
Great Learning

Average Rating4.88
823 Reviews
23 Courses

Great Learning offers online, career-relevant programs from world-class universities in data science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, management, cloud computing, cyber security and design thinking. It was created in 2013 with the aim of making current professionals future-proof, and to help people gain practical skills in an ever-expanding field. Great Learning students receive weekly mentorship sessions with industry experts, hands-on experience with industry-relevant projects, and small class sizes. 

Great Learning courses are aimed at career-changers and those looking to upskill. Applicants need to submit an online application to be considered for acceptance into the program.

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823 Great Learning Reviews

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  • Erick Garcia Ramírez
    Software engineer • Student • Post-Graduate Program in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning • Online
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    Sep 28, 2024
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    Post Graduate Program in AI and Machine Learning

    I have had such an amazing experience with this program, the contents are high quality, the mentor sessions are excellent, the projects for each module are really interesting and designed for applying the knowledge acquired. If you are planning to get deep knowledge and understanding in AI&ML this program is a must. The assistance of my Program Manager  Ms Bashi Singh has been incredible, she is always keen on support and help when facing any difficulty. I have enjoyed this program s...
  • Snigdha Mishra
    Snigdha Mishra
    Student • Post-Graduate Program in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning • Online
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    Sep 28, 2024
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    AI/ ML Deep Learning Course

    I am currently studying the AI/ML Great Learning Course while simultaneously pursuing my Bachelor's degree and I can confidently say that my experience thus far has been excellent. The AI/ML Great Learning course is like no other BootCamp I have been interested in; the course offers excellent communication directly with the Mentors and a community discussion board where students can go for assistance; weekly meetings with a Mentor to clarify concerns and doubts. Information is delivered ...

    Customer Support of Great Learning

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    Sep 28, 2024

    Thanks for the feedback and the 5 star rating, @Snigdha.
  • Edward Haantanda
    Student • Online
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    Sep 27, 2024
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    AI and Deep Learning Course

    I am currently studying the AI with Deep learning course with Great Learning online as an international student. It has so far been a very rewarding experience. I am learning lots of new interesting things. Studying with a full-time job can be challenging, I have received support from the faculty. My program manager in particular, Ms. Bhashi Singh, has been very supportive throughout my learning journey. I would recommend the course to anyone ....

    Customer Support of Great Learning

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    Sep 28, 2024

    Thanks for the feedback and the 5 star rating, @Edward.
  • Cornelia Badoi
    Cornelia Badoi
    Student • No Code AI and Machine Learning: Building Data Science Solutions • Online
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    Sep 27, 2024
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    Exceptional course on AI and Machine Learning

    “MIT: No Code AI and Machine Learning: Building Data Science Solutions” is an exceptional course, which provides a solid background for building data science solutions regardless the industry/field.
    The course provides a balanced mix of video lectures that present and explain the AI/ML concepts in detail, case studies presented by AI/ML experts and applied to real-world scenarios, real-time interactive mentored learning sessions and hand-on sessions using different no-code AI tools/so...
  • Venu Malireddy
    Venu Malireddy
    Graduate • Post-Graduate Program in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning • Online
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    Sep 27, 2024
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    Amazing course on AI-ML

     Post Graduate Program in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning from the University of Texas at Austin, McCombs School of Business, delivered by Great Learning is an amazing course that was conducted beyond my expectations. Video lessons and additional material provided at the end of each week is really very good and insightful. Texas university professors and Great learning faculty are very good. Weekend contact sessions with mentors are highlight of the course. ...

    Customer Support of Great Learning

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    Sep 27, 2024

    Thanks for the feedback and the 5 star rating, @Venu.
  • vinay kasina
    Sr Engineering Manager - Automation and Robotics • Student • No Code AI and Machine Learning: Building Data Science Solutions • Online
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    Sep 26, 2024
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    Had an Amazing journey on No code AI/ML

    Had an Amazing journey on No code AI/ML program. Lot of details and content with awesome instructors. I joined this program just to understand the AI space and gained a lot out of it.
    If you are more into Dataiku , i would recommend attending Jatin Dawar classes. He is amazing in explaining the concepts and also helps to deep dive along with you incase you have any issues with the tool
    Astha our program Manager is really good in keeping us updated on the program timelines and to ma...

    Customer Support of Great Learning

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    Sep 27, 2024

    Thanks for the feedback and the 5 star rating, @Vinay.
  • Victor Eugenio Martinez Ruiz
    Global CIO at GIS / DRAXTON • Graduate • Post-Graduate Program in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning • Online
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    Sep 26, 2024
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    AI Machine Learning Great Learning UT Austin

    AI Machine Learning Great Learning UT Austin program is highly comprehensive, as it covers everything from mathematical foundations to practical use cases in everyday life and business situations. It enables a deep understanding and application of various AI techniques based on Pyhton. 
    This is my second program with Great Learning, and their service delivery is exceptionally thorough, adding significant value and providing additional insights. The experience is consistently supported...

    Customer Support of Great Learning

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    Sep 27, 2024

    Thanks for the feedback and the 5 star rating, @Victor.
  • Mario Amadeo
    Student • Post-Graduate Program in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning • Online
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    Sep 26, 2024
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    AI Machine Learning Great Learning UT Austin

    This was a course mainly on Machine Learning, Computer Vision and Large Language Models.  It was a very tough course for someone that knew nothing about the true concepts of AI.  It was very detailed with many technical terms and processes that, in a 6-month time frame seemed very packed.  However, all that I learned opened my eyes and broadened my vision of what this technology has to offer and how it can be applied to real life.  As a business person, I found a lot of value in what we ...

    Customer Support of Great Learning

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    Sep 27, 2024

    Thanks for the feedback and the 4-star rating, @Mario.
  • Hema Kakkilaya
    Student • Post-Graduate Program in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning • Online
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    Sep 26, 2024
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    Rewarding Learning Experience

    Kudos to the  Faculty from UT Austin and Great Learning for designing the structured curriculum about AI/ML . The best part is thevideo material where you can practice on your own and attend interactive sessions on weekend which are held by Industry experts.The Hands on Projects and case studies focusing on relevant real world scenarios.Practice quizzes helped me to understand the complex topics and prepared me for Graded Quizzes. Th...

    Customer Support of Great Learning

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    Sep 26, 2024

    Thanks for the feedback and the 5 star rating, @Hema.
  • Veena M Balakrishna
    Sr. Programmer Analyst • Graduate • Post-Graduate Program in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning • Online
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    Sep 25, 2024
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    Great course in AI and Machine Learning

    I recentl graduated the Post Graduate Program in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning from the University of Texas at Austin, McCombs School of Business, delivered by Great Learning, I joined the course out of curiosity, and it exceeded my expectations. Despite the challenging nature of the subject, the course structure made the curriculum engaging and achievable. The instructors are fantastic, explaining the mathematical foundations of algorithms in a way that f...

    Customer Support of Great Learning

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    Sep 25, 2024

    Thanks for the feedback and the 5 star rating, @Veena.
  • Jadson
    Compliance Analyst • Student • No Code AI and Machine Learning: Building Data Science Solutions • Online
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    Sep 23, 2024
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    Great Learning

    It’s been great so far! Very clear content and easy to go through it. Amazing Project Managers, thank yyou Juhi for all your support! It’s amazing to see how the classes and recordings have been useful for me in this time, specially talking about the quality of the content and professionalism of the professors and others involved. Thanks a lot for this, for sure I’ll take another course with you guys! Appreciate all your efforts on that.

    Customer Support of Great Learning

    Community Manager

    Sep 25, 2024

    Thanks for the feedback and the 5 star rating, @Jadson.

  • Young
    Student • No Code AI and Machine Learning: Building Data Science Solutions • Online
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    Sep 17, 2024
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    More demanding than I thought

    Great course. Gives you a firm framework to understand the theoretical underlyings of AI and Machine Learning. I was surprised how math/statistics heavy the course was and sometimes I had to spend some time on my own to really understand what goes on mathematically. (Watching some other resources, particularly "Statquest" on youtube) 

    Anyways, I highly recommend this somewhat demanding course, it is a great challenge to take on if you wanted to have a good look at the subject matt...

    Customer Support of Great Learning

    Community Manager

    Sep 18, 2024

    Thanks for the feedback and the 5 star rating.

Great Learning Alumni Outcomes

Recent Great Learning News

Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated November 01, 2023
This October, we saw new reports on how AI skills and apprenticeships affect hireability. We’re diving into AI skill adoption at coding bootcamps and how bootcamps could be poised to respond to the new AI skills gender gap. MacKenzie Scott continues to support tech training programs with a new $20M donation to a hardworking non-profit coding bootcamp. Find out about the state of tech apprenti...

Great Learning Alumni Reviews Summary

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Recent Great Learning News

How much does Great Learning cost?

Great Learning costs around $4,000.

Where does Great Learning have campuses?

Great Learning teaches students Online in a remote classroom.

Is Great Learning worth it?

Great Learning hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 823 Great Learning alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Great Learning on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Great Learning legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 823 Great Learning alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Great Learning and rate their overall experience a 4.88 out of 5.

Does Great Learning offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Great Learning offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Great Learning reviews?

You can read 823 reviews of Great Learning on Course Report! Great Learning alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Great Learning and rate their overall experience a 4.88 out of 5.

Is Great Learning accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Great Learning doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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