
University of Maryland Global Campus Bootcamps by Springboard

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6 Courses

University of Maryland Global Campus offers self-paced, online bootcamps covering cybersecurity, software engineering, and data analytics. These bootcamps are aimed at working adults and service members. Bootcamp students will be guided by a student success team and a 1-on-1 industry mentor.

The 24-week Cybersecurity course covers topics like network security, IT project management, authentication, threat modeling, and red vs. blue team. Students will prepare for the CompTIA Security+ exam as well as completing a final capstone project to demonstrate the skills they learned. 

The 36-week Software Engineering course covers JavaScript, Python, Flask, Node, React, data structures, and algorithms. Students will build their portfolios with projects throughout the course, including a capstone project to demonstrate the skills they learned for future employers. Students that already have experience with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS can test to place into a more advanced version of the core course. 

The 24-week Data Analytics course covers topics like data visualization, data cleaning, Tableau, Power BI, SQL, Excel, and Python. Students will demonstrate their skills through more than 20 hands-on mini projects as well as a capstone project, creating a tangible portfolio that can be shared with prospective employers.

The Cybersecurity and Software Engineering courses are designed with complete beginners in mind and no experience is required. The Data Analytics course is designed for students with at least two years of work experience and knowledge of office tools. After completing the online application, an advisor will be in contact for a short personality assessment, followed by an analytical thinking skills assessment.

These courses are meant to give students the skills they need to get jobs in their chosen fields. Career support is included in the curriculum, with services like career coaches, resume building, interview prep, networking, and salary negotiation.

University of Maryland Global Campus offers an upfront tuition discount, tuition installments, financing through Climb Credit, and scholarships based on personal circumstances. Students also receive unlimited 1-on-1 mentor support.

University of Maryland Global Campus is powered by Springboard.

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Recent University of Maryland Global Campus Bootcamps by Springboard News

Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated May 31, 2022
Course Report · May 2022 Coding Bootcamp News Roundup Find out which bootcamp raised $100M this May and the latest education trends coming out of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Plus, we dive into a new report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office about Online Program Managers (OPMs) and a study on 2U boot camp alumni outcomes. We’ll also tell you about new funding anno...

University of Maryland Global Campus Bootcamps by Springboard Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
Job Assistance
Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent University of Maryland Global Campus Bootcamps by Springboard News

How much does University of Maryland Global Campus Bootcamps by Springboard cost?

University of Maryland Global Campus Bootcamps by Springboard costs around $11,900. On the lower end, some University of Maryland Global Campus Bootcamps by Springboard courses like Data Analytics cost $8,500.

What courses does University of Maryland Global Campus Bootcamps by Springboard teach?

University of Maryland Global Campus Bootcamps by Springboard offers courses like Cybersecurity, Data Analytics , Data Science, Machine Learning Engineering and AI and 2 more.

Where does University of Maryland Global Campus Bootcamps by Springboard have campuses?

University of Maryland Global Campus Bootcamps by Springboard teaches students Online in a remote classroom.

Is University of Maryland Global Campus Bootcamps by Springboard worth it?

University of Maryland Global Campus Bootcamps by Springboard hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 0 University of Maryland Global Campus Bootcamps by Springboard alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed University of Maryland Global Campus Bootcamps by Springboard on Course Report - you should start there!

Is University of Maryland Global Campus Bootcamps by Springboard legit?

So far, it's hard to say because University of Maryland Global Campus Bootcamps by Springboard has no reviews.

Does University of Maryland Global Campus Bootcamps by Springboard offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like University of Maryland Global Campus Bootcamps by Springboard offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read University of Maryland Global Campus Bootcamps by Springboard reviews?

Not yet - no University of Maryland Global Campus Bootcamps by Springboard alumni, students, or applicants have reviewed University of Maryland Global Campus Bootcamps by Springboard.

Is University of Maryland Global Campus Bootcamps by Springboard accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. University of Maryland Global Campus Bootcamps by Springboard doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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