
Pipeline Data Engineering Academy

Average Rating5.0
14 Reviews
2 Courses

As of June 2022, Pipeline Academy is on hiatus.

Pipeline Data Engineering Academy offers a 12-week, full-time and a 9-week, part-time online data engineering bootcamp. Bootcamp students will learn logs, databases, 3rd party APIs, scraping, Google Analytics, ad-blocking, AWS, GCP, Azure, Python, and OS tools, such as Snowflake, SQS, Kinesis, PubSub, and Kafka. Students will also learn DAG, Airflow, Dbt, Dagster, Mara, Night-shift, and SaaSolutions. Data Engineering students will learn PostgreSQL, RedShift, Presto, and Clickhouse. Bootcamp students will learn principles of data warehousing and computation, such as dimension conformance, consolidation, indexing, distribution, partitioning, precomputation, and query blueprints. The curriculum covers VMs, Kubernetes, GitHub, NoSQL, Flask, and Shiny.  

The Pipeline Data Engineering Academy bootcamp is ideal for those who are currently working as Data Analysts, Software Engineers, Data Scientists, and Product Managers. However, any interested applicants are welcome to apply. Those with no experience can complete a 2-week prep work to prepare for the bootcamp.

14 Pipeline Data Engineering Academy Reviews

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  • Romi
    Graduate • Data Engineering (Online) • Online
    Verified by GitHub
    Jan 27, 2022
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Exceptionally insightful!

    I have three noteworthy points on this course:
    • The content is focused, pragmatic and covers important data engineering aspects in depth. It offers flexibility as well - you can cover the basics or deep dive into a topic depending on your interests.
    • You will get a lot of personalized support for your project, struggles and doubts along the way. That was one of the most valuable aspects to me. 
    • Daniel and Peter created a learning environment that was truly e...

    Peter Fabian of Pipeline Data Engineering Academy

    Co-Founder Pipeline Academy

    Feb 01, 2022


    Thank you for choosing Pipeline Academy, and thanks for making the most out of it: it was a pleasure to learn together with you. Best of luck to you for the future - and stay in touch! :) 

  • Patrycja
    Graduate • Data Engineering (Online) • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Oct 23, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great place to learn

    From all courses and bootcamps I considered before joining, Pipeline Academy offers the most convincing curriculum and after finishing the course I'm totally happy about my decision making. 
    The course covers many different topics and tools and is a good starting point for getting into data engineering, but most importantly, it teaches critical thinking and decision making, when it comes to choosing tools from the vast amount of options. 
    Daniel is not only a great and motivated te...

    Peter Fabian of Pipeline Data Engineering Academy

    Co-Founder Pipeline Academy

    Oct 25, 2021


    Thank you for choosing Pipeline Academy, and congratulations for mastering the course in such an impressive fashion. Best of luck to you for the future - and stay in touch! :) 

  • Tomek
    Data Engineer • Graduate • Data Engineering (Online) • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Sep 08, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Best education in my career

     I'm writing this review three months after the bootcamp, with a signed  contract for a position of Data Engineer laying on my desk. The salary is higher than I hoped for before joining and I could've landed the job sooner if I didn't go on a holiday after. 
    This could be the end of the review, but I'll add a few more details.

    Before joining I had some experience in software engineering and product, I decided to move into the data world and couldn't have imagined a better start...

    Peter Fabian of Pipeline Data Engineering Academy

    Co-Founder Pipeline Academy

    Sep 10, 2021


    Thank you for choosing Pipeline Academy and thanks for your kind words! We're more than proud to have such positive and curious people like you within our alumni. Best of luck to you in you new role - and stay in touch! :) 

  • Amy
    Data Engineer • Student • Data Engineering (Online) • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Jun 21, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Don’t miss your chance to become a Data Engineer

    I had done a lot of online courses related to Data Engineering but it always felt like I didn't learn enough to land a job as a Data Engineer, so I decided to sign up for the Data Pipeline Academy Bootcamp and it was the best decision ever. Despite learning online during the entire Bootcamp because of the Corona situation, I felt like I was at a table with my classmates, we learned a lot of topics with real examples and hands-on exercises. Also my coaches Daniel and Peter were always the...

    Peter Fabian of Pipeline Data Engineering Academy

    Co-Founder Pipeline Academy

    Jul 06, 2021


    Thank you for choosing Pipeline Academy and thanks for being part of our amazing founding cohort. Best of luck to you for the future - and stay in touch! :) 

  • Roni wijaya
    Roni wijaya
    Senior data engineer • Applicant • Online
    Dec 11, 2024
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Expand your skills

    Datacamp helps me to be more energetic and enthusiastic to develop the skills I want to achieve with structured material accompanied by repeated practice so that understanding is not quickly lost.
    Test Consultant • Student • Online
    Nov 16, 2024
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Online Bootcamp at Lewagon for DataEngineering

    Online boot camp was tough in times of the different tools and technologies needed to learn in a span of 6 months. Teachers were helpful in achieving that goal. They pushed me forward to do my exercises/ challenges and very helpful when I am Stuck. Challenges were constructed in a way to apply what we learn in the lectures. Completing the challenges improved my confidence each and every time
  • Justin Quinn
    Justin Quinn
    Graduate • Online
    Feb 23, 2024
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Data Engineer Certification

    The course material is very dense. You'll learn the basics of Python, SQL, Pandas, NumPy, AWS, and Generative AI. Every week is something new, and you'll have a few projects under your belt by the time you're done. My instructors were a joy to work with, and I'm still amazed at how efficiently so much information is covered in each lesson. Fast learners will do very well, but for most students, my best suggestion is to go to the homework reviews whenever you struggled the night before an...
  • Kiril
    Graduate • Data Engineering (Online) • Online
    Dec 16, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Data Engineer

    These were very productive and challenging three months at Pipeline Academy. Important to understand that this is not a coding bootcamp where you learn to program without any prior knowledge. You already need to have some degree of technical background not only to get admitted but also to successfully follow through the course. The curriculum is very diverse but most importantly it succeeds to provide the necessary skill set of building data products using the modern eco system. It helps...

    Peter Fabian of Pipeline Data Engineering Academy

    Co-Founder Pipeline Academy

    Dec 17, 2021


    Thank you for choosing Pipeline Academy and thanks for your awesome feedback! We're more than proud to have such curious and dedicated people like you within our alumni. Best of luck to you in you new role - and stay in touch! :) 

  • Rinze
    Graduate • Data Engineering Full-time Online • Berlin
    Jul 05, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Learning you the bigger picture

    I participated in the first cohort of this course and I was surprised at the level at which Pipeline Academy operates. Instead of just learning you a set of tricks of how to perform certain tasks, they go way beyond that and make you think about the why and how. By focusing on the underlying concepts, their approach enables you to handle (not just current) techniques, but it also sets you up for future tools. One point of note is that the field of data engineering is too big to fully go ...

    Peter Fabian of Pipeline Data Engineering Academy

    Co-Founder Pipeline Academy

    Jul 06, 2021


    Thank you for choosing Pipeline Academy and thanks for being part of our amazing founding cohort. Best of luck to you for the future - and stay in touch! :) 

  • Guoda
    Graduate • Data Engineering Full-time Online • Berlin
    Jun 10, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Absolutely loved it!

    I joined this course having little knowledge of programming languages or data architectures. My aim was to learn best practices for different data architecture setups and have confidence when working on variety of IT projects. In this course I gained so much more than the knowledge about data architecture. I learned the generic approach of how to move forward in the unknown technical field, how to tackle bugs, how to separate good products from confusing ones. All the courses that I had ...

    Peter Fabian of Pipeline Data Engineering Academy

    Co-Founder Pipeline Academy

    Jul 06, 2021


    Thank you for choosing Pipeline Academy and thanks for being part of our amazing founding cohort. What a journey it was! Best of luck to you for the future - and stay in touch! :) 

  • Michele
    Student • Data Engineering Full-time Online • Berlin
    Jun 04, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    A great learning experience

    When I decided to join Pipeline, I already knew it would not be the easiest school. But with the right attitude, motivation and following the guide of the experienced instructors I was able to turn myself into a data engineer. I was surprised about myself after I could develop my first data product end to end. I could learn about the different tools that are needed and apply them to real life data projects. If I would hesitate to apply for a data engineering position in the past, I am co...

    Peter Fabian of Pipeline Data Engineering Academy

    Co-Founder Pipeline Academy

    Jul 06, 2021


    Thank you for choosing Pipeline Academy and thanks for being part of our amazing founding cohort. Best of luck to you for the future - and stay in touch! :) 

  • Lisa
    Jun 04, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Bring Data alive - from End to End

    I could not decide whether to begin one of the well-known Data Science courses or to be part of the founding cohort of this Data Engineering Bootcamp. In the end I’ve chosen Pipeline Academy because I wanted to learn how to bring data products to life, from end to end. After graduation I am totally able to apply for Data Engineering or similar positions. I know about the tools, have tried them during the course or at least know how to learn or replace the „fast-fashion...

    Peter Fabian of Pipeline Data Engineering Academy

    Co-Founder Pipeline Academy

    Jul 06, 2021


    Thank you for choosing Pipeline Academy and thanks for being part of our amazing founding cohort. Best of luck to you for the future - and stay in touch! :) 


Pipeline Data Engineering Academy Alumni Outcomes

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Pipeline Data Engineering Academy Alumni Reviews Summary

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Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent Pipeline Data Engineering Academy News

How much does Pipeline Data Engineering Academy cost?

Pipeline Data Engineering Academy costs around €9,900. On the lower end, some Pipeline Data Engineering Academy courses like Data Engineering Part-time Online cost €8,500.

What courses does Pipeline Data Engineering Academy teach?

Pipeline Data Engineering Academy offers courses like Data Engineering Full-time Online, Data Engineering Part-time Online.

Where does Pipeline Data Engineering Academy have campuses?

Pipeline Data Engineering Academy has an in-person campus in Berlin.

Is Pipeline Data Engineering Academy worth it?

Pipeline Data Engineering Academy hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 14 Pipeline Data Engineering Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Pipeline Data Engineering Academy on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Pipeline Data Engineering Academy legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 14 Pipeline Data Engineering Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Pipeline Data Engineering Academy and rate their overall experience a 5.0 out of 5.

Does Pipeline Data Engineering Academy offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Pipeline Data Engineering Academy offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Pipeline Data Engineering Academy reviews?

You can read 14 reviews of Pipeline Data Engineering Academy on Course Report! Pipeline Data Engineering Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Pipeline Data Engineering Academy and rate their overall experience a 5.0 out of 5.

Is Pipeline Data Engineering Academy accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Pipeline Data Engineering Academy doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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