Written By Liz Eggleston
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Course Report strives to create the most trust-worthy content about coding bootcamps. Read more about Course Report’s Editorial Policy and How We Make Money.
Course Report is kicking off our first webinar series, where we give you the opportunity to get valuable information straight from the source. We started this series with one of the most well-known and established programs in the US, General Assembly. Course Report is joined by Jessica Schneider and Tim Preston of General Assembly- find out what they're looking for in students and the types of outcomes you can expect after attending their 12-week Web Development Immersive!
Full transcript below:
We’re starting the webinar series with one of the most well-known established programs in the U.S., General Assembly. We’re joined today by Jessica Schneider and Tim Preston of General Assembly Jessica produces the web development programs for Los Angeles and before General Assembly, Tim worked on large data problems and then discovered Ruby on Rails so he made the switch to web based application development about 5 years ago. He’s a classically trained software engineer, he’s worked with GA as an instructor for the WDI course, and he now serves in a support role as an instructor coach.
I want to remind everyone that we’ll be doing a couple of Q&A sessions throughout the webinar so please use the questions tab to send in any questions you may have. And with that, I will pass it on to Jessica and Tim.
Jessica: Hi, this is Jessica Schneider here, I’m at General Assembly in Los Angeles. I’ll be talking to you today about the Web Development Immersive here at General Assembly Los Angeles.
Our immersive starts March 31st and goes through June 27th. It is Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. till 5:30 p.m. and you’ll see that asterix there; that’s because it’s not really a 9 to 5 experience. You are going to be living, breathing, dreaming about coding for 12 weeks straight. It is a totally all-encompassing and this amazing somewhat exhausting and incredibly rewarding way.
There’s only one holiday, the 26th, Memorial Day; otherwise for those 12 weeks, you’re going to be here at General Assembly in L.A.
My name’s Jessica and as was mentioned, I’m the producer. Really what that means is I’m here to make sure that students have an amazing experience and feel supported, instructional team’s supported make sure everything runs day to day. Tim?
Tim: My name’s Tim, I’ve been working with WDI { 03:40 Inaudible}.
Jessica: In the next 20 minutes or so we’re going to have an overview of General Assembly, our instructional team, what it’s like to be a student here, what you’re going to learn, what you’re going to create and WTI and there will be opportunities for Q&A.
About General Assembly for those who have never heard of us before, General Assembly is a global network for individuals seeking opportunities in education and technology. We started in 2011 in New York just a space for entrepreneurs in technology to come together and share ideas and build things.
And what happened in a very organic way was data scientists web designers and traditional marketers wanted to work on user experience and classes just started happening on their own. And today, that’s really at the heart of what we do, is education.
We are a global network, we are in all of these cities, and that really means two things as a student at GA here in Los Angeles; the first thing is once you finish one of our programs, you’re part of this amazing worldwide network. You can go to any of these cities and immediately be part of the technology scene there.
A second thing it means is that we’re constantly sharing best practices so if New York has an amazing idea or an addition to the curriculum that they’re excited about or there’s something they’ve noticed employers are looking for, they can share that knowledge with us and we can incorporate it into what we do. And like I said, we’re constantly improving our products so having this network and being able to share these ideas is amazing.
I’ll let Tim tell you about the instructional team.
Tim: At GA we take instruction very seriously and while we constantly improve the course, we also constantly improve the instructors. The instructional ream that we have lined up for the next WDI I feel is very impressive. They all have a very specific tech background, which is what we look for in instructors and they all have a background in education whether they’ve taught WDI before, in some cases two times or they’ve worked in the K to 12 education industry as teachers, so they’re very well experienced. We also have a couple of former students so that bring a very interesting mix to the team because they’re very well-versed in what it’s like to be a student and can relate to the guys one-on-one very well.
As I mentioned before, we are heavily investing in the instructors as well so I’m working now to coach, to help the instructors improve themselves.
Jessica: Yeah, I love that we have a couple of former students on the instructional team here because you might have 25 years of experience and be brilliant but you don’t have the experience of someone who graduated 6 months ago and who has a connection with the students so it’s a great having them on the team.
So what is it like here? The WDI vision is that we’re a global community of creative technologists that become lifelong learners, The lifelong learners I think is very key to what we do here. We want people to take a program like WDI as the start of their journey as a programmer. You’re learning languages – and we’ll get into some of that later – but they’re learning how to learn coding technologies, and new ones come up every year. It’s a field that’s constantly expanding and by taking a program like WDI, you’re setting yourself up for success, to be able to teach yourself those new technologies’ because you’ve been through this experience.
The creative is underlined because we’re not just looking for people to program, we want people to be programmers in the broader sense. A lot of people who come to this program, they want to be entrepreneurs, they have a startup idea and we have the resources here to really encourage that.
A few things we’ll get into deeper as we go, but WDI is a self-directed program. This allows us to impart the skills necessary for our students to teach themselves after WDI. It’s a holistic environment; we need to nurture our student; technical skills, non-technical skills, networking, job search abilities as well as their emotional state. And it’s project-based learning. It’s very important when students leave this program and they want to enter the job world that they have a portfolio that shows what they can achieve.
A typical day in the life: Our day starts with standups and Tim, as a former programmer, you can explain what that is.
Tim: A standup is a team communication technique; we actually borrowed that directly from industry. A lot of teams, especially web programming teams employ standups in the morning just to synchronize and make sure the team’s on the same page. We actually rake that across the WDI to give students real {00:09:13} experience.
Jessica: Typically most days. we have two modules before lunch and two modules after lunch. By module, that could be a lesson on a technology subject. it could be a discussion, teaching one of our softer holistic skills we discussed or it could be project time.
You’re not going to be in the classroom from 9 to 5:30 five days a week. It is broken up with different opportunities to take the things that you’re learning and put them into practice in your project.
And then you’ll see at the end of the day, 5:30 to 10 is just project work. That can mean a lot of different things here at WDI; in our lobby we have a happy hour, there’s also students working on projects, some students are going to meet up this evening… it’s a really immersive experience so we highly recommend that to get the most out of the program, you take that end of day time to do something related to what the outcome can be. But that could be a wide range of things. Sometimes you might just need to build your own or build {00:10:22} for someone who knows nothing about programming; we encourage that as well.
I’m going to take a moment to pause and ask Liz if we have any questions coming in?
I have a couple of questions that people have emailed me before the webinar but of course if you’re in the webinar, please feel free to use that questions tab to ask any questions you may have as we continue.
Tessa had a question: How long has WDI existed and when did it open in L.A.?
Jessica: Great question. As I mentioned. GA as a company started in 2011 in New York/ The first WDI launched September 2012 and our first one was this past summer so we have 40 alumni currently out there in the world. We have another 40 students that are going through the program right now and we’re about to start on our next one March 31st.
Cool; that’s a great alumni network. Adam had sent in a question: What typically happens during lunch? Do you do anything special or is it just sort of time to yourself?
Jessica: It really varies; we have speakers here all the time during lunch, great opportunities to network with local tech companies and entrepreneurs. What’s really amazing about GA, it is such a hub particularly on the west side of Los Angeles. So during lunchtime, speaking is going to be {00:12:03} on Wednesday, demoing a product, doing a Q&A with students. Startup Studio was last Friday; otherwise students work on projects. Sometimes they just need a break or go for a walk; we’re two blocks from the beach so sometimes people go picnic …
Tim: We’ve had picnics on the beach just to relax and wind down a little bit. Lunch is set at an hour and a half , that’s done on purpose to give people good break to recharge and refresh. Especially when we’re introducing new topics, it can be quite intensive so they might want to take a bit of tome off just to relax.
That’s awesome. And it look sunny in L.A. right now. Brad wants to know if he needs to live in L.A.
Jessica: Yes, you do need to live in L.A. We have students that move ere for just 3 months and find housing off of Craigslist and things like that. Unfortunately, if you’re not in L.A. we don’t have an online version of WDI. And so much of it is being in the space, being part of the network of instructors and other students.
If you’re in another city, you have opportunities in New York, San Francisco, Boston and D.C., all those cities as well.
Defintely, it sounds really immersive. What is the total cost?
Jessica: It is $11,500 for the 12-week course and we throw in a bonus 13th week orientation. When the course ends, you continue on doing work with our outcomes team working on job skills. So it’s that much for the 12 weeks with all the extra on either end.
And it’s a really big community afterwards at the end. We’ve got one other question. Judy asked a great question but I think Jess is going to touch on that a little bit in the next part of the conversation and if she doesn’t then we’ll get to that question. So I’m going to let Jess and Tim continue.
Jessica: What will we learn? I’m going to turn this part over to Tim ‘cause this is his expertise, the curriculum.
Tim: On a high level, you can see here that we’re trying to build a strong foundation of fundamentals of programming and how the Worldwide Web is put together and how to use it. So we do use some techniques that are required in the workplace and that are currently being used by a lot of companies. There’s a {00:15:07} and how to do design development. We also teach you how to look for help online, so how you might use a tool like Google and things like that.
You learn a lot of soft skills like working in teams, small teams doing programming, two people sharing a computer, and also large teams as well including some {00:15:28} techniques.
The real takeaway here is we’re trying to teach you to be a self-sufficient developer so that you can build your own career.
My next slide, you can see these are some of the technologies some of the other areas we touch. We’re always trying to teach the latest things that our out there {00:15:55} those types of areas, html, CSS technologies, CSS frameworks like Bootstrap. {00:16:02} is an interesting technology that seems to be really upcoming at the moment. We do cover a lot of Javascript as well and JQuery. On the other side of the coin which is the part of the web that you don’t actually see as a consumer, we call that the back end. We stick to Ruby on Rails as our framework of choice. We do some work with two different types of databases, looking at tome of the technologies that tie them together.
As far as skills are concerned and other techniques, we’ll help you set up your computer so it’s a proper web development environment. That includes things like terminal tools like {00:16:38}; we show you how to deploy websites into a production-ready environment. As I mentioned, we follow agile development practices, we introduce project management tools that get used quite often in programming. We do cover some computer science topics, which is always fun and popular.
And we’re always trying to teach best practices. One of those for example is Test tube development which we cover in detail as well.
Jessica: Could you maybe get into a little bit more – because I’m always confused about this – the difference between frontend and backend?
Tim: We do make a division between the two when we’re talking about web application development. Front end is typically what you see in your web browser; so it’ll be a web page, there’s links and dropdown boxes, buttons to click; so this is all the stuff that you see as a consumer of the web.
The backend is the stuff that consumers don’t see. This is all the server technology, all the databases that hold information. You may have heard about {00:17:50} popular with Facebook and Google; that’s all stuff on the backend. That’s a lot of technology that as a normal consumer wouldn’t see but we definitely dive into that as well
Jessica: The last thing on the slide is a new way of learning: The focus of the traditional learning model is content. When you think of any college class or high school class or middle school class you sat through, there’s this expert, a teacher/professor who knows everything on a given topic. They take that topic class it don into smaller topics and they lecture you on it and then they give you a quiz, they give you homework, a project to do, and most likely it gets graded on a curve. And then they say. “You know it.” and then they stamp your card that you finished the course. It’s just about they give you content and you give them content back.
What we do here is completely unlike that. It’s all focused around skill acquisition. There is still content but the bigger focus is on new relevant skills. We want you to leave every lesson you have with an instructor with a new skill. Sometimes those skills could just be codifying content.
Tim was talking about being self-sufficient. One of our instructors, her favorite lesson to teach is how to Google a program. Programmers Google a lot, there’s no reason to memorize everything.
So some content but a big focus on skills. And then repetition, repetition, repetition; you do things again and again and again until they really start to sink in. And repetition for us means working on projects, working on labs or maybe just on your own walking through what happened in class again with the person that sits next to you; just to lean over and say, “Let’s talk this through.”
And at the end instead of a quiz or a test, you actually build something to show off all these skills you’ve acquired.
It’s more than just programming, though and I always go back to this. We don’t want to teach you just how to program, we want to teach you how to be a programmer. This is a holistic learning experience. There are things you learn here that are not directly tied to programming but we found just made people better programmers and make them more employable. Working with others, communicating with others, teaching and mentoring others and as I keep going back to, teaching yourself. It is an incredibly collaborative environment to be in.
Everyone who goes through the admissions process, we really stress this because it’s so much at the heart of what we do. We want you to think of other people I this class as your family. They’re expected to teach you things if you’re confused, you’re expected to teach them things if it’s not working for them. In that way, everyone succeeds together. And more than that, when you graduate from this program, you are going to have 40-odd people who are there for you, who know your skills, you know their skills, you might start a company together, you might recommend them for a job, they might recommend you for a job; you might hire them one day.
Everyone finds what they love and their own specialties; it’s not a competitive environment, it’s very collaborative, and I think that’s something that really sets general assembly apart.
Tim: It’s true, this really is the beginning of your professional network, your base of people you’ll probably know for the rest of your career. Not just those in the class because General Assembly is really building that network and there’s opportunities for people in other cities as well.
The last two points on the slide about teaching and mentoring, really, really big on that. We love it when students take initiatives to maybe own a technology and they become the knowledge person on that technology and teach others. That truly is the best way of learning – if you can teach something, you’ve truly understood it.
Jessica: Yeah, just couple of weeks ago one of our students was testing a Facebook application on his own. Someone was over one shoulder and someone was over his other shoulder and pretty soon he just got in the front of the classroom and plugged in his computer and gave a 10-minute talk, and suddenly there’s a huge group of people who now understand this topic. Any maybe it was something we forgot to mention in the syllabus or maybe not, but at that moment there was just such excitement…it’s just a wonderful environment to be a part of.
Outcomes: This is something people always want to hear about – how does going through WDI prepare you for life after WDI? The answer is that we have an incredible network here. We refer to these outcomes as specifically job placements or anything like that. People come into this program wanting to do all sorts of different things. They may own a programming company and they’re just looking to become better at hiring programmers. They may have an idea for a company they want to start. The may realize that “as a programmer, I can work freelance” and they won’t have to have to go to an office again, and that’s what speaks to them, or there are people looking for jobs.
Whatever path you’re going down, General assembly the resources to support you. So the second half of the course, we do work on technical interviewing, we do mock interviews, we spend a lot of time helping students hone their resumes and profiles; how to pitch yourselves, how to pitch your ideas… it’s something we take very, very seriously.
What’s great about our students is that they come from such a wide range of backgrounds and our outcomes team does an amazing job of helping students thing through their career trajectories. And maybe if you were a writer and are now a programmer or a pizza delivery guy who is now a programmer, how does this fit into your story and they do a really amazing job in guiding you through that process.
There are three ways that students can achieve an outcome that they are seeking. The first, and this is number one, the way that people find jobs at GA is organically. It’s through the student network we were just talking about, it’s through panelist who are into the space, it’s through happy hours that we open up to the larger tech community. There’s evening courses here, so through each of those students, those instructors. It’s going to meet-ups and hackathons and things outside the GA space that we encourage and facilitate you going to. I always say that you can immerse yourself academically by learning these topics for three months, just use it as an excuse to just completely immerse every part of your life. I find that’s how people are most successful.
The second thing that we provide here at GA is the meet and greet. It typically happens a month after the program ends. It gives students opportunity to hone all their projects, get their portfolio together, get all their sleep, deprived of that for three months so they’re refreshed when they go to the meet and greet.
It’s like a science fair; every student has their laptop, their resumes and they demo the work they’ve done during the course and talk to potential employers. And GA just packs the house with startups and entrepreneurs and VCs and other tech companies, and it’s really amazing and a great way to make connections.
The third thing that’ll help them is our apprentice program and that’s also something you apply to a month after the program ends. When you apply to the apprenticeship program, you have an internship 4 days a week and on the 5th day come back to GA and teach {00:26:07}. The companies who bring on apprentices know that this is really ore of a mentorship opportunity. Often in apprenticeship programs students will learn languages that maybe we didn’t teach here at GA but because they have a background, they’re able to very quickly pick them up. At the end of the apprenticeship which 3 months, the employer has the opportunity to bring them on if they’ve mad that connection.
One thing I want to mention since I’m talking so much about how there’s so many people in our space all the time and how we’re always getting out into the community; Pivotal Labs is an amazing tech company here in Los Angeles. They’re actually very close to our facility and they have meet-ups and round table discussions there all the time. Timothy, have you been before?
Tim: Guilty – I have to say no, I haven’t.
Jessica: No!
Tim: But I keep meaning to go. They have an awesome program; weekly hackathons or like a round table discussion. I hear it’s really –
Jessica: And our students tend to go there in droves. So unofficially we’ve been working with them since we opened up. The upcoming WDI, we decoded to formalize that relationship. Pivotal Labs makes technology for the pivotal tractor which is used by all programmer. so it’s a great opportunity for students who are at WDI to go to those round tables and meet-ups but also get to know the engineers there a little better, hear their stories… it’s just really wonderful that they’re doing that this time.
Before we talk about student projects, I want to just mention some characteristics of great programmers: proactive about their own learning, patient with themselves and others, passionate, intellectually curious, positive and optimistic, tenacious.
Ti is also what we’re looking for during our admissions process in WDI students. Once you get in the door, there’s a lot of things we can teach you, the technologies that we teach you. It’s this list that is what we want you coming in with. These are innate qualities that are going to make you successful.
Tim: It is right and we do look for these types of traits when we’re interviewing potential students. We can help you grow them a little bit as well, and the course is strategically planned in such a way that we do try and hit these things. If you do come up against a roadblock, one of the things we try to teach you is grit, the ability to put your head down and work through the problem. So if you’re starting off with these traits, we can help you grow them as well.
Jessica: We’re going to back up now with what will we create? Tim will talk to you a little bit about our projects and then we’ll pull u some current student work and recent graduate work.
Tim: What you can see here is a general overview of what we’re doing here in Los Angeles. We actually run the program with 4 projects, each project roughly about 3 weeks, which divides the total weeks up quite nicely. The reason for that is repetition as Jessica mentioned before.
When we start with project one, we’re actually going to be starting with the frontend side of things that we mentioned before, which is actually the preferred way of developing web applications – starting from the front, working your way down. So we do that on purpose to introduce you to that type of technique but also just to give you a fairly gentle introduction to what we’re doing.
What we did this time was we got students to work on a tic-tac-toe application, so potentially a game and it was a two player game. You can play on a cell phone two cell phones and play against each other; it was a really cool project.
From there project two, we introduce the backend side of things so we’re working with Ruby and Ruby on Rails. We work with a particular database there that’s very interesting at the moment.
Then project three is a group project so you’ll be assigned other members in your team and you’ll work together towards a common goal – which is always fun, I think.
In project 4, what we’ve done this time is really opened that up that people can pursue individual interests, whatever it is that they had. If they’re still interested in doing more Ruby, work with them on doing that. If they want to try a new technology, we can advise them which one to try and we’ll let them go there.
Jessica: I’m going to show you a couple of projects. These are things students were able to accomplish after 6 weeks – just incredible. I did screen…
This is one that one of our students made called Link Fetch.; this is a way just to organize links around the web. Very simple; all you have to do is sign in and then click things off the different websites. This is very much versatile and something that she now uses every day.
Another one I love is Meal Mate; this is a student who is very health-conscious, and it’s a way for you to connect with people that have the same dietary preferences as you do. So you can find people who are on the paleo diet and figure out a meal to go have together.
For our most recent graduating class, these are two projects. This is one called {00:31:57}. This is a way for at events, for people to connect and share contact information. There’s a couple ways you can use it; either if you have somebody who is setting up an event, you can set up a page and enable your guests to connect and exchange business cards. Or if you are attending an event, you can share your information with others and maybe some personal information to make it a little easier to make a connection. This is something that someone was able to create their project for. They did some work into it during the class and when the course had ended they continued to work on it and it is now live. You can go to it at Data.project.co.
This is another fun project that someone did called Uploadist. It’s for portfolios, so using different categories. You can click on Google Glass in ‘public’ and get to these numbers right here. If you’re signed in – I’m not signed in right now – I can either go up or down and that’ll change where it is one of the better photos or not. It’s a fun site and very much so to the person who made it and as he was out looking for jobs, this was an amazing calling card to say, “look what I made from a technological standpoint” but also, “I’ve got a sense of humor.”
Those are some examples of projects. I think we’re now going to turn it back over to Liz for some Q&A.
I’m going to go to a couple of the technical questions and then we’ve got some questions about outcomes which we will touch on after that. Is the course Mac-friendly or do we need a PC?
Tim: It’s definitely Mac-friendly. In fact, that’s the platform that we recommend but we can work different platforms as well. So generally, if you have a Mac laptop, that’s perfect. We’ve got everything ready for you to get set up. If you have a PC or if you have Linux, that’s also quite good, we can work with that.
We have a couple of students with Windows machines. It requires a little more work but it’s not impossible.
Why do you teach Ruby as opposed to another backend language? What’s the motivation behind that?
Tim: That’s a really good question. It actually doesn’t matter what language we choose to teach because we’re really teaching the fundamentals behind programming; the language is just an example.
Having said that, we do choose Ruby because at the moment, it’s kind of at its peak. It’s super, super popular with a lot of startups, mainly because it’s very good at prototyping. But it’s also used in a lot of larger companies as well. If you look at the job boards, Ruby on Rails is really in demand at the moment; that’s why we teach that.
What are the prerequisite educational skills that are needed to apply? Do people need to have a college degree, do they need any technical; background? What makes people stand out?
Tim: People don’t need a college degree but we do look for people who have some sort of interest in technology. But again, that’s not really necessary. People that tend to do really well in the program, we had the trait up there on the slide. People who are a little bit inquisitive and maybe tinkering around with computers do really, really well. But we’ve also had people with no technical background who really shot through the course as well.
Jessica: In our current course we have musicians and artists, we have two people who studied massage, we have lawyers, we have people who did business school; it’s such a variety of backgrounds.
After you enter the course you are given pre-work to do; the pre-work is about 50 hours. So if you are someone who’s maybe fiddled around with code school and somebody else who hasn’t, in the end, pre-work really levels people up and they’re all entering with a basic understanding of technologies and the language that is used to teach coding.
Chris wants to know is WGI held in the Santa Monica location or is it inside L.A.? Where are you physically located?
Jessica: We are in Santa Monica. We say it’s the Los Angeles campus but technically, we are in Santa Monica. We’re on 2nd Street so if you know your Santa Monica geography, we are right here, just two blocks from the beach.
A few outcomes questions. You were pretty clear that that there are several outcomes that people come into the program looking for. But if they do decide to go into the job market. what types of positions will people qualify for? Are the applying for junior developer positions or… what do you typically see?
Jessica: Yeah, junior developer positions primarily. We had someone who went through the course and became an apprentice at {00:37:22} product management. So even if people want a job at the end of this, it might be as a programmer or it might be… people’s lives take crazy turns. But particularly, they’re looking to be programmers.
Is there a published job placement rate?
Jessica: Yes. We don’t say job placement rate but the outcomes rate is 95% for people who meet our graduation requirements, which is an assigned number of absences but meeting all the benchmarks for projects. So if you do all those things and you’re participating in all the job placement workshops then it’s 95% within 90 days of finishing the course.
Is L.A. a good hiring market in your experience?
Jessica: Yeah, I would say so. There is so much activity here. I just had this amazing talk with the mayor in L.A. and he as talking about hos this is the moment for tech, here, right now and the numbers of companies opening up and hiring is staggering. It’s just a really exciting current… and GA moving there. We’re a New York based company, we just set up shop over the summer, and it’s because it’s happening here right now and we want to be part of it.
We had asked about tuition and we mentioned that before, which is 11,500. The last question we have is the pre-work done. Is it part of the application process, or is it done once you’re accepted?
Jessica: Once you’re accepted; we would not make you do 5 hours before you apply. I’ll just tell you a little bit about the application process. You fill an application online and you an initial screening with a member of our admissions team, just to get a sense of where you’re coming from.
Assuming all that goes well and it seems you’re a good fit for the program, you’ll be given some work to do, to build a very basic website, it takes about 5 hours to do. It could be more if you get really into it and want to make your website really snappy. But you do a few tutorials on DASH, which is General Assembly’s online tutorial website. So you do a few tutorials and from that you’re able to build a basic website. And then we also ask you to tell us a little bit about yourself.
Then you come into GA campus and you meet with usually myself and an instructor just so we can get to know you more and the instructor will ask you some questions like if you have a technical background. As we mentioned, if it’s not extensive but just to get a sense of where you’re coming from. And also, you have the opportunity to ask us any final questions.
We just really want to make sure that everyone who comes in on day one has a fair understanding of what this program is going to be like, what we teach, or philosophy about teaching. And as we mentioned earlier, we do have this week zero; so March 31st for those first 5 days you just come in the evening. It’s a great way to get to know other students, get to meet some of the instructors. Everything taught in week zero, we go over again later in the course. It’s a fun time and you’re going to be pretty much living here for 12 weeks, so the plan for those few days is for getting you a bit calmer and getting used to be in the space.
When is the application deadline for the next course?
Jessica: It is rolling. Until we are filled, we are accepting applications. I know that we are about two-thirds filled right now, maybe a little less right now so if you’re interested, you should definitely begin the process. We’re going to send you all an email after this but feel free to reach out to me if you have other questions that come to mind, or someone on our admissions team or directional team is always happy to answer questions.
Going through this process is a bog decision to make so we want you to feel supported just going through that.
Awesome! Okay everybody, that concludes our first webinar. Thank you so much for joining Course Report and General Assembly tonight.
Liz Eggleston is co-founder of Course Report, the most complete resource for students choosing a coding bootcamp. Liz has dedicated her career to empowering passionate career changers to break into tech, providing valuable insights and guidance in the rapidly evolving field of tech education. At Course Report, Liz has built a trusted platform that helps thousands of students navigate the complex landscape of coding bootcamps.
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Experts hare how to break into tech in the 2024 & 2025 tech job market!
Find out all the biggest coding bootcamp news from August 2024!
All the biggest coding bootcamp news from July!
All the biggest coding bootcamp news from June 2024!
From $17M in fundraises to a cyber bootcamp with college credit, all the biggest news from May!
All the biggest news about coding bootcamps from April 2024!
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