Codeworks is an immersive coding bootcamp with campuses in several locations around the world. Students can attend Codeworks courses in-person or remotely. Programs include 8-week and 12-week, full-time, software engineering and full-stack web development courses. All programs cover HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, Express, SQL and NoSQL databases, Angular, and React, with the 12-week course also covering DevOps, continuous deployment and systems architecture.
The courses are divided into two sections: theory and advanced programming topics, then applied learning through building complete products. Codeworks aims to help students build complex apps and gain an advanced understanding of JavaScript. Graduates should be able to build entire applications and contribute to coding projects of any size.
Codeworks is tailored for people at any level with a three-part program process. To apply, candidates must first pass an admission challenge. Applicants with no previous coding experience are offered a remote intro course that covers programming fundamentals, basic JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and more. Once admitted into the program, students complete an 8-week, remote pre-course where covering intermediate programming topics like jQuery, Git, Developer tools, and intro to APIs. Once students pass the pre-course, they can start the main programming course.
All Codeworks programs include hiring events at the end of the course, including portfolio preparation and tech interview training. Finally, all graduates receive lifelong career support, and become part of an international network of alumni and partner companies.
CodeWorks is an incredible experience. If you are wanting to learn to code this is the only bootcamp worth considering in Europe right now.
The level of tuition is super high, the teachers are very knowledgable and very easy to talk to and you are always learning cutting edge technologies and only utilising best practices. The curriculum is also constantly evolving to keep up to date with the demands of modern JavaScript.
It's intense, however the atmosphere is really fri...
CodeWorks is an incredible experience. If you are wanting to learn to code this is the only bootcamp worth considering in Europe right now.
The level of tuition is super high, the teachers are very knowledgable and very easy to talk to and you are always learning cutting edge technologies and only utilising best practices. The curriculum is also constantly evolving to keep up to date with the demands of modern JavaScript.
It's intense, however the atmosphere is really friendly, with everyone fully supporting each other the whole time. Students work together to motivate each other and help each other and achieve goals you wouldnt think possible.
After just a few weeks of leaving CodeWorks and I am already settled into my new role as a Front-End Dev. I was very nervous about this as I had no idea about coding in the "real world", however your level of Coding will be so high after leaving that you will feel very comfortable in any JavaScript role.
If you attend CodeWorks, afterwards you will be a new person, with new skills, able to take on the world.
I'm writing this review 9 days after graduating. And guess what? Today I accepted a very cool job here in Barcelona as a software developer with a competetive over industry average salary. Codeworks set me up with the company on the last week before graduation. I was also doing interviews with multiple other companies with real offers on the table, which I declined.
Before taking the course the first thing I did was to google "codeworks". I read all reviews or comm...
I'm writing this review 9 days after graduating. And guess what? Today I accepted a very cool job here in Barcelona as a software developer with a competetive over industry average salary. Codeworks set me up with the company on the last week before graduation. I was also doing interviews with multiple other companies with real offers on the table, which I declined.
Before taking the course the first thing I did was to google "codeworks". I read all reviews or comments I could find. What made me initially suspicious was that all the reviews were 5-star, and I couldn't find enough criticism. So I was afraid that this could be a scam or a money-grab. But I took a leap of faith, and started anyway. And let me tell you, it's real, and you should take the course!
Expectations, I've given it 5 stars on all accounts. There is certainly things that could be improved upon, but for me these were my expectations:
Codeworks succeded in teaching me all theese things to my satisfaction. When I started, I had no clue what a framwork was, I did not even know what Node.js was.
Here is a breakdown of the course
Pre-course, on their website they say you should reserve 3 months for this. I did it in under one month, and I know many other friends on the batch also did it in a short time. However, I do recommend you to take it very seriously and it learn well. If you dont, you will struggle during the actual course. The most important part of this is to complete the codeacademy courses well, in particular the Javascript part, take your time and try to really learn it. Also try to solve as many coding challenges that you find online. The actual pre-course material given by Codeworks, could be better in my opinion, it did it, but I didn't really understand or learn so much from it. If you struggle during the pre-course do not be afraid to prolonge your start, and take your time learning it.
Junior-part, this is the first half of the course. After breakfast each day, you will get a toy-problem to solve, theese are actual coding challenges from companies. It's fun and slightly competetive, I enjoyed this part alot. During the day you will learn the fundementals of javascript, algoriths, data-structures, front-end frameworks, Node, back-end frameworks and much more. I recommend to take pair or group programming seriously and resist working solo, you will learn much more if you find someone you sync with, and work together during this part.
Senior-part, the second part of the course you will put everything to practise. The first project you will make is alone. On this part I created, which is a fantasy book recommendation engine. Building a project on your own was for me the most rewarding part of the course, I gained the confidence to start believing "I can do anything if I put my mind, blood, sweat and tears innit". Learning how to publish it online using AWS, and getting your own microserver was super cool. During the senior part you will also make two other cool projects, this time in increasing group sizes. You will learn industry practises on git workflow and agile programming. During our thesis project, real companies sent representatives to asses our presentations and projects.
Graduation, big thanks to Marc @ codeworks for setting us up with real companies. After the course you wont be alone, codeworks will assist you to find work. During the last week of the bootcamp, we had about 10 companies who sent their developers and CTO's to interview the students. Many of us will land jobs in theese companies. After graduating i would make an wild estimate of 10/15 persons getting a job during the first month, with the rest getting a job within a few months.
Social, I gained many very good friends during this course and met super awesome people. I think our batch was amazing and while we worked harder than we have ever before, we had very much fun doing it. The teachers and the personnel at codeworks awesome and supportive, and they do their best to teach you what you need to learn and making you ready to start a career in development.
Summary, nothing is free, codeworks will give you the tools and they will provide everything you need to learn. If you are not ready, motivated and willing to work&learn from 9.00 - 21.00 six days a week for three months this course is not for you. Many of us, me including even worked 7 days a week, also opting to not take a break between junior and seniour part. In otherwords, this is a hard-core bootcamp, and that's why it is the best bootcamp in Europe.
Disclaimer, I wrote this review because I wanted to review Codeworks, reviewing the course is completely optional. Hope you found it helpful!
- Chris
It’s been over a year since I decided I wanted to become a software developer and almost 3 months since I finished what was probably to date one of the most transformative periods of my life - the Codeworks coding bootcamp.
There are a number of reasons why I decided to wait before writing this review; the main one was to understand the skill level that the course had given me, but also so that I could fully digest what was a very intense experience which was filled with loads of ...
It’s been over a year since I decided I wanted to become a software developer and almost 3 months since I finished what was probably to date one of the most transformative periods of my life - the Codeworks coding bootcamp.
There are a number of reasons why I decided to wait before writing this review; the main one was to understand the skill level that the course had given me, but also so that I could fully digest what was a very intense experience which was filled with loads of highs and very few lows.
I have tried to be as candid as possible, with the intention of giving you a clear and realistic impression of what it is like to be a Codeworks student and also how you can maximise the effect the bootcamp will have in your professional endeavors.
Firstly, I can truly say that Codeworks is affective. I am a couple of months into a new role as a software engineer and the investment has not only allowed me to ‘get in the door’ but has helped ensured I am confidently making a difference to a living, breathing product in a way I could not have imagined this soon into the job.
In the run-up to starting the course in January 2018, I made the decision to give myself two 3 months to fully complete the pre-course and really prepare for the big step up that awaits you from day 1. I highly recommend that you give yourself as much time as you can afford at this stage, as you will get the most out of the pre-course if you spend time really digging into each section and feel very comfortable reimplementing it on the fly.
Please, please do not underestimate this part of the course. From my experience and I’m sure others would agree, those students who skipped or failed the complete the pre-course struggled at the beginning of the course and each topic thereafter was significantly more challenging. The pre-course is intending to give you a solid foundation from which you can quickly pick up new topics at the speed that is required. If you fail to prepare properly here, your experience for the main course will be severely hindered.
In addition to the pre-course, I did as many Codewars Katas ( as I could, reaching Level 4. These will greatly improve your ability to quickly solve algorithms and engrain the thought-patterns that are essential to your success as a developer. You will also complete daily challenges during the first part of the main course, so completing 4-5 daily Katas goes a long way towards helping you approach these challenges correctly.
Moving onto the main course is an exciting but slightly nervous step. I came from the UK, so relocating to Barcelona was a significant step in my life and not one to be taken lightly. However, the city is an energising, happy place where you will be made to feel at home. Unlike other major European cities, such as London or Paris, the way of life in Barcelona is well suited to the deep and intense learning journey you will undertake. You will be able to contrast the hard work during the course with relaxing trips to the beach, the luxury of almost constant sunshine, and the quiet streets of nearby districts such as Barceloneta - it was a pleasure to live in the city and I wish I could have stayed for longer!
The course itself starts how it means to go on - it captures the true meaning of what a bootcamp should be! The first part of the course is intense and very tiring. Coupled with your fresh start in a new place, it will be a shock to your system. You should ensure you get plenty of sleep, look after your body with fresh, healthy food and be mindful that you are undertaking a short-term but intentionally stressful few months.
The first part of the courses feels as if you are learning too much, too fast. You cover a range of topics at breakneck speed with rarely get a chance to catch your breath and digest what you have learned. On top of this, you will feel as if you don’t actually understand what you are learning and that things really aren’t sinking in. You may even start to panic. Please, please, please trust the instructors when they say you are learning these topics. Although it doesn’t feel like it, this method of learning works and will be evident to see in the projects of the batch of students that began the course before you and in your own projects during the second half of the course.
You won’t believe it at the time, but the course is almost perfectly balanced to offer the correct amount of information at the right speed. I say ‘almost’ because there is always room for improvement, as I would like to see more emphasis and strictness on the pre-course which would give more room for even more advanced topics in the main course. However, you will not find a bootcamp out there that covers such advanced topics in both JavaScript and computer science.
The second part of the course transforms from being an intense and tiring whirlwind to a platform where you begin to understand your true potential as a programmer and start building your first real web applications. The week-long break you receive between the two sections helps you digest what you’ve learned and gives your brain some much-needed rest. You return and almost by magic your understanding of those topics that were once so foreign and confusing now seem to have consolidated.
Once you begin with the project work, your learning curve really begins to steepen. Utilising the toolkit you have been equipped within the first six weeks, you will produce three portfolio-standard pieces of work that will prove invaluable in your search for a job. I worked on 2 web applications and implementing testing for an open-source React library, giving me plenty to talk about in interviews. You will also be given the freedom to explore all areas of JavaScript and learn the peripheral technologies that give you an edge as a developer searching for a job.
The scope of the projects also means that you become a genuine full stack developer. You will be expected to produce projects demonstrating your abilities using Node frameworks and frontend frameworks, as well as your proficiency of conceptualising a technical product with a clear use-case. I feel that the structure of these projects was very much geared towards prepping students for a real product environment, as you will begin to think about the work you are doing from a product perspective - again this is a big advantage when looking for roles after the course.
As I was returning to the UK following the course, I did not partake in the hiring week although the support with your CV, LinkedIn and how to approach applications and interviews are thorough and very useful. However, the real value in the course is not seen until you take on your first technical test.
I was very proactive in attempting to get interviews and speaking to recruiters. You will not have any shortage of interest so please do not start until you’ve reached the hiring week - it will only distract you! After applying for 43 roles, I received 26 responses requesting calls or meetings. I made it through to 10 technical tests where I was either coding on-screen, completing pre-defined questions or building a small app. Of all of these tests, I was offered final stage interviews with 9 and received 5 job offers.
You will come out the other side of Codeworks not as a junior developer, but as a mid-level developer that is only lacking in professional experience. My boss and product manager at my new job have been pleasantly surprised at the standard of knowledge I have been equipped with through Codeworks and by no means consider me to be junior. This is a credit to the bootcamp and unfortunately, the most difficult problem they still need to overcome is getting their name out to the world that they are the premier coding bootcamp in Europe that produces quality outcomes - they are head and shoulders above the rest.
The experience as a whole was life-changing. I love being a developer. Being paid to do something I enjoy is a dream-come-true and although I could have eventually done it on my own or through another bootcamp, doing it with Codeworks has meant I’ve reached a higher professional level faster and cheaper, as well as meeting some friends for life and gaining an experience I will talk about as long as I live.
If you are looking for a new career in software development or considering a bootcamp, cross everyone else off your list. If you’re willing to work hard, commit to your future in a meaningful and fulfilling way, and searching for a real challenge then Codeworks should be your home for 3 months.
Having been a Software Developer and Consultant for many years, I was way older than most of the other students. The plan was to take a crash course in Node.js stack and it turned out to be a good choice. These people know what they are doing and the students are on a high level. Definitively recommendable.
The precourse is already tougher than a lot of bootcamps but it's always worth it. It's unbelievable how much you learn in 3 months. The support you get from teachers and while getting a job is also great!!
If its your first coding experience I would totally recommend Codeworks. The extensive pre-course gives you a very good basis, instructors always very helpful and there's a wide range of to...
If its your first coding experience I would totally recommend Codeworks. The extensive pre-course gives you a very good basis, instructors always very helpful and there's a wide range of topics explained
I graduated from Codeworks end of October 2017. The whole experience was as intense as I hoped it would, and prepared me perfectly to become a web developer. You will go through various steps during the selection process and will already learn quite a lot before starting the actual course. The on site program is really ambitious and may seem overwhelming at first but builds up very well from pure javascript to practice with back end and front end frameworks, up to the development of involv...
I graduated from Codeworks end of October 2017. The whole experience was as intense as I hoped it would, and prepared me perfectly to become a web developer. You will go through various steps during the selection process and will already learn quite a lot before starting the actual course. The on site program is really ambitious and may seem overwhelming at first but builds up very well from pure javascript to practice with back end and front end frameworks, up to the development of involved applications. So very high motivation to learn and put in the effort is key here, but the great thing is that the team’s dedication to students is crazy high, way above expectations in my opinion.
Another important point is the support we get regarding the job hunt towards the end of the bootcamp, and beyond. Very useful advice and interview preparation, in addition to meeting recruiters. I received 3 job offers in the first month after graduating, two in Barcelona and one in London, all through Codeworks’ network. Couldn’t hope for a better return on investment! Aside from the technical things, the human experience at Codeworks is really great too. Give them a shout!
I reviewed a number of bootcamps before selecting Codeworks – in the interview stages, the entry process for Codeworks was far more challenging than anything else that I encountered, and I took this to be a good gauge of the ambition of the course and people that I would be learning with. I was not disappointed on either front!
The course itself was hugely challenging at times (we covered a lot of new material almost every day and you really will be working 60-70+ hours per week...
I reviewed a number of bootcamps before selecting Codeworks – in the interview stages, the entry process for Codeworks was far more challenging than anything else that I encountered, and I took this to be a good gauge of the ambition of the course and people that I would be learning with. I was not disappointed on either front!
The course itself was hugely challenging at times (we covered a lot of new material almost every day and you really will be working 60-70+ hours per week) but extremely rewarding. Make sure to allocate at least one month for the pre-course, as this is also pretty comprehensive and it will really make things easier for you if you arrive well-prepared (particularly if you don’t have much experience in this space).
I also really enjoyed getting to know my fellow students, the instructors and the wider Codeworks team – everyone is really smart, friendly and helpful, and I think that the network that the school provides (plus on-going support etc) will prove to be extremely valuable going forward.
Overall, highly recommended
I applied to a few bootcamps, codeworks being the only one I applied to with anything close to a tech interview to pass, which reflects on the kind of students you'll meet at codeworks. The staff and students are incredibly hard working. The work enviroment is easy to learn in, and the staff are easy to talk to. I had coded somewhat before but there was never a time I didn't feel challenged. I'm pleased with the outcome. If you're thinking about a coding bootcamp in europe, I don't k...
I applied to a few bootcamps, codeworks being the only one I applied to with anything close to a tech interview to pass, which reflects on the kind of students you'll meet at codeworks. The staff and students are incredibly hard working. The work enviroment is easy to learn in, and the staff are easy to talk to. I had coded somewhat before but there was never a time I didn't feel challenged. I'm pleased with the outcome. If you're thinking about a coding bootcamp in europe, I don't know of any other will give you the depth and range of knowledge that comes with codeworks.
Course is divided into 6 weeks "Theory" and 6 weeks "Practical" - the last week of the course if focused on job assistance. At the end of the course, I had the tools necessary to continue building applications on my own.
Codeworks is a life changing experience. It’s not only a course, it’s a family and a network of gifted/talented people. The bootcamp is very demanding and helps you reach limits of yourself you couldn’t imagine. You can discuss with the teachers about everything… like some kind of app you want to create and they can guide you. Arol is the mentor that you might spend a lot of time with and probably one of the best programmer you’ll meet in your life. We had so many great time ...
Codeworks is a life changing experience. It’s not only a course, it’s a family and a network of gifted/talented people. The bootcamp is very demanding and helps you reach limits of yourself you couldn’t imagine. You can discuss with the teachers about everything… like some kind of app you want to create and they can guide you. Arol is the mentor that you might spend a lot of time with and probably one of the best programmer you’ll meet in your life. We had so many great time and his knowledge is kinda infinite :D Weeks before the end of the bootcamp they start helping you on finding a job (if you are not willing to create your startup, if so they also help you that way). To be honest right now most of the students found something before the end of the bootcamp, and the max right now was 2 weeks after the end. Your teammates are also very talented people… Before the bootcamp : make sure to do the pre-course with attention, it doesn’t get easier after lol. It will help you a lot during the algorithm part at the beginning. During the bootcamp : just make sure to finish every sprint on time, follow the planning and be sure to finish the task before sleeping. You still have sunday to catch up but every delay can be risky. Invest yourself 200%! Ask as many questions as you want to the instructors, sometimes they won’t answer you because they want you to find by yourself, and its the best way to learn, the answer will be printed in your mind if you find it by yourself. About the concurrence i’ll be honest : all the other bootcamps are just a way to discover programming, at the end you dont even know the other possible frameworks etc. I’m pretty sure students in other bootcamp in barcelona at the end of the course won’t even be able to do the pre-course for codeworks on their own, and that’s true for a lot of other bootcamps in europe. Only in the junior part (6 first weeks) we learn how to use : node.js/express/koa/polymer/angular/react/meteor and a bit of python/c++/ruby, for the databases : redis/mongodb/mongoose/mySQLand thats just the headlines. You learn them and after you are able to choose which one fits you the most according to your project. During the senior part (6 last weeks), you apply what you've learnt and you create 3 apps ! The last one is a complete MVP with all your team. I learnt how to pair program thanks to codeworks and is very powerful experience ( and thats how they do in the best IT companies such as twitter etc). My choice was either Codeworks or HackReactor, both of them makes you a king if you invest yourself and your energy at 200% during 3months. I choosed codeworks because i wanted to be in a small team (not a big size bootcamp), be able to ask questions as much as i want, i also wanted to be able to come back in my hometown during the week break (week 7) and because the lifestyle in Barcelona is completely booming!
Codeworks is worth the invest !
I finished the bootcamp this week. I'm still amazed about how much I learned during these months. Now I'm capable to do things that I never thought that I was going to be able to do. And this couldn't have been possible without CodeWorks.
During the bootcamp you end up embracing the feeling of getting out of your comfort zone.
They not only teach you JavaScript, they teach you how to make the most of your learning.
You learn how to easily dig into documentat...
I finished the bootcamp this week. I'm still amazed about how much I learned during these months. Now I'm capable to do things that I never thought that I was going to be able to do. And this couldn't have been possible without CodeWorks.
During the bootcamp you end up embracing the feeling of getting out of your comfort zone.
They not only teach you JavaScript, they teach you how to make the most of your learning.
You learn how to easily dig into documentation and how to manage your time between learning and practising.
What I loved most was the Senior part where we could build 3 projects and experience how it's like to work as a team.
Description | Percentage |
Full Time, In-Field Employee | 97.5% |
Full-time apprenticeship, internship or contract position | 2.5% |
Short-term contract, part-time position, freelance | N/A |
Employed out-of-field | N/A |
How much does Codeworks cost?
Codeworks costs around €11,800. On the lower end, some Codeworks courses like Web Development Immersive cost €8,200.
What courses does Codeworks teach?
Codeworks offers courses like Corporate training, Software Engineering Immersive, Web Development Immersive.
Where does Codeworks have campuses?
Codeworks has in-person campuses in Barcelona, Berlin, and London. Codeworks also has a remote classroom so students can learn online.
Is Codeworks worth it?
The data says yes! Codeworks reports a 95% graduation rate, and 99% of Codeworks alumni are employed. The data says yes! In 2019, Codeworks reported a 98% graduation rate, a median salary of , and 100% of Codeworks alumni are employed.
Is Codeworks legit?
We let alumni answer that question. 192 Codeworks alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Codeworks and rate their overall experience a 4.91 out of 5.
Does Codeworks offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?
Yes, Course Report is excited to offer an exclusive Codeworks scholarship for $500 off tuition!
Can I read Codeworks reviews?
You can read 192 reviews of Codeworks on Course Report! Codeworks alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Codeworks and rate their overall experience a 4.91 out of 5.
Is Codeworks accredited?
While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Codeworks doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.
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