2018

    Amazing, Jiemei! We are thrilled you learned the fundamentals of data science through our program - especially with minimal prior experience. It's great to hear you felt supported by our entire instructional team and were happy to learn from them. Thank you so much for your review and congratulations on graduating! We are proud to hear we helped you stick to your passion and wish you all the best with your future endeavors.

UC San Diego Extended Studies Boot Camps Alumni Outcomes

Recent UC San Diego Extended Studies Boot Camps News

Liz Eggleston
Liz Eggleston
Updated October 21, 2020
The University of California (UC) network is vast and well-established from Sacramento to San Diego, so it was only a matter of time before these schools offered coding bootcamps of their own. But which UC bootcamp is best for you? At the time of publication, all UC coding bootcamps are offered in collaboration with Trilogy Education. Because they’re powered by the same platform and netwo...
Imogen Crispe
Imogen Crispe
Updated January 19, 2018
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UC San Diego Extended Studies Boot Camps Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent UC San Diego Extended Studies Boot Camps News

How much does UC San Diego Extended Studies Boot Camps cost?

The average bootcamp costs $14,142, but UC San Diego Extended Studies Boot Camps does not share pricing information. You can read a cost-comparison of other popular bootcamps!

What courses does UC San Diego Extended Studies Boot Camps teach?

UC San Diego Extended Studies Boot Camps offers courses like .

Where does UC San Diego Extended Studies Boot Camps have campuses?

UC San Diego Extended Studies Boot Camps has an in-person campus in San Diego.

Is UC San Diego Extended Studies Boot Camps worth it?

UC San Diego Extended Studies Boot Camps hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 43 UC San Diego Extended Studies Boot Camps alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed UC San Diego Extended Studies Boot Camps on Course Report - you should start there!

Is UC San Diego Extended Studies Boot Camps legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 43 UC San Diego Extended Studies Boot Camps alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed UC San Diego Extended Studies Boot Camps and rate their overall experience a 4.6 out of 5.

Does UC San Diego Extended Studies Boot Camps offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like UC San Diego Extended Studies Boot Camps offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read UC San Diego Extended Studies Boot Camps reviews?

You can read 43 reviews of UC San Diego Extended Studies Boot Camps on Course Report! UC San Diego Extended Studies Boot Camps alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed UC San Diego Extended Studies Boot Camps and rate their overall experience a 4.6 out of 5.

Is UC San Diego Extended Studies Boot Camps accredited?


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