
Plataforma 5

Average Rating4.97
86 Reviews
3 Courses

Plataforma 5 is a training bootcamp that offers a 29-week, online full-stack web development bootcamp. The first three modules of the bootcamp are completed full-time within 16 weeks, and the fourth module is part-time for 13 weeks. Students learn front end and back end technologies, creating real-world full-stack web applications, the same way they will do at tech companies after graduating. Plataforma 5 aims to teach not only technical skills, but also soft skills to help students work effectively in teams and to find employment fast in the technology industry. Plataforma 5 also offers an intro full stack course that is 21 classes long and teaches HTMl, CSS, and JavaScript .

No matter the age, educational background, or previous profession, with effort and commitment, students can change their lives forever by learning the technical skills taught at Plataforma 5. The application process includes a technical exam and a personal interview to ensure that applicants have a solid technical foundation and emotional maturity necessary to face the challenges of the bootcamp.

86 Plataforma 5 Reviews

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  • Ignacio
    Graduate • Full-Stack Web Development Bootcamp - Remote • Online
    Oct 19, 2021
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    Coding Bootcamp

    El Coding Bootcamp de Plataforma 5 ofrece una excelente experiencia. No solo te brindan el conocimiento técnico, sino que también se enfocan mucho en las habilidades blandas de los futuros programadores
    Además, tienen un gran equipo de tutores y mentores que te acompañan durante todo el proceso.
  • Nazareno Covian
    Nazareno Covian
    Graduate • Full-Stack Web Development Bootcamp - Remote • Online
    Oct 19, 2021
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    Increíble la metodología de enseñanza que aplican como para que en 3 meses y medio adquieras tantos conocimientos. Ademas, no solo codigo y tecnologias, sino tambien desarrollar habilidades blandas, espacios de contacto con empresas, proyectos profesionales, etc... Recomiendo 100% este curso, no se van a arrepentir. Feliz y orgulloso de ser egresado del bootcamp :)
  • Maria Guadalupe B
    Maria Guadalupe B
    Web UI Developer, Junior Advanced • Graduate • Full-Stack Web Development Bootcamp - Remote • Online
    May 15, 2021
    Overall Experience
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    Coding Bootcamp

    Recomendado 100%, desde la calidad en la enseñanza, staff y acompañamiento en el intensivo proceso de realizar un Bootcamp Full Time.  Antes de optar por Plataforma 5 y su programa, revise todas las opciones en Argentina e internacionales, leyendo reviews y viendo la curricula, y el costo; ademas tenia la experiencia de haber hecho el curso introductorio a la prorgramacion con ellos y sabia de la calidad educativa. Fue una gran desicion y recomiendo tomarla si todavia estan en duda de co...
  • Sebastian Dominguez
    Sebastian Dominguez
    Graduate • Online
    Aug 28, 2020
    Overall Experience
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    Una experiencia única. Se requiere muchisima dedicación y disciplina, pero los resultados son magníficos. Te acompañan en cada etapa, te contienen de ser necesario y te entregan todas las herramientas necesarias para aprender de 0 a programar con las ultimas tecnologías del mercado. 100% recomendado!
  • Alexis Rocha
    Alexis Rocha
    Full Stack Developer • Student • Online
    Aug 25, 2020
    Overall Experience
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    Full Stack Developer

    Me forme profesionalmente como Full Stack Developer en P5. 
    Comencé estudiando las bases con el Modulo Introductorio, lo cual me sirvió de parámetro para conocer de lleno lo que es JavaScript y si realmente era lo mio la programación desafiandome con la complejidad de la lógica.
    Luego me anime a rendir el examen de ingreso para realizar el Coding Bootcamp. Fue un proceso muy desafiante, ya que lo realice de manera remota pero no cambio para nada la calidad de contenido técnico que ...
  • Candelaria
    Graduate • Full-Stack Web Development Bootcamp - In Person • Buenos Aires
    Jun 23, 2020
    Overall Experience
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    Un giro 360

    Excelentes profesores y asistentes. Staff atento y dispuesto a mejorar la experiencia de cada estudiante.
    No cambiaría nada del Bootcamp, me cambió la vida. Conseguí trabajo a las 3 semanas de haberlo terminado además de haber conocido mucha gente del area que hoy son amigos y colegas.
    Pongo las manos en el fuego por Plataforma5.
  • Miguel Ángel escalera
    Miguel Ángel escalera
    Coding Bootcamp • Graduate • Full-Stack Web Development Bootcamp - Remote • Buenos Aires
    Jun 19, 2020
    Overall Experience
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    Coding Bootcamp

    Plataforma 5 fue como mí segunda casa, la verdad es un lugar en el cual te metes completamente en la industria IT, desde las modalidades de enseñanzas que tiene hasta las charlas en los momentos libres, cuando caminas por el instituto, etc. Aprendes las últimas tecnologias en la industria, terminando como un fullstack developer. Lo súper recomendando ya que esto me cambio totalmente la forma de pensar, de trabajar y de como sobrellevar la frustracion, de no rendirte y siempre dar lo mejo...
  • Marcelo Martin
    Marcelo Martin
    Software Engineer Jr. • Graduate • Full-Stack Web Development Bootcamp - In Person • Buenos Aires
    Jun 18, 2020
    Overall Experience
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    Plataforma 5 Bootcamp Experience

    I did the Introductory, Back End and Bootcamp courses at Plataforma 5. My expererience in all of the three instances was great, but the bootcamp was particularly amazing.
    For three months I went threw a very intense, daily coding routine. This sped up the learning process considerably, not only in technical aspects but also at a personal level. During this time you work on and improve your hability to work as part of a team, your resilience and to handle frustration.
    In less than t...
  • Omar
    Full Stack Dev • Graduate • Full-Stack Web Development Bootcamp - In Person • Buenos Aires
    Jun 18, 2020
    Overall Experience
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    Plataforma 5 helps you to meet your goals

    First of all, if you are reading this review is it because you are looking for information to help you to decide if a bootcamp is a good idea dont?
    Well, i think is the best and a smart one. Here in Bs As i was looking for schools or something like that to help to start a dev career and i remember to search various options but when i know Plataforma 5 and their people, i knew it, this is the place!

    All of the content is very updated and teachers too also all extras like talks a...
  • Stephano Iucciolino
    Stephano Iucciolino
    Graduate • Full-Stack Web Development Bootcamp - In Person • Buenos Aires
    Jun 18, 2020
    Overall Experience
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    Best Bootcamp EVER

    Hands down the best course I've ever had in my life. Great instructors, great curriculum and they actually help you find your first job as a software developer.
  • Federico Morales Otero
    Federico Morales Otero
    Graduate • Full-Stack Web Development Bootcamp - In Person • Buenos Aires
    Sep 24, 2019
    Overall Experience
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    Asistir al bootcamp de P5 fue un antes y un después en mi carrera profesional. Durante tres meses estudié y practiqué algunas de las tecnologías más buscadas en el mercado IT, y gracias a la experiencia de trabajo en grupo y a los contactos obtenidos, conseguí mi primer trabajo en el rubro en mi segunda semana de búsqueda laboral. 

  • Juan Manuel
    Juan Manuel
    Jr Full Stack Developer • Student • Full-Stack Web Development Bootcamp - In Person • Buenos Aires
    Sep 23, 2019
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    The most practical course I've ever taken, good environment and soft skills of programmer aquired too.

    I'm very proud of taking Coding Bootcamp @ Plataforma 5, also feel very lucky for this opportunity. This...


Plataforma 5 Alumni Outcomes

Recent Plataforma 5 News

Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated January 15, 2025
Most programming languages today rely on English vocabulary and syntax, which can make it difficult for non-native speakers who are learning how to code. While the majority of coding bootcamps are taught in English, Spanish-speaking coding bootcamps are gaining traction. To make it easier for our hispanohablante readers, check out Spanish-speaking coding bootcamps currently available online o...

Plataforma 5 Alumni Reviews Summary

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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent Plataforma 5 News

How much does Plataforma 5 cost?

Plataforma 5 costs around $3,900. On the lower end, some Plataforma 5 courses like Intro to Programming cost $100.

What courses does Plataforma 5 teach?

Plataforma 5 offers courses like Full-Stack Web Development Bootcamp - In Person, Full-Stack Web Development Bootcamp - Remote, Intro to Programming.

Where does Plataforma 5 have campuses?

Plataforma 5 has in-person campuses in Buenos Aires. Plataforma 5 also has a remote classroom so students can learn online.

Is Plataforma 5 worth it?

Plataforma 5 hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 86 Plataforma 5 alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Plataforma 5 on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Plataforma 5 legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 86 Plataforma 5 alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Plataforma 5 and rate their overall experience a 4.97 out of 5.

Does Plataforma 5 offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Plataforma 5 offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Plataforma 5 reviews?

You can read 86 reviews of Plataforma 5 on Course Report! Plataforma 5 alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Plataforma 5 and rate their overall experience a 4.97 out of 5.

Is Plataforma 5 accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Plataforma 5 doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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