iNVASIVECODE is closed
This school is now closed. Although iNVASIVECODE is no longer accepting students or running its program, you can still see historical information and iNVASIVECODE alumni reviews on the school page.
iNVASIVECODE is a premier mobile app development team, founded by ex-Apple engineers, that specializes in rapidly advancing enterprises through modern mobile technology.
iNVASIVECODE's advanced iOS training bootcamps bring you inside the Apple development process, giving you the knowledge and tools that you need to develop and maintain your own iOS app. Learn Swift 2 and Objective-C, while building innovative iOS apps in an interactive environment. Learn how to use Xcode and Apple’s newest development tools by creating mobile solutions alongside senior iOS developers.
This is really a great class, and you can learn a lot from it whether you are a complete beginner to iOS, or already an intermediate developer. Here are my thoughts after doing the 1 week class in SF:
-Geppy (the instructor) knows iOS very well. He has worked with iOS/OS X for more than 10 years and can answer any possible question you have.
-Hands on learning. While there is some lecturing to explain concepts, a decent portion of the class is spent typi...
This is really a great class, and you can learn a lot from it whether you are a complete beginner to iOS, or already an intermediate developer. Here are my thoughts after doing the 1 week class in SF:
-Geppy (the instructor) knows iOS very well. He has worked with iOS/OS X for more than 10 years and can answer any possible question you have.
-Hands on learning. While there is some lecturing to explain concepts, a decent portion of the class is spent typing code, which is really the best way to learn.
-Lots of examples. As a lot of the time is spent writing code, this means you can use these examples to look back on later and study
-The most important topics in iOS covered: MapKit, Core Location, Core Animation, Networking, Core Data, UIKit and more
-Geppy does a very good job of explaining the iOS infrastrucutre behind the scenes. Meaning, not just typing code that can be copy and pasted, but WHY things are done the way they are. For example, he explains why the delegation pattern is so common in iOS, why Swift (usually) uses pass by value as opposed to the Objective C pass by reference, amongst other things. He does a good job of explaining the "world of iOS" and the Cocoa Touch frameworks that largely compose it, so that you understand the code you're writing, not just copying it.
-The instrcutor was very willing to help. Any time someone had a problem, he would go to their computer and personally help them 1 on 1 with the issue.
-It was only 1 week. The training really is very intense, and there is a lot to take in. Class was 9-12, Lunch usually 12-12:45, and then class 12:45-5:30/6. There was also 2 additional ~10 minute breaks in the morning and afternoon. For me, the hours were really long. I woud have preferred it to last 1.5 or 2 weeks instead of just the 1 week, but I understand they have their own projects and things to do at the company, so time is an issue.
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad it was really intense and that I coud learn a lot, I just felt the days were a little long. But that's really the only con out of everything. Overall a great experience, and I would certainly recommend it to any beginner-intermediate iOS developer who really wants to further their education in iOS.
Great course!! I would recommend it to everyone interested in learning Swift. The instructors are top notch and super experienced. If you are already working on an iOS project, you could save a ton of time from stuff you will learn within this course.
Great course!! I would recommend it to everyone.
If you would like to truly understand the nuts and bolts of Objective-C and Swift programming languages and learn how to design a scalable iOS application, you have to take iOS training classes taught by INVASIVECODE. I have taken 3 specialized iOS training classes and as a result, I have a much deeper knowledge of Core Data, Core Animation, UI Design, and Instruments. iNVASIVECODE iOS training classes are not merely listening to abstract theories, but actually hands on. Geppy answer...
If you would like to truly understand the nuts and bolts of Objective-C and Swift programming languages and learn how to design a scalable iOS application, you have to take iOS training classes taught by INVASIVECODE. I have taken 3 specialized iOS training classes and as a result, I have a much deeper knowledge of Core Data, Core Animation, UI Design, and Instruments. iNVASIVECODE iOS training classes are not merely listening to abstract theories, but actually hands on. Geppy answered many Objective-C and Swift questions that we students had and was very patient with our learning. Above all, I am very pleased with the classes and will continue to take more other classes from him.
How much does iNVASIVECODE cost?
iNVASIVECODE costs around $3,000.
What courses does iNVASIVECODE teach?
iNVASIVECODE offers courses like 5-day Intensive iOS Training in Swift, 5 day iOS Training Bootcamp, 5-day iOS Training Bootcamp.
Where does iNVASIVECODE have campuses?
iNVASIVECODE has in-person campuses in Barcelona, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.
Is iNVASIVECODE worth it?
iNVASIVECODE hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 4 iNVASIVECODE alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed iNVASIVECODE on Course Report - you should start there!
We let alumni answer that question. 4 iNVASIVECODE alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed iNVASIVECODE and rate their overall experience a 5.0 out of 5.
Does iNVASIVECODE offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?
Right now, it doesn't look like iNVASIVECODE offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.
Can I read iNVASIVECODE reviews?
You can read 4 reviews of iNVASIVECODE on Course Report! iNVASIVECODE alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed iNVASIVECODE and rate their overall experience a 5.0 out of 5.
Is iNVASIVECODE accredited?
While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. iNVASIVECODE doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.
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