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  • Jess Feldman
    Jess Feldman
    Updated on September 25, 2024
    What does a modern engineer look like in 2024? Darren started his tech career in 2006 but took time off in 2012 to raise children. When he was ready to re-enter the tech job market, he knew he needed to elevate his skill set. He chose Codesmith to become a modern software engineer and stand out in a compet...
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  • Enrolling in a bootcamp at Springboard is a big step, especially for those making a career change into tech. To ease the worry that comes with this investment, Continue Reading →
  • Liz Eggleston
    Liz Eggleston
    Updated on September 23, 2024
    2024 has been a rollercoaster of a year in tech hiring! We sat down with four career experts from Springboard, Flatiron School, General Assembly, and Tech Elevator to find out which industries are hiring bootcamp graduates today and how to stand out in a competitive job market. Listen in the conversation or read the transcript as we dig into effective methods for using generative AI in your j...
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  • Jennifer Inglis
    Jennifer Inglis
    Updated on September 16, 2024
    When we think of someone being a “writer,” we might imagine a storyteller, weaving creative tales that entertain and enlighten. The idea of a “technical writer,” then, might leave some scratching their heads, but in reality, it’s not too far off from the idea of an inventive scribe. Technical writers are valuable assets to the tech field, as they take complicated technical concepts and ideas,...
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  • Jennifer Inglis
    Jennifer Inglis
    Updated on September 10, 2024
    Ever hear someone say, “Don't worry; it’s backed up to the Cloud?” That’s the work of a Cloud Engineer. Most people use Cloud services in their everyday lives, from streaming TV shows and listening to music, to backing up documents and photos to a phone, laptop, or tablet. A report by Continue Reading →
  • Trying to decide between a career in QA testing or software engineering? Both roles are essential in tech: software engineers build products, while QA testers make sure those products function flawlessly. If you're new to tech, then QA testing – especially Manual QA – can be a great way to get your foot in the door without needing to know much programming. On the flip side, if you love creati...
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  • Jess Feldman
    Jess Feldman
    Updated on September 3, 2024
    As summer wraps up, we’re highlighting news about an $11M coding bootcamp fundraise, and the impact that smaller, regional coding bootcamp programs are having on their communities. We also cover the latest initiatives to diversify tech and train more people in AI skills. And here at Course Report, we released our Best Online Bootcam...
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  • Generative AI is fundamental to the modern engineering workflow. We talked with Zubair Desai from Hack Reactor about the do’s and don’ts of using generative AI as a software development bootcamp students, and what it means to learn how to code in the age of AI. Plus, find out how you’ll use generative AI like GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT in the softwar...
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  • Jess Feldman
    Jess Feldman
    Updated on August 27, 2024
    For over 20 years, Daniel Barzman has taken senior-level roles in compliance at many large healthcare companies. With the increased threat of cyber attacks on major companies in the last decade, Daniel realized the importance of cybersecurity professionals and sought a cybersecurity bootcamp to understand the foundation. Find out what it’s like to work as a Chief Compliance Officer, and how t...
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  • Jess Feldman
    Jess Feldman
    Updated on August 27, 2024
    With a rise in cyber attacks, cybersecurity professionals are now in demand across a variety of industries, including healthcare, finance, government, and more. Dora Juhasz, a Senior Career Services Advisor at Lighthouse Labs, walks us through the six top industries for cybersecurity professionals. Learn more about the typical cybersecurity job titles and types of cybersecurity work associate...
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