
May 2019 Coding Bootcamp News Roundup

Imogen Crispe

Written By Imogen Crispe

Last updated May 31, 2019

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In May the coding bootcamp industry got a lot of coverage in mainstream news including the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. In our latest podcast we discuss the new ways military veterans can learn to code, we look at three New York Times articles about coding bootcamps, and hear about a coding bootcamp facing closure. Income share agreements remained a hot topic, plus find out about diversity scholarships, university and coding bootcamp partnerships and more!

Veterans Transitioning into Tech

Diversity-Fueled Scholarships

Income Share Agreements: Pros & Cons

Should you Go to a Tech Bootcamp?

Tech Education in Africa and the Middle East

Coding Bootcamps at Universities

Advice for Employers

Coding Bootcamp Controversies

  • The Arizona Central, Education Dive, and other publications report that Woz U, Steve Wozniak’s coding school, has had its license revoked in Arizona and may be forced to close, after the discovery of connections with a suite of career college collapses.
  • The New York Times and Post Industrial dive into a lawsuit against coding bootcamp Mined Minds, a bootcamp set up with the goal of helping people in West Virginia affected by the decline in coal mining retrain to work in tech. Now more than 20 former students are pursuing a lawsuit claiming that Mined Minds was a fraud.
  • US News looks at how people should research coding bootcamps before signing up, citing Course Report stats, and noting that a number of bootcamps have closed over the years, and some get mixed reviews, or have faced scrutiny from local governments.
  • An opinion piece on Huff Post looks at whether tech companies inflate the costs of online education. They’re talking about 2U here, which just acquired Trilogy Education.

Alumni Success Stories

Updates: New Campuses + Courses

New Coding Bootcamps on Course Report

Favorite Pieces on the Blog

Imogen enjoyed interviewing Alex Mannix, a woman who graduated from Codesmith coding bootcamp in New York. Alex had always been interested in coding, but initially dismissed it in college because of imposter syndrome, and feeling like she should have been doing it since she was 10. Then she won the Edie Windsor Lesbians Who Tech Scholarship to fund 50% of her Codesmith tuition! She explained how supportive both the Lesibans Who Tech and the Codesmith communities are, and how she hopes to inspire more women to think about getting into tech!

Liz got to chat with two employers who hire from bootcamps in May! First, she talked with the VP of People at CD Baby, Gretchen Boster, about how their new hires from Epicodus coding bootcamp in Portland, Oregon are performing on the job. CD Baby actually participates in Epicodus’ internship program which facilitates internships for all Epicodus students. Liz also talked with Avery Johnson, a Technical Solutions Recruiter for Datadog, to understand the value bootcamp grads bring to the Solutions Engineer role. They hire mainly from Flatiron School.


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Imogen Crispe

Written by

Imogen Crispe, Content Creator and Entrepreneur

Imogen is a writer and content producer who loves exploring technology and education in her work. Her strong background in journalism, writing for newspapers and news websites, makes her a contributor with professionalism and integrity.

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