
Plataforma 5

Average Rating4.97
86 Reviews
3 Courses

Plataforma 5 is a training bootcamp that offers a 29-week, online full-stack web development bootcamp. The first three modules of the bootcamp are completed full-time within 16 weeks, and the fourth module is part-time for 13 weeks. Students learn front end and back end technologies, creating real-world full-stack web applications, the same way they will do at tech companies after graduating. Plataforma 5 aims to teach not only technical skills, but also soft skills to help students work effectively in teams and to find employment fast in the technology industry. Plataforma 5 also offers an intro full stack course that is 21 classes long and teaches HTMl, CSS, and JavaScript .

No matter the age, educational background, or previous profession, with effort and commitment, students can change their lives forever by learning the technical skills taught at Plataforma 5. The application process includes a technical exam and a personal interview to ensure that applicants have a solid technical foundation and emotional maturity necessary to face the challenges of the bootcamp.

86 Plataforma 5 Reviews

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  • Juan Manuel Lazo
    Juan Manuel Lazo
    Full stack developer • Graduate • Full-Stack Web Development Bootcamp - In Person • Buenos Aires
    Jan 04, 2019
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    Plataforma 5 es lo mas! Realicé todos sus cursos, comenzando de cero con los introductorios hasta el coding bootcamp intensivo. Es un lugar altamente recomendable para formarse y salir al mundo laboral.
    Sin dudas realizar el bootcamp fue una de las mejores decisiones que tomé en mi vida.

  • Ariel Ferraris
    Ariel Ferraris
    Full Stack Develop • Graduate • Full-Stack Web Development Bootcamp - In Person • Buenos Aires
    Dec 27, 2018
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    El mejor Bootcamp de Argentina

    Realice todos los cursos, desde el intro hasta el Bootcamp y al finalizar, rapidamente encontre trabajo. Lo mejor ademas del temario, es el ambiente. Estaré eternamente agradecido a Plataforma 5 por poder haber ingresado al mundo de la programación

  • Diego
    Front-end Developer • Full-Stack Web Development Bootcamp - In Person • Buenos Aires
    Dec 27, 2018
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    Excelente experiencia y decisión

    Los cursos de Plataforma 5 tienen programas muy completos y con material muy relevante a la actualidad. Su contenido está muy bien pensado para llevarte progresivamente de menos a más y comenzando desde 0. Su foco en "aprender haciendo" es, a mi criterio, una de las claves para convertirte en un buen programador y los excelentes profesores que tienen además de explicar muy bien fomentan que puedas resolver los desafíos con los que uno se encuentra por tu cuenta.
    Considero que si uno s...

  • Guille Aszyn
    Guille Aszyn
    Fullstack Web Developer
    Dec 27, 2018
    Overall Experience
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    Cambia tu carrera en 3 meses

    Plataforma 5 es una oportunidad increíble. Profesores dedicados, contenido de calidad y un gran ambiente. Realmente el bootcamp te da la posibilidad de en 3 meses darle un giro a tu vida, y te da las herramientas necesarias para rápidamente insertarte profesionalmente en el mundo de la programacion, donde cada día se necesitan más programadores. Depués del bootcamp las ofertas de trabajo llueven!

  • Lucas Aguirre
    Lucas Aguirre
    Intro to Programming • Buenos Aires
    Dec 26, 2018
    Overall Experience
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    Excelente lugar!

    Hice los cursos de Intro Javascript/CSS/ HTML y Backend hace unos meses y la verdad que me encantó! El material, los ejemplos paso a paso, la calidad y metodología de los profesores y sobretodo la buena onda de todo el equipo es excelente. 100% recomendable!!
  • Gonzalo
    Frontend Web Developer • Graduate • Full-Stack Web Development Bootcamp - In Person • Buenos Aires
    Dec 26, 2018
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Got my first job thanks to them

    The best decision I've made was to trust in their program which gave me the opportunity to land my first job as a web developer.

    I attended all of their courses, starting with the "Intro to frontend", "Intro to backend" and finally a super intensive Javascript Full Stack Developer Coding Bootcamp of more than +600 hours in 3 months.

    In short, my experience exceeded all of my expectations. The quality of the materials provided plus the rigorous daily basis training helpe...

  • Nicolas Padilla
    Nicolas Padilla
    Dec 26, 2018
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    Hice 3 cursos con ellos. El curso introductorio, el de backend y el bootcamp. Son unos genios!! Me cambio completamente la vida! Sin tener ningun conocimiento previo hoy trabajo como programador full Stack!! 100 % recomendables!!

  • Miguel
    Filmmaker • Student • Intro to Programming • Buenos Aires
    Dec 05, 2016
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    A fast, precise and clever way to learn web development. The instructors were extremely knowledgeable in the field, and always friendly and cooperative. The classes were dynamic, combining theory and practice. Excellent online assistance when I couldn't make it to class, as all the classes had live streaming and the instructors responded "on the spot" and even after class. The study material is modern and business focused. Five stars.  

  • Sebastian
    Industrial Designer • Student • Intro to Programming • Buenos Aires
    Oct 15, 2016
    Overall Experience
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    Introducing Programng

    Excelent course, the instructors have good skills transmiting knowledge.
    I strongly recomend this course and Plataforma 5 Coding School in general. 

  • Diego
    Desarrollador web • Graduate • Full-Stack Web Development Bootcamp - In Person • Buenos Aires
    Apr 23, 2022
    Overall Experience
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    Plaforma 5 recomendado al 100%

    la verdad que tienen un equipo de otro nivel. con profesores calificados  y personas maravillosas, cuentan con canales de comunicacion  donde hay una comunidad de devs de buena onda dispuetos a darte una mano en todo momento.  
    Bueno hace poco termine el Boocamp, puedo decir que fue una expreriencia increible lleno de desafios y mucho aprendisaje. ademas lo que me gusta de plataforma 5 es que te ayudan a consegui tu primer empleo en el mercado IT.
    Me quedo con la frase  "Confia en ...
  • Mar
    Assitant Bootcamp • Graduate • Full-Stack Web Development Bootcamp - Remote • Online
    Apr 20, 2022
    Overall Experience
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    Excelente experiencia

    Es una de las mejores experiencias de mi vida, todo va muy rápido, todos los días aprendes algo nuevo, trabajas siempre en pareja y luego en equipos, se desarrollan a  full las habilidades tanto técnicas como blandas, encontrás un cálido ambiente donde se cuida que no te gane la frustración. Cuando empieza pensas que no vas a llegar al último día y cuando llega el final no queres que termine. Te amplifica las opciones a la hora de la búsqueda laboral.
  • Gabriel
    Graduate • Full-Stack Web Development Bootcamp - In Person • Buenos Aires
    Jun 23, 2020
    Overall Experience
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    Full Stack Developer

    The Bootcamp is great! Very well structured through its several phases and its staff is paying constant attention that no one gets behind and reaches their own potential. The skills taught are not only the latest technologies the industry requires, they also focus in team work (such as agile methodologies and pair programming) which prepares you to land smoothly and quickly into a first job. It's also important to highlight the strong commitment Plataforma 5 has that each student gets a ...

Plataforma 5 Alumni Outcomes

Recent Plataforma 5 News

Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated January 15, 2025
Most programming languages today rely on English vocabulary and syntax, which can make it difficult for non-native speakers who are learning how to code. While the majority of coding bootcamps are taught in English, Spanish-speaking coding bootcamps are gaining traction. To make it easier for our hispanohablante readers, check out Spanish-speaking coding bootcamps currently available online o...

Plataforma 5 Alumni Reviews Summary

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Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent Plataforma 5 News

How much does Plataforma 5 cost?

Plataforma 5 costs around $3,900. On the lower end, some Plataforma 5 courses like Intro to Programming cost $100.

What courses does Plataforma 5 teach?

Plataforma 5 offers courses like Full-Stack Web Development Bootcamp - In Person, Full-Stack Web Development Bootcamp - Remote, Intro to Programming.

Where does Plataforma 5 have campuses?

Plataforma 5 has in-person campuses in Buenos Aires. Plataforma 5 also has a remote classroom so students can learn online.

Is Plataforma 5 worth it?

Plataforma 5 hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 86 Plataforma 5 alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Plataforma 5 on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Plataforma 5 legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 86 Plataforma 5 alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Plataforma 5 and rate their overall experience a 4.97 out of 5.

Does Plataforma 5 offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Plataforma 5 offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Plataforma 5 reviews?

You can read 86 reviews of Plataforma 5 on Course Report! Plataforma 5 alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Plataforma 5 and rate their overall experience a 4.97 out of 5.

Is Plataforma 5 accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Plataforma 5 doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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