
Jax Code Academy

Average Rating3.67
5 Reviews
6 Courses

Jax Code Academy offers an intensive 12-week, full-time coding bootcamp plus a 3-month internship in Jacksonville, Florida and live online. The curriculum covers web development, software development, agile methodology, data analysis, database design, digital marketing, graphics and design, scripting/coding, user experience design, web application development, website design, project management, and research. The course covers both front end and back end, including HTML, CSS, PHP, full stack JavaScript, JQuery, MYSQL, SQL, MongoDB, Linux, Wordpress, Drupal, Cron, Github, Python, React, and Node.js. Students also learn soft skills, such as communication and presentation, problem-solving, teamwork, attention to detail, time management, and organization. Jax Code Academy instructors are experts in the field, and bootcamp students will work on real-world projects. 

This course was created for beginners, so no degree or experience is necessary to apply. Payment plans are available. Students are allowed to repeat the bootcamp course for free within a one-year period. The tuition also covers 3-months of co-working space at the Springfield campus and free parking. 

Jax Code Academy offers a job guarantee to its bootcamp graduates. Students are taught interview skills, and graduates are encouraged to sign up for 12-week Jax Code Academy internships or externships post-bootcamp. Two local recruitment firms, Robert Half Technology and Apex Systems, are available to help graduates find the perfect job. Graduates of the bootcamp are eligible for jobs as web developers, software developers, front end developers, JavaScript developers, Wordpress developers, Python developers, Ruby developers, web designers, UX designers, visual designers, and digital marketers.

5 Jax Code Academy Reviews

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  • Andrew Gistakis
    Andrew Gistakis
    web developer/flutter developer • Applicant • Advanced Web Developer • Jacksonville
    Nov 13, 2022
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    This seems like an awesome school-I will be attending next year 100%

    I am a software developer from Canada (7 years experience at NBFX financial), now living in Jaxs to be with family, and I can honestly tell you that people here in the US whine to much!! They want to be spoon fed like babies!! I've done a lot of research on these guys-including what's posted on the deep web- and these guys are legitimate and good at what they do!!. Its a bootcamp people, so do a fair amount of work before you enter the program, so u don't end up blaming these poor guys w...
  • Speer Fissure
    Feb 09, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Poor effort and organization.

    Jaxcode held a one day minicamp advertised as an introduction to web development and cyber security. Now 4 hours is not a lot of time but the instructor (Fitzmeyer) did his best. Unfortunately, he only covered some very rudimentary HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. The other instructor who was scheduled to cover JavaScript and cyber security topics did not even show up for the class, so it ended about an hour and a half early, which was disappointing because I had driven about 45 minutes to atte...

    Stephen Fitzmeyer of Jax Code Academy


    Apr 21, 2021

    We offer  a free one day bootcamp and go over basics to give everyone an idea what it is like. We try to cover as much material as possible but we have to go at the pace of the class so can't always cover everything. This free event is not meant to go into depth. We do this so students don't pay tuition to then realize they don't like it. To write a review like this is childish.  We stand by our coding bootcamp and our record of training students who now work in great paying jobs. We were not booted off of UNF campus. Don't know where this reviewer got that information. You can't please everyone. Come to one of our 1-day coding bootcamps and judge for yourself.
  • k
    Applicant • Web Developer • Jacksonville
    Oct 12, 2020
    Overall Experience
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    I was very interested in this school until as of recently. The things that made it appealing to me was the affordable price and also the next cohort was perfectly timed for when I would be leaving my employer. I applied online to attend Jax Code Academy about 1 week ago and received a call today from someone who I can not recall their name. Basically the call started with the gentleman introducing himself and asking to speak with me. Without providing any more info other than name and wh...

    Dr. Stephen Fitzmeyer of Jax Code Academy


    Oct 19, 2020

    We called this student to let him know he was accepted and he had to make a deposit to reserve his seat. None of the conversation he mentions happened. He has never taken one of our courses so his low ratings for the course and instructors are invalid. This is someone who is immature with misplaced anger who failed to communicate with us to resolve any issue he imagined.
  • Dennis
    Nov 05, 2019
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Would 100% recommend

    I have always been interested in web development before taking this bootcamp. The thing that turned me off about all the others I checked out was the high price, which is why I decided to go with this specific bootcamp that Jax Code Academy offers.

    My experience was a great one. It started off a bit slow, but more so due to the fact that everything was new to me, as I had zero prior experience in web development. Once I started getting more acquainted to everything & applying...

  • Blake
    Graduate • Web Developer • Jacksonville
    Nov 05, 2019
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Worth it for the price

    The cost of this Bootcamp is what attracted me in the first place. It's MUCH less than any other in-person Bootcamp that I could find and is taught on the UNF campus which gives a great learning atmosphere.

    The curriculum was a little different compared to other Bootcamps. They teach what companies in the area are hiring for and then some. Guest lecturers (recruiters, companies, etc.) are common which I feel is important as it gives you insight into the market in the area.


Jax Code Academy Alumni Outcomes

Recent Jax Code Academy News

Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated July 02, 2024
Oh Summer, one of the best seasons of the year! While it’s a time to relax, bask in the sun, and plan trips with family and friends, summer is also an awesome time to learn. If you’re a current student, teacher, or professional looking to learn to code, a summer bootcamp is a great opportunity to learn to code in a short time frame. Various coding bootcamps offer summer courses to help you la...

Jax Code Academy Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
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Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent Jax Code Academy News

How much does Jax Code Academy cost?

Jax Code Academy costs around $2,500.

What courses does Jax Code Academy teach?

Jax Code Academy offers courses like Advanced Web Developer, Night Advanced Web Developer, Night Web Developer, Online Advanced Web Developer and 2 more.

Where does Jax Code Academy have campuses?

Jax Code Academy has an in-person campus in Jacksonville.

Is Jax Code Academy worth it?

Jax Code Academy hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 5 Jax Code Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Jax Code Academy on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Jax Code Academy legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 5 Jax Code Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Jax Code Academy and rate their overall experience a 3.67 out of 5.

Does Jax Code Academy offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Jax Code Academy offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Jax Code Academy reviews?

You can read 5 reviews of Jax Code Academy on Course Report! Jax Code Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Jax Code Academy and rate their overall experience a 3.67 out of 5.

Is Jax Code Academy accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Jax Code Academy doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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