

Average Rating4.99
221 Reviews
4 Courses

MySkill is an Indonesian-based training provider offering online, part-time bootcamps covering topics like data science (8 weeks), product management (10 weeks), UI/UX design (5 weeks), data analysis (5 weeks), and digital marketing (6 weeks). Students will graduate with a portfolio to show potential employers. MySkill is designed for complete beginners and no experience is necessary to apply. MySkill is designed to prepare students for roles in tech after graduation and job support is part of the curriculum. Career services include CV building, LinkedIn profile assistance, and interview prep.

221 MySkill Reviews

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  • Artjenius Benz Salipadnag
    Artjenius Benz Salipadnag
    Social Media Specialist • Applicant • Digital Marketing • Online
    Jan 08, 2023
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    The highest quality bootcamp in Indonesia

    I am proud to be one of the participants who can graduate in the digital marketing bootcamp at MySkill.

    I felt a tremendous impact, starting from the mentors and the material presented. The MySkill team is indeed great at catching up with the material. I took 2 classes (Regular and Advanced).

    I hope you become one of the Digital talents in Indonesia who can grow with MySkill
  • Dewi
    Graduate • Data Analysis • Online
    Jan 05, 2023
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    Great and Affordable Bootcamp

    Saya telah selesai mengikuti program Intensive Data Analysis Bootcamp batch 6.
    Materi bootcamp mudah dipahami dan ramah untuk pemula yang ingin mulai belajar analisis data. Selama bootcamp, saya juga berhasil menyelesaikan tiga final project yang dapat saya gunakan sebagai portofolio. Thank you MySkill!
  • Nia
    Student • Product Management • Online
    Jan 05, 2023
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    Bootcamp Product Management

    Selama bootcamp product Management di Myskill, banyak yang dipelajari dan dikemas dengan menarik. Para peserta juga dapat melakukan simulasi menjadi pm ketika minitask berlangsung. Lalu, para pengajar juga menjelaskan dengan baik. Semua kurikulum termasuk update mengikuti trend saat ini. Worth to try buat ikut bootcamp ini untuk yang mau switch career atau sedang menunggu atau mencari pekerjaan
  • Firda Nurul Aulia
    Firda Nurul Aulia
    Student • Digital Marketing • Online
    Jan 05, 2023
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    Cheap and Insightful

    I was stressed because I wanted to switch careers but didn't have a big income yet. But finally, I found myskill which provides an intensive bootcamp at a low price. Even though it's cheap, I got a lot of it. We are taught by people who are experts in their fields. Not only that, mostly, the tutors are from well-known brands in Indonesia. We also got a projects to help SME (Small and Medium Enterprise) in optimizing their digital marketing. So we can immediately put into practice the kno...
  • Fahmi Khairi Al Azmi
    Fahmi Khairi Al Azmi
    Graduate • Digital Marketing • Online
    Jan 05, 2023
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    Digital marketing

    Digital marketing di myskill ini cocok buat pemula yang ingin mengenal dunia digital marketing. Selama pembelajaran banyak sekali ilmu ilmu yang belum pernah saya dapatkan sebelumnya, terima kasih myskill karena dengan myskill jadi tahu apa itu digital marketing
  • Andhika Satya Wicaksana
    Andhika Satya Wicaksana
    Graduate • UI/UX Research and Design • Online
    Jan 05, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    good bootcamp..

    Nice programme. Basic chase bootcamp for beginners. And given good directions for the program that is running. So I can conclude, this is pretty good for beginners who want to learn the basics
  • Dwi Wahyuni
    Dwi Wahyuni
    Social Media Specialist • Applicant • Digital Marketing • Online
    Jan 04, 2023
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    Digital Marketing Myskill Course

    Beberapa pengajar bisa membangun suasana yang baik sehingga ada interaksi dua arah, terlepas ilmu yang diberikan mungkin masih bisa didapat dari pembelajaran secara mandiri seperti melalui Youtube, tapi seluruh mentornya sudah berpengalaman di bidang masing-masing sehingga mereka bisa memberikan ilmu atau sharing pengalaman yang yang lebih relevan. Sebenernya aku berharap banget setioap materi bisa dipelajari lebih dalam lagi terutama tentang SEO dan Ads, tapi yang pastinya hal ini juga ...
  • Marcelinus Elfredo Ardyan Djasa Papur
    Marcelinus Elfredo Ardyan Djasa Papur
    Applicant • UI/UX Research and Design • Online
    Jan 03, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    Bootcamp Keren, Kompleks

    Bulan lalu, saya baru saja menyelesaikan Bootcamp tentang UI/UX. Bootcamp nya seru, lengkap, mentor yang keren dan sangat berpengalaman. Jika ada kesempatan lain, saya ingin lagi mengikuti bootcamp untuk belajar skill yang lain😄 Terimakasih MySkill
  • Muhammad Reza Darussalam
    Muhammad Reza Darussalam
    jobseeker • Graduate • Digital Marketing • Online
    Jan 03, 2023
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    digital marketing

    Belajar banyak hal dari pelatihan ini, ternyata untuk anak muda yg ingin berkarir atau berbisnis sekalipun banyak tahap yang harus dikerjakan. Boothcamp digital marketing cocok sekali dengan kita yg ingin memulainya, materi yg diberikan pun sangat update. terimakasih myskill.
  • Puspa Dwi
    Graduate • Digital Marketing • Online
    Jul 16, 2023
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    Myskill bootcamp pertama sekali yang diikuti, para mentor dtg dri berbagai tmpt keren, ngajar dgn sistem yg mudah dipahami . diajari dari awal bgt jdi sya sebagai pemula sgt terbantu oleh Myskill
  • Darmawan
    Student • Data Analysis • Online
    Jul 16, 2023
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    Baik untuk pemula.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
  • Muhammad Hafizh
    Graduate • Product Management • Online
    Mar 11, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    Bootcamp Product

    Bootcamp MySkill bagus banget dan bener - bener ningkatin pengetahuan aku secara signifikan, semoga tetap di pertahankan yaaa dan kalo bisa makin lebih baik. dan semoga makin banyak program nya

MySkill Alumni Outcomes

Recent MySkill News

Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated December 04, 2024
Course Report · 2022: The Year in Review for Coding Bootcamp News As we wrap up 2022, we’re reporting on the biggest coding bootcamp news about fundraises and new campuses that we saw in December. A new study released this month detailed how to increase bootcamp graduate outcomes in today’s job market. A tech-recruiter-turned-software-engineer weighs in on why employers need to update th...

MySkill Alumni Reviews Summary

Based on 200+ MySkill alumni reviews on Course Report, MySkill is praised for its variety of online, part-time bootcamps, including data science, product management, UI/UX design, and digital marketing. Alumni commend the well-structured curriculum, expert instructors, and the practical, project-based approach. A student commented, "The learning experience is extremely beneficial, especially for those venturing into UI/UX design." However, reviews also suggest that the bootcamps are quite new and may lack the depth of longer-established programs.
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Guarantees Job
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent MySkill News

How much does MySkill cost?

MySkill costs around Rp550,000. On the lower end, some MySkill courses like UI/UX Research and Design cost Rp350,000.

What courses does MySkill teach?

MySkill offers courses like Data Analysis, Digital Marketing, Product Management, UI/UX Research and Design.

Where does MySkill have campuses?

MySkill teaches students Online in a remote classroom.

Is MySkill worth it?

MySkill hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 221 MySkill alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed MySkill on Course Report - you should start there!

Is MySkill legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 221 MySkill alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed MySkill and rate their overall experience a 4.99 out of 5.

Does MySkill offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like MySkill offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read MySkill reviews?

You can read 221 reviews of MySkill on Course Report! MySkill alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed MySkill and rate their overall experience a 4.99 out of 5.

Is MySkill accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. MySkill doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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