
SecurityStudio Academy

Average Rating5.0
5 Reviews
2 Courses

SecurityStudio Academy is a vCISO cybersecurity training provider offering a 10-week, live online Certified virtual Chief Information Security Officer (CvCISO) foundational course. The CvCISO program covers topics like security fundamentals, client relationships, risk assessment, asset management, incident response, third party information security risk management. The Certified virtual Chief Information Security Officer Course is the foundational course to become a certified vCISO.

Students of all backgrounds and experience levels are welcome to apply to the vCISO SecurityStudio Academy training program.

Students will also prepare to sit for the CvCISO level 1 exam. The cost of the training includes the CvCISO-1 examination fee for vCISO certification.

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5 SecurityStudio Academy Reviews

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  • Matthew Udovich
    Director of Security & Network Engineering, Partner • Graduate • Certified virtual Information Security Officer Training (CvCISO-1 Foundations) • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    May 16, 2024
    Overall Experience
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    Flexibility Is Key

    Like most people looking to level up on their professional education, I found myself wondering 'When?'. While the CvCISO Foundations Course is an extensive time commitment, Evan and his team have curated an excellent curriculum and flexible training platform. You will get the most benefit from attending live, though when life or work came first, I was easily able to review the class content and exercises. Along with that, I was able to go back and review other class content along with my...
  • Jeffrey Birner
    CEO/CvCISO Certified Virtual Chief Information Security Officer • Graduate • Certified virtual Information Security Officer Training (CvCISO-1 Foundations) • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Apr 15, 2024
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    Fast paced and worth it!

    The course can seem fast paced and maybe even overwhelming at times however, Meg and Glen took the time to cover each topic, allowed for discussions within the class and even after class.  No assignment is overwhelming and i recommend you stay on pace.  The experience of discussing perspectives with the instructors and fellow classmates really gave insights you will never learn in a textbook.  The community discussions about real life experiences of current and soon to be CvCISOs provide...

    Meg Perron of SecurityStudio Academy

    SecurityStudio Academy Director

    Apr 16, 2024

    You have a lot of good advice in this review Jeff! Thanks for being such an important part of our CommUnity…we NEED people like you! Stay engaged!!!!
  • Joseph Scimeca
    vCISO • Graduate • Certified virtual Information Security Officer Training (CvCISO-1 Foundations) • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Mar 01, 2024
    Overall Experience
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    The Gold Standard for vCISOs

    I was blessed to find a world-class organization to work for that puts its resources into growing its workforce. Because of this, I took part in a security conference where I met Evan and the SecurityStudio team for a few minutes while walking the conference room floor. I remember hearing about the team from a LinkedIn post and decided to pick up "Unsecurity" by Evan Francen. To say the book was a valuable read would be the understatement of the century. EVERYTHING that I had been thinki...

    Meg Perron of SecurityStudio Academy

    SecurityStudio Academy Director

    Mar 04, 2024

    Thanks for your amazing review Joe. World-class programs attract world-class students!!!! Thanks for being an active part of our program and congrats on your achievement!!! 
  • Dan Ovick
    Dan Ovick
    Graduate • Certified virtual Information Security Officer Training (CvCISO-1 Foundations) • Online
    May 20, 2024
    Overall Experience
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    Top Notch vCISO Certification

    This course really helped me put myself into the shoes of a vCISO and begin to understand the areas I must be knowledgeable in. The course also covered the crucial skills need to run programs such as Third Party Risk Management, Incident Response and other areas such as presenting to a board or executives. Highly recommend taking this course to increase your capabilities as a vCISO and take advantage of the awesome community that is quickly growing with like minded individuals wanting to...
  • James Keltgen
    James Keltgen
    IT Director • Graduate • Certified virtual Information Security Officer Training (CvCISO-1 Foundations) • Online
    Mar 04, 2024
    Overall Experience
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    CvCISO Course Experience

    Enrolling in the CvCISO course was one of the best decisions I've made for my cybersecurity career. Not only did it cover the fundamental concepts with depth and clarity, but it surpassed my expectations by seamlessly integrating real-world examples that brought the theories to life. Simply put, the course aggregated years of experienced cybersecurity "hard knocks" into a cohesive platform to apply concepts, learn, and grow. What truly set this course apart was its ...

    Meg Perron of SecurityStudio Academy

    SecurityStudio Academy Director

    Mar 04, 2024

    Thanks for your review James! You were a top-notch student that remained actively engaged throughout the class and beyond! Thank you for being a big part of our community! We appreciate you!

SecurityStudio Academy Alumni Outcomes

Recent SecurityStudio Academy News

Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated January 31, 2024
Happy 2024! The demand for “New Collar” workers and skills-based hiring was a key takeaway from the news in January. Alongside the call for increased skills-based hiring, there were five programs conscientiously launching tech skills training this month that are either reduced tuition or totally free to students. At Course Report, we released our list of the 39 Best Coding Bootcamps of 2024 w...
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SecurityStudio Academy Alumni Reviews Summary

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Accepts GI Bill
Recent SecurityStudio Academy News

How much does SecurityStudio Academy cost?

SecurityStudio Academy costs around $3,000. On the lower end, some SecurityStudio Academy courses like Managing Information Security in Complex Environments (CvCISO-E) On-Demand Course cost $500.

Where does SecurityStudio Academy have campuses?

SecurityStudio Academy teaches students Online in a remote classroom.

Is SecurityStudio Academy worth it?

SecurityStudio Academy hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 5 SecurityStudio Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed SecurityStudio Academy on Course Report - you should start there!

Is SecurityStudio Academy legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 5 SecurityStudio Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed SecurityStudio Academy and rate their overall experience a 5.0 out of 5.

Does SecurityStudio Academy offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like SecurityStudio Academy offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read SecurityStudio Academy reviews?

You can read 5 reviews of SecurityStudio Academy on Course Report! SecurityStudio Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed SecurityStudio Academy and rate their overall experience a 5.0 out of 5.

Is SecurityStudio Academy accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. SecurityStudio Academy doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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