Written By Imogen Crispe
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Course Report strives to create the most trust-worthy content about coding bootcamps. Read more about Course Report’s Editorial Policy and How We Make Money.
RefactorU is a coding bootcamp in Boulder, CO, offering 10-week full-time immersive programs in full stack JavaScript. RefactorU has recently announced a new diversity scholarship to help close the diversity gap in the tech industry, and give opportunities to people who may otherwise not be able to afford it.
Only 16% of people working in computing and mathematical jobs identify as black, African American or Latino, and only 25% are women. There is a huge disparity in this industry, and edtech companies like RefactorU are taking steps to change this.
“We know that for everyone who does succeed, there are often many more who do not, despite similar skills, talents, and hard work,” RefactorU CEO Sean Daken says. “Being born in the wrong place, at the wrong time, into a set of circumstances completely beyond one’s control should not define a person’s life and career, but it often does.”
That’s why RefactorU is offering a diversity scholarship for people who are underrepresented in tech.
“We recognize that structural inequality exists, and we are committed to reducing that inequality,” Sean says.
There are three diversity scholarships awarded per RefactorU cohort. One for $4000, and two for $1300. RefactorU tuition costs $13,500.
RefactorU believes creative people make the best coders, so they are looking for people with creativity, resilience, and a passion for building things.
We have talked to many RefactorU graduates (like Clayton and Ilana) who have gone on to get great jobs and really change their lives. This new scholarship is opening up that opportunity to more people who may not have taken the plunge and gone to bootcamp if they’d had to pay full price. We hope that this helps to balance the current inequalities in the tech industry.
Find out more and read RefactorU reviews on Course Report. Check out the RefactorU website.
Imogen Crispe, Content Creator and Entrepreneur
Imogen is a writer and content producer who loves exploring technology and education in her work. Her strong background in journalism, writing for newspapers and news websites, makes her a contributor with professionalism and integrity.
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