

Average Rating4.99
221 Reviews
4 Courses

MySkill is an Indonesian-based training provider offering online, part-time bootcamps covering topics like data science (8 weeks), product management (10 weeks), UI/UX design (5 weeks), data analysis (5 weeks), and digital marketing (6 weeks). Students will graduate with a portfolio to show potential employers. MySkill is designed for complete beginners and no experience is necessary to apply. MySkill is designed to prepare students for roles in tech after graduation and job support is part of the curriculum. Career services include CV building, LinkedIn profile assistance, and interview prep.

221 MySkill Reviews

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  • Muhammad Dennis Nur'iman
    Muhammad Dennis Nur'iman
    Student • Student • Digital Marketing • Online
    Jan 15, 2023
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    Materinya sangat dibutuhkan oleh orang orang yang pengen mendalami digital marketing. Mulai dari pengertian digital marketing, sampai bagaimana cara kita membuat brand, konten, ads, dan lain lain.
  • Fatin Alifah
    Fatin Alifah
    Graduate • Digital Marketing • Online
    Jan 15, 2023
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    Awal tau myskill dari ads, penasaran dan akhirnya join. Salah satu bootcamp dengan harga terjangkau, untuk aku yang freshgrad belum punya pemasukan cocok banget. MySkill merupakan platform penyedia layanan dalam merintis karir impiannya secara end-to-end. Bootcamp Digital Marketing dari Myskill merupakan pelatihan online secara intensif dan live bersama mentor expert dari Top Companies di Indonesia. Materi Bootcamp ini dirancang secara terstruktur dari dasar hingga lanjut dengan standar ...
  • Christoporus Chandra
    Christoporus Chandra
    Student • Digital Marketing • Online
    Jan 15, 2023
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    Good Job

    Seru banget belajar disini apalaagi kita bisa belajar mulai dari dasarnya dan bisa berdiskusi dengan para mentor yang sudah berpengalaman di bidangnya dari bootcamp tersebut kita bissa punya portofolio yang berguna 
  • Lisa Polimpung
    Lisa Polimpung
    Graduate • Digital Marketing • Online
    Jan 15, 2023
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    MySkill really helps me with my study in Digital Marketing. When I first start the course I barely know anything about Digital Marketing and I thought it will be hard to follow, however, the instructors were really nice and kind, and the lessons are easy to follow and beginner friendly.
    I get so much knowledge and insight, and not to mention with a good price as well. I really recommended this boot camp!
  • Marcel Marcel
    Marcel Marcel
    Applicant • Digital Marketing • Online
    Jan 15, 2023
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    Digital Marketing

    Digital Marketing bootcamp from MySkill is good.  Its Helping me to understand digital marketing from zero. Not only the theory of digital marketing, MySkill also provides a program to accelerate digital sales of MSME in Indonesia. 
  • Muhammad Muhyiddin
    Muhammad Muhyiddin
    Student • Digital Marketing • Online
    Jan 15, 2023
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    Sangat memberikan manfaat lebih

    Sangat bermanfaat buat saya karena meningkatkan skill saya di bidang digital marketing ilmunya sangat liar biasa dan langsung di bimbing oleh para ahli yang susah berpengalaman di bidang digital marketing saya sendiri baru tiga jari ini mengikutinya dan itu sangat bermanfaat buat saya
  • Rindina Hundura
    Rindina Hundura
    Graduate • Digital Marketing • Online
    Jan 15, 2023
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    Marketing boothcamp

    dulu join batch 15 marketing boothcamp selama 3 bulan. Buat pemula kelas ini cukup membantu dan kelasnya mudah dimengerti juga belajar study kasus dan ada real project juga.
    Buat yang sudah terjun dibidang marketing juga direkomendasi ikut untuk cathcing up with the trend karena kelas ini bisa nambah portofolio juga plus memperluas networking di dunia digital marketing.  
  • Yohana
    Marketing • Graduate • Digital Marketing • Online
    Jan 15, 2023
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    Boot Camp digital marketing

    Selama bootcamp , ada waktu tanya jawab cukup panjang jadi lebih paham tentang materinya. Selain itu ada group real project yang bisa direview progressnya, jadi lebih paham praktek ilmu nya dan apa saja yang harus diperbaikin selama menjalani digital marketing.
  • Ageng Prakoso
    Ageng Prakoso
    Content Creator • Graduate • Digital Marketing • Online
    Jan 15, 2023
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    Apart from learning materially, this bootcamp provides many study cases about digital marketing in full, and don't forget that we are also participating in the final project, which is an activity to implement what we have learned in this botcamp.
  • Hesti aprianti
    Hesti aprianti
    Sociak media officers • Applicant • Digital Marketing • Online
    Jan 11, 2023
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    My go to class to learn digital marketing

    myskill had been my forever go to class to learn more about digital marketing for the past 1,5years. the tutor(s) are super duper expert in their field yet affordable. 

    I'm so thrilled to continue my journey becoming qualified digital marketer this year with @Myskill. myskill had been my forever go to class to learn more about digital marketing for the past 1,5years. the tutor(s) are super duper expert in their field yet affordable. 

    I'm so thrilled to continue my journey b...
  • Thalia Jessica Jos
    Thalia Jessica Jos
    Freelancer • Graduate • Digital Marketing • Online
    Jan 10, 2023
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    Insightful, Love Discussion, Fun

    If you want to learning about digital marketing for level Beginner to Intermediate, I definitely recommend invest yourself in digital marketing MySkill Bootcamp for upgrade your skills. 

    This knowledge is definitely helping us for learning digital marketing, start from experiences tutor who can taught many student's with the best material's and more learning in practical. Not just from tutor, but you can discuss together with many student's member and also you can get more network...
  • Theresia Deviyana
    Theresia Deviyana
    Student • Student • Product Management • Online
    Jan 10, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Very Good Bootcamp

    overall mantap banget bootcamp nya sangat membantu para pemula atau yang mau switch career, karena materi yang dibawakan sangat mudah untuk dipahami karena dibantu oleh tutor yang berpengalaman jadi hampir semua materi pasti di elaborate oleh tutor dengan keseharian pekerjaan mereka sebagai PM, sehingga semakin terbayang keseharian PM itu seperti apa, terlebih lagi sesi practical nya dengan mini task dan final project membuat kita lebih terbiasa untuk mempraktekan materi yang telah diaja...

MySkill Alumni Outcomes

Recent MySkill News

Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated December 04, 2024
Course Report · 2022: The Year in Review for Coding Bootcamp News As we wrap up 2022, we’re reporting on the biggest coding bootcamp news about fundraises and new campuses that we saw in December. A new study released this month detailed how to increase bootcamp graduate outcomes in today’s job market. A tech-recruiter-turned-software-engineer weighs in on why employers need to update th...

MySkill Alumni Reviews Summary

Based on 200+ MySkill alumni reviews on Course Report, MySkill is praised for its variety of online, part-time bootcamps, including data science, product management, UI/UX design, and digital marketing. Alumni commend the well-structured curriculum, expert instructors, and the practical, project-based approach. A student commented, "The learning experience is extremely beneficial, especially for those venturing into UI/UX design." However, reviews also suggest that the bootcamps are quite new and may lack the depth of longer-established programs.
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Guarantees Job
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent MySkill News

How much does MySkill cost?

MySkill costs around Rp550,000. On the lower end, some MySkill courses like UI/UX Research and Design cost Rp350,000.

What courses does MySkill teach?

MySkill offers courses like Data Analysis, Digital Marketing, Product Management, UI/UX Research and Design.

Where does MySkill have campuses?

MySkill teaches students Online in a remote classroom.

Is MySkill worth it?

MySkill hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 221 MySkill alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed MySkill on Course Report - you should start there!

Is MySkill legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 221 MySkill alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed MySkill and rate their overall experience a 4.99 out of 5.

Does MySkill offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like MySkill offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read MySkill reviews?

You can read 221 reviews of MySkill on Course Report! MySkill alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed MySkill and rate their overall experience a 4.99 out of 5.

Is MySkill accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. MySkill doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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