
Skill Switch

Average Rating5.0
2 Reviews
1 Course

Skill Switch is a tech training provider offering 32-week, online, part-time bootcamps in back end development. The Backend Engineering bootcamp covers topics like Python, ChatGPT, SQL, database management, Git, Django, front end templates, AWS, and Docker. Students will develop a portfolio of projects to show potential employers after graduation.

Beginners and students with no experience are welcome to apply to Skill Switch. Students that are not accepted are welcome to reapply after 6 months.

Skill Switch is designed to help students find jobs after graduation and career support is included in the curriculum. Career services include resume building, interview practice, LinkedIn profile assistance, and 1-on-1 career coaching. Skill Switch offers a money-back guarantee for students that fail to find a job within 9 months of graduating. 

Skill Switch offers deferred tuition to increase accessibility.

2 Skill Switch Reviews

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  • John
    Software Engineer • Graduate • Backend Engineering • Online
    Verified by GitHub
    Apr 02, 2024
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great coding bootcamp experience

    My experience at Skill Switch was transformative. The bootcamp was easy to follow and understand. While it was self-paced and all online, they pushed me to follow the recommended timeline which was rewarding. It allowed me to work on meaningful projects, enhancing my portfolio with Python, Django, and AWS skills. The instructors were knowledgeable and supportive.
  • Nicolas
    Student • Backend Engineering • Online
    Apr 11, 2024
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance


    I just started whit the Backend Engineering course, and it's a grate experience. Being my first time interacting with programming knowledge, the course is very intuitive, leaving concepts clear and explaining with practical examples. I will definitely continue advancing in this course and I sincerely recommend it to anyone who wants to start on the path of Software Engineering 

Skill Switch Alumni Outcomes

Recent Skill Switch News

Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated April 01, 2024
This March, AI literacy, skills-based hiring, and apprenticeships continued to be top of mind in the coding bootcamp space. Three reports released this month detailed the rising importance of upskilling the current workforce on the use of AI. The federal government issued an executive order on creating more apprenticeship opportunities, and skills-based hiring saw a boost in overall job listi...

Skill Switch Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
Job Assistance
Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent Skill Switch News

How much does Skill Switch cost?

Skill Switch costs around $6,400.

What courses does Skill Switch teach?

Skill Switch offers courses like Backend Engineering.

Where does Skill Switch have campuses?

Skill Switch teaches students Online in a remote classroom.

Is Skill Switch worth it?

Skill Switch hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 2 Skill Switch alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Skill Switch on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Skill Switch legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 2 Skill Switch alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Skill Switch and rate their overall experience a 5.0 out of 5.

Does Skill Switch offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Yes, Skill Switch accepts the GI Bill!

Can I read Skill Switch reviews?

You can read 2 reviews of Skill Switch on Course Report! Skill Switch alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Skill Switch and rate their overall experience a 5.0 out of 5.

Is Skill Switch accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Skill Switch doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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