
Core Code School

Average Rating4.86
7 Reviews
2 Courses

Core Code School offers a 12-week, full-time and a 20-week part-time Web Development bootcamp in Madrid, Spain and online. Focusing on cloud native coding skills and a deploy-first approach, the Web Development bootcamp ensures students graduate as both software engineers and experts in delivering code using production infrastructure like Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud, with skills covering from serverless deployments to Kubernetes cluster management.

Web Development bootcamp students will learn full stack web development patterns and architectures, such as microservices, test-driven development, and hexagonal architecture. The bootcamp curriculum covers JavaScript, React, Typescript, Docker, Kubernetes, and more. Students will learn to deploy their own app using Docker containers and manage it in cloud providers such as AWS. 

No prior programming knowledge is necessary to apply, but Core Code School Web Development applicants should have strong logical/mathematical thinking. To enroll, bootcamp students must pass a technical test and a personal interview. 

Core Code School's career services provides support for new grads on entering the coding community in their local tech ecosystem. Career services help students with technical interviews skills as well as facilitate interviews for graduates. Core Code School has helped place bootcamp graduates at hiring partners, such as Cabify, Adidas, TailorHub, Spotahome, and Kirbic among others. 

Core Code School students will receive a diploma upon bootcamp completion. Access to the Core Code School educational platform remains active after graduation.

7 Core Code School Reviews

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  • Álvaro Lucas Cuevas
    Graduate • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Nov 12, 2021
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    Big Data & Machine Learning Bootcamp

     Sin duda alguna, un bootcamp que merece la pena hacer, bien sea para aprender sobre la materia en cuestión (ya que está planteado para que puedan hacerlo gente que no tenga conocimientos en informática), como para personas que si tengan conocimientos y desean profundizar más en dicha materia y que suponga un reto para ellos.

    El bootcamp está bien estructurado, partiendo de lo más básico hasta el objetivo final, que es hacer uso de diferentes algoritmos de Machine Learning con gra...
  • Edu Rus
    Student • Madrid
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Jul 25, 2021
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    Una formación exquisita, desde el minuto uno, te das cuenta que estas arropado por un colectivo excelente, nunca te sientes solo, atentos a tus problemas, con unas tutorías donde los profesores te resuelven el problema donde tu lo ves complicado y ellos rápidamente te quitan ese peso, trabajo cte. no paras están en alerta siempre desarrollando cada tarea.
    Sinceramente merece la pena pues de la nada te crees capaz de todo, con tus limitaciones pero te lo crees.
  • Angel Esquembre
    Angel Esquembre
    Student • Online
    Nov 15, 2021
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    Great learning experience

    I took the Machine Learning & Big Data bootcamp in 2021 with little prior programming experience. After 6 months I was able to understand and execute complex concepts. After 6 months, we had built our own database, learnt how to clean and process huge amounts of data, built an API and connect our data visualization dashboard to it, trained a machine learning model etc. All of this while using state-of-the-art, cloud native tools. Great experience, great teachers and great level of ex...
  • Karim El Abdi
    Karim El Abdi
    Data Analyst • Student • Online
    Nov 13, 2021
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    De lo mejor en enseñanza!!

    La escuela de CORE Code y sus profesores son simplemente geniales. Hay un ambiente de aprendizaje y curiosidad en el que no solo te enseñan a programar, sino que te enseñan a seguir aprendiendo. Cada clase es un reto donde siempre avanzamos en nuevos conceptos de programación y los consolidamos aplicándolos en casos prácticos y en ejercicios muy interesantes. Se nota la profesionalidad y el nivel de nuestros tutores, asi como la dedicación que han puesto en seleccionar y preparar el cont...
  • Steven M
    Steven M
    Graduate • Madrid
    Nov 13, 2021
    Overall Experience
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    Big Data & Machine Learning

    Core code School es una escuela genial para dar un salto en tu carrera profesional o convertirte en desarrollador. Los profesores son geniales, muy experimentados en el mundo bootcamp. Lo que más me gustó de CORE fue su curriculum ya que se centra en usar las tecnologías más punteras del mercado y eso los diferencia de otros cursos que he realizado.

    Es sin duda la mejor opción para dar el salto al mundo del desarrollo!
  • Simon Garmendia
    Simon Garmendia
    Student • Madrid
    Jul 30, 2021
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    Great bootcamp, great people

    The Core bootcamp is remarkable in both the technical and human aspect. They take care in teaching the core concepts of coding and taking them up to the highest levels of complexity. A great choice for people wanting to learn coding well.
  • Rocio
    Graduate • Web Development • Madrid
    Jul 14, 2021
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    La auténtica experiencia Bootcamp

    Antes de conocer esta escuela no tenía ni idea de que era un Bootcamp ni de programación en general y para mí ha sido todo un descubrimiento aprender tantísimo en relativamente ''poco tiempo''. Una de las cosas que me encantaron fue lo actualizado que tienen su curriculum ya que los contenidos van ajustándose y renovándose a las tendencias del mercado.
    Los profesores son un encanto y súper profesionales, siempre dispuestos a ayudarte con cualquier cosa.
    Sin duda destacaría su pacie...

Core Code School Alumni Outcomes

Recent Core Code School News

Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated May 28, 2021
Course Report · Course Report Coding Bootcamp News Roundup - March 2021 Happy Spring! After a difficult past year, a recent U.S. Department of Labor survey reports that job openings have hit a two-year high. We dive into how President Biden’s $2 trillion infrastructure plan could play a major role in workforce development training to fill those vacancies and how coding bootcamps may fit ...

Core Code School Alumni Reviews Summary

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Recent Core Code School News

How much does Core Code School cost?

Core Code School costs around €6,800.

What courses does Core Code School teach?

Core Code School offers courses like Web Development, Web Development (Part-Time).

Where does Core Code School have campuses?

Core Code School has in-person campuses in Madrid. Core Code School also has a remote classroom so students can learn online.

Is Core Code School worth it?

Core Code School hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 7 Core Code School alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Core Code School on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Core Code School legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 7 Core Code School alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Core Code School and rate their overall experience a 4.86 out of 5.

Does Core Code School offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Core Code School offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Core Code School reviews?

You can read 7 reviews of Core Code School on Course Report! Core Code School alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Core Code School and rate their overall experience a 4.86 out of 5.

Is Core Code School accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Core Code School doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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