
365 Data Science

Average Rating4.56
74 Reviews
1 Course

365 Data Science is a self-paced, online Data Science bootcamp. The flexible course schedule means there is no set time limit in which to complete the program by. The bootcamp is divided into four modules that cover data science fundamentals, programming, data science concepts, and specializations. There are no prerequisites required to enroll. The curriculum is designed for beginners. 

In the first module, students learn data science fundamentals, such as advanced Excel, Tableau, and Power BI as well as fundamentals of probability and statistics. In the second module, students learn programming for data science, how to work with relational databases, use essential SQL queries to preprocess data, code in Python, and leverage popular Python libraries, like NumPy and Matplotlib. Students will also learn the best ways to manipulate and visualize data in R. The third module teaches students the concepts of machine learning and deep learning, and students begin applying advanced statistical methods for predictive analytics. Within the third module, students use sklearn to build complete linear and logistic regression models from scratch, and cluster unlabeled datasets with k-means. Students will progress to building deep learning models with the Keras library in TensorFlow 2. In module four, students choose to specialize their data science skill set to meet the needs of different industries, such as finance or banking. Students can choose any (or all) of the specialization exercises, which include Credit Risk Modeling in Python, Time Series Analysis in Python, and Customer Analytics in Python. 

To enroll, students pay a monthly fee. 365 Data Science hosts an annual Data Science scholarship competition. 365 Data Science offers career services to students, such as portfolio advice and resume feedback. Students receive course-specific certificates upon completion. Students that complete the entire program receive a personal, verifiable certificate of completion.

74 365 Data Science Reviews

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  • Heba AlGuthmi
    Heba AlGuthmi
    Applicant • Data Science • Online
    May 23, 2024
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    Data Science

    The course was an overview of all the essentials I needed to understand Data Science. There is so much information that’s discussed thoroughly. Classes and assignments, including the quizzes, are clear. 
  • Paula García Vico
    Paula García Vico
    May 16, 2024
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    Buena experiencia

    Master en formato bootcamp que te permite aprender a traves de la practica por los diferentes ejercicios que se realizan de cada tema tratado. Profesores que son profesionales del sector y con años de experiencia 
  • Manuela Carvalho
    Manuela Carvalho
    Geologist • Graduate • Data Science • Online
    Mar 27, 2024
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    The course was great and more than I expected. Friendly, attentive, and experienced teachers. Dynamic classes. Well-designed exercises. At first, you can feel a little lost but as you gain experience you can see your improvement and will feel excited.
  • M Raju
    M Raju
    Applicant • Data Science • Online
    Feb 02, 2024
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    MIT Data Science and Machine Learning online Drive

    Throughout the Course was very very well presented excellent program with  great learn to programs  and mentorship. A lot  of information also available very well presented. The case studies and projects had with number of examples.

    I’m really happy with Great Learnings platform and would like to continue using it for as longs is possible to further develop my skills in the field.
  • Corbăț Ștefana
    Corbăț Ștefana
    Student • Data Science • Online
    Jan 29, 2024
    Overall Experience
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    O echipă extraordinară

    Echipa GoIT este o echipă extraordinară, am avut parte de o interacțiune plină de profesionalism și răbdare. Mi-au oferit tot suportul lor și îi recomand din toată inima! Au foarte bine puse la punct toate cursurile, sunt organizați și mereu prezenți să te ajute! 
  • Ida Ayu Kade Pradnyawati
    Ida Ayu Kade Pradnyawati
    Student • Student • Data Science • Online
    Jan 09, 2024
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    Bitlabs Treat Me Well Although I am Not IT Background

    Halo! Kenalin aku Dayu Pradnya selaku awardee dari Bitlabs yang ikut Bootcamp Data Analyst tahun lalu via Kampus Merdeka. Aku senang banget bisa belajar di bitlabs karena pengajarnya baik dan telaten banget dalam berbagi ilmu, sabar  dalam mengoreksi pekerjaan saya, dan tidak pernah meremehkan pelajar yang bukan berasal dari background IT. Sebagai student yang belajar keuangan, saya memanfaatkan ilmu terkait pengolahan data untuk mempelajari dan menganalisis pasar lebih jauh, sehingga bi...
  • Lin Sururoh
    Lin Sururoh
    Student • Graduate • Online
    Jan 09, 2024
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    Grateful to join Kampus Merdeka Program

    Join program data analyst di Bitlab merupakan pengalam keduaku di program kampus merdeka. Meskipun begitu, bukan berarti ketika program berlangsung aku tidak mengalami kesulitas belajar. Wajar, jurusanku di kampus sangat jauh sekali dengan yang namannya bisnis dan IT, aku dari jurusan pendidikan matematika. Meskipun di data analyst ada math nya, kebanyakan tugas dan materinnya berbau IT, seperti mengolah data menggunakan exel, SQL, dan Powe Bi. Yang lebih challenge dari aku join program ...
  • Awatef BR
    Awatef BR
    Student • Student
    Dec 07, 2023
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    Great boot camp

    Great Bootcamp, nice learning methods. The level gradually increase. Great use cases to train on. Instructors are really professionals and help a lot.
    Maybe the Data Engineering should take more time during the bootcamp. A week is not enough. 
  • Munish Rathee
    Munish Rathee
    Student • Data Science • Online
    Dec 04, 2023
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    Beware of Coding Invaders - A Disappointing Experience

    I felt compelled to share my experience with Coding Invaders to alert others about the unfortunate encounter I had with this organization. My intention is to provide an honest account of my time with them.

    Firstly, I want to emphasize that Coding Invaders seems to operate with a clear lack of integrity. Upon encountering challenges with their course, I reached out with the hope of finding a resolution. However, instead of addressing my concerns, they cite...
  • Tran Huong Ly
    Tran Huong Ly
    Modeling expert • Applicant • Data Science • Online
    Oct 21, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    Extremely practical application

    The experience of studying the course Data Science and Machine Learning: Making data driven decision on Great Learning is really great, especially for someone who works full-time like me. This program has 3 outstanding advantages as follows:
    1. Theoretical content about heritage is conveyed fully and effectively in a short time, then focuses on building models with 3 typical projects.
    2. The project director was extremely supportive. I was able to take a trial class and then asked ...
  • Guilherme Fraga
    Guilherme Fraga
    Finance Analyst • Graduate • Data Science • Online
    Sep 19, 2023
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    Unique and enriching experience!

    Minha experiência no campo de treinamento Le Wagon foi simplesmente incrível. Foi um percurso intensivo e enriquecedor que deixou uma marca indelével no meu percurso profissional. As habilidades, o conhecimento e a rede que adquiri durante meu tempo na Le Wagon são inestimáveis ​​e tenho certeza de que desempenharão um papel fundamental na definição do meu futuro profissional.

    Desde o primeiro dia, estive imerso em um ambiente de aprendizagem dinâmico e colaborativo. O...
  • Riya Mehare
    Riya Mehare
    Student • Online
    Aug 01, 2023
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    Do not join Simplilearn

    Simplilearn is worst they do not keep their promises they change their terms and condition according to them. while joining the course they will daily be in contact with you and while asking for money back they ignore you no learning here. Simplilearn does not provide as promised do not join the institute. in job guarantee program they were unable to provide the job and as promised not giving the refund even do not give proper guidance no teaching nothing joining Simplilearn is wasting y...

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Recent 365 Data Science News

How much does 365 Data Science cost?

The average bootcamp costs $14,142, but 365 Data Science does not share pricing information. You can read a cost-comparison of other popular bootcamps!

What courses does 365 Data Science teach?

365 Data Science offers courses like Data Science.

Where does 365 Data Science have campuses?

365 Data Science teaches students Online in a remote classroom.

Is 365 Data Science worth it?

365 Data Science hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 74 365 Data Science alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed 365 Data Science on Course Report - you should start there!

Is 365 Data Science legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 74 365 Data Science alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed 365 Data Science and rate their overall experience a 4.56 out of 5.

Does 365 Data Science offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like 365 Data Science offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read 365 Data Science reviews?

You can read 74 reviews of 365 Data Science on Course Report! 365 Data Science alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed 365 Data Science and rate their overall experience a 4.56 out of 5.

Is 365 Data Science accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. 365 Data Science doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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