
Digital Skola

Average Rating4.93
174 Reviews
3 Courses

Digital Skola is an Indonesia-based tech training provider offering 12-week, part-time, online bootcamps covering topics like data science, data analytics, and data engineering. Bootcamp curriculums are project-based to give students practical experience in the topics they cover. Digital Skola also offers bootcamps and short intro courses in a variety of subjects for interested students.

Beginners and students with no experience are welcome to apply to Digital Skola.

Digital Skola is designed to help students find jobs after graduation and career support is included in the curriculum. Career services include portfolio development, CV creation, cover letter writing, and 1-on-1 coaching.

Digital Skola allows students to pay in installments to increase accessibility.

174 Digital Skola Reviews

Schools can't pay to alter or remove their reviews. Course Report never suppresses negative reviews
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  • Melati Septyana Pratiwi
    Melati Septyana Pratiwi
    Ex Journalist • Graduate • Online
    Oct 25, 2024
    Overall Experience
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    Outstanding insight from the expert tutors

    The Digital Writing Camp by Digital Skola has deepened my understanding of the specifics in copywriting, SEO content writing, and UX writing. This program has solidified my passion for digital writing. Thanks to the skilled and professional tutors, I’m able to tackle each task, adding valuable work to my portfolio.
    The knowledge I gained from this digital writing camp also made it easier for me when working on assignments from the job recruitment process. Thank y...
  • Kukuh Yoga Rizki Ananda
    Kukuh Yoga Rizki Ananda
    Graduate • Online
    Oct 25, 2024
    Overall Experience
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    Learn new knowledge with Digitalskola

     I recently completed the QA Bootcamp at Digital Skola, and it was an excellent learning experience. The curriculum was well-structured and covered all the fundamental and advanced topics required to become a competent QA professional. The instructors were highly knowledgeable and always ready to assist with any questions or difficulties.

    What I appreciated the most was the hands-on approach. We worked on real-world projects, which gave me a deeper understan...
  • Yoga Rizki Pratama
    Yoga Rizki Pratama
    Software Engineer • Graduate • Online
    Oct 25, 2024
    Overall Experience
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    Bootcamp Software Quality Assurance

    Pengalaman saya di Digital Skola benar-benar transformasional. Bootcamp ini memberikan saya keterampilan praktis yang langsung bisa saya terapkan di pekerjaan. Para instruktur tidak hanya memiliki pengetahuan mendalam, tetapi juga sangat mendukung. Kurikulumnya sangat terstruktur, menawarkan keseimbangan yang baik antara teori dan proyek praktis. Saya juga sangat menghargai bimbingan karier yang membantu saya mempersiapkan diri untuk wawancara dengan efektif. Secara keseluruhan, saya san...
  • Syarief
    Graduate • Online
    Oct 25, 2024
    Overall Experience
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    Bootcamp QA

    bootcamp QA metode pembelajaran yang cukup terstruktur dengan materi dan praktik yang lengkap dari basic sampai tingkat selanjutnya.  memberi wawasan baru dalam dunia Software Development. Bagi pemula sangat cocok untuk memulainya disini dengan materi terupdate dan instruktur yang berpengalaman. 
  • Rahmat Hidayat
    Rahmat Hidayat
    Graduate • Online
    Oct 24, 2024
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    Menyelami Dunia QA di Mini Bootcamp QA Digital Skola

    Selama satu bulan merasakan belajar QA dari fundamental hingga praktik yang cukup banyak di Digital Skola, memberi wawasan baru dalam dunia Software Development. Bagi pemula sangat cocok untuk memulainya disini dengan materi terupdate dan instruktur yang berpengalaman. Dengan live session 3x seminggu, materi rekaman dan discord sangat membantu untuk memfasilitasi siswa berinteraksi selama belajar. Setelah bootcamp ini pun masih ada fasilitas konsultasi karir atau job connector. 
  • Alif Rustam Munaf
    Alif Rustam Munaf
    Admin Office • Student • Online
    Oct 23, 2024
    Overall Experience
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    Review Bootcamp yang Membantu Saya Tumbuh

    Saya mengikuti bootcamp ini dengan harapan bisa mempelajari dasar-dasar Quality Assurance (QA) karena latar belakang saya sebelumnya bukan dari bidang teknologi. Pengalaman saya di bootcamp ini sangat positif, terutama karena kurikulumnya yang terstruktur dengan baik dan materi yang lengkap. Serta project-project yang diberikan bisa dijadikan salah satu bekal untuk menjadi portofolio saya. 
  • Andi Isti Nadiah
    Andi Isti Nadiah
    Graduate • Online
    Oct 23, 2024
    Overall Experience
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    My experience learning with Digital Skola

    I recently finished the Digital Writing Camp at Digital Skola, and the experience was amazing! The bootcamp offers comprehensive lessons on Copywriting, Content Writing, SEO Content Writing, and UX Writing. I appreciate how practical the program was, as it not only taught us the theory behind effective writing but also provided opportunities to apply what we learned through projects and portfolio development. And, they made sure we left with a solid foundation and a portfolio to showcase...
  • Cut Hayfa Syafiatuddini
    Cut Hayfa Syafiatuddini
    Graduate • Online
    Oct 23, 2024
    Overall Experience
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    Kurikulum yang Menarik dan Relevan

    Kurikulumnya dirancang sangat up-to-date dan relevan dengan kebutuhan industri. Setiap sesi memberikan tantangan baru yang mendorong saya untuk terus berkembang. Fokus pada praktikum langsung dan studi kasus nyata memberikan pengalaman yang sangat berharga. Mungkin untuk saya harus lebih banyak terjun lapangan langsung untuk mahir pada bagian coding/test script karena saya belum dapat menguasai secara luas dengan codingan
  • Ovilia Beril Abidha
    Ovilia Beril Abidha
    Graduate • Online
    Oct 23, 2024
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    Pengalaman Digital Writing Camp

    Mini bootcamp Digital Writing Camp di Digital Skola memberikan saya pengalaman yang sangat berharga. kurikulumnya up to date, ditambah para tutor berpengalaman di bidangnya minimal 2 tahun. Ada project yang diberikan di setiap sesinya, bahkan kita juga dilatih langsung untuk membangun personal branding di akun LinkedIn masing - masing. Bagi orang yang pemalu seperti saya langsung berani untuk mengirimkan hasil atau kegiatan saya selama bootcamp berlangsung, yang mungkin saja suatu saat a...
  • Fadiya Shafa
    Fadiya Shafa
    Student • Online
    Oct 23, 2024
    Overall Experience
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    An Eye-opening Mini Bootcamp with Digital Skola

    Joining the Digital Writing Camp at Digital Skola was an eye-opening experience for me as a recent graduate looking to build my portfolio before launching my career. This bootcamp deepened my understanding of the digital writing field and equipped me with technical skills that weren't covered in my university classes. I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to explore this exciting area further!
  • Annisa Dwinda F
    Annisa Dwinda F
    Graduate • Online
    Oct 23, 2024
    Overall Experience
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    Recommended Online Bootcamp

    • Materi dan kurikulumnya sangat terstruktur
    • Tutor-tutor keren berpengalaman dan selalu sedia menjawab setiap pertanyaan
    • Ada beberapa tugas dari real client yang memotivasi untuk mengerjakan dengan maksimal
    • Ada feedback dari setiap tugas yang dikerjakan
    • Ada spesialisasi karir yang sangat membantu untuk menentukan karir ke depannya
    • Dapat benefit seperti networking, CV & portfolio review, dan lain-lain
    Overall, saya merasa s...
  • Vety
    Graduate • Online
    Oct 23, 2024
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    QA Engineer Batch 6

    *Review Mini Bootcamp QA Engineer di Digital Skola*

    Setelah mengikuti 11 sesi di mini bootcampn ini, saya cukup terkesan dengan metode pembelajaran yang memang cukup terstruktur dan dibuat sedemikian rupa sehingga dapat diikuti dan dipahami oleh pemula/berasal dari bidang yang berbeda. 

    Materi yang diajarkan jelas dan mudah dipahami, mulai dari teori terkait dasar-dasar QA sampai latihan praktis mengenai teknik pengujian. Terlebih lagi, materi disampaikan oleh tutor berpeng...

Digital Skola Alumni Outcomes

Recent Digital Skola News

Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated July 01, 2024
Happy Summer! This month at Course Report, we released our Best Cybersecurity Bootcamps list for 2024 — check it out if you are looking to launch an in-demand career this year! This June, five coding bootcamps announced cohorts that will be fully or partially funded through grants (read: FREE to you)! A Southern coding bootcamp landed a one-million dollar fundraise, and two interesting partne...

Digital Skola Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent Digital Skola News

How much does Digital Skola cost?

Digital Skola costs around Rp5,500,000. On the lower end, some Digital Skola courses like Bootcamp | Fast Track Data Engineering cost Rp2,000,000.

What courses does Digital Skola teach?

Digital Skola offers courses like Bootcamp | Data Science & AI Fundamentals, Bootcamp | Fast Track Data Analytics, Bootcamp | Fast Track Data Engineering.

Where does Digital Skola have campuses?

Digital Skola teaches students Online in a remote classroom.

Is Digital Skola worth it?

Digital Skola hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 174 Digital Skola alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Digital Skola on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Digital Skola legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 174 Digital Skola alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Digital Skola and rate their overall experience a 4.93 out of 5.

Does Digital Skola offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Digital Skola offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Digital Skola reviews?

You can read 174 reviews of Digital Skola on Course Report! Digital Skola alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Digital Skola and rate their overall experience a 4.93 out of 5.

Is Digital Skola accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Digital Skola doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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