
CodeCore Bootcamp

Average Rating4.68
56 Reviews
2 Courses

CodeCore offers an intensive, 12-week developer bootcamp in Vancouver. CodeCore is one of Western Canada's first developer schools, and is taught by seasoned industry experts. The program culminates in a hiring day attended by Vancouver's top technology companies.

CodeCore is designed for novice programmers and is ideal for entrepreneurs without a "technical co-founder", designers who want to expand their skill set, and professionals looking to transition into a web development career. CodeCore students will master HTML5 & CSS, JavaScript and JavaScript frameworks, jQuery, software architecture and object oriented development, Ruby on Rails, popular APIs, design and user experience, and development methodologies.During the program and after graduation, CodeCore provides ongoing career resources and networking opportunities exposing graduates to Vancouver's top recruiters and technology companies.

56 CodeCore Bootcamp Reviews

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  • Elise Yohm
    Junior Fullstack Developer • Graduate • Vancouver
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Nov 16, 2018
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Totally worth it

    I graduated the CodeCore bootcamp in August and I feel confident saying it was the best educational experience I’ve ever had. I have previously received a Bachelor’s degree in business and began learning on my own over a year ago. I joined CodeCore because I found the complete full stack difficult to learn on my own. I wanted more hands on training and to be able to code with a group (as you would on a job) and to get more feedback and code review. 

    It was hard work, and I really...

  • Vic Wang
    Web Developer • Graduate • CodeCore Developer Bootcamp • Vancouver
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Aug 22, 2018
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Solid educational experience

    Having almost no previous background in coding, I completed CodeCore's 3-month course 2 years ago. A few months after my graduation I started working as a professional web developer. I feel well equiped by the education at CodeCore and emotionally supported by the welcoming community. The school truly offers quality education in this fast-paced tech world.  The tuition is really fair too, compared to similar programs in town, considering the instruction time and reputation etc. For what I'...

  • Jackie Chui
    Jackie Chui
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Jun 24, 2018
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    A great place to start

    I first took codecore's fundamentals class and pondered for a few months deciding whether or not to take the full bootcamp course either in Codecore or Lighthouse Labs. In the end, I decided to go to Codecore because they offered a 12 week program as opposed to 8 weeks and I truly do believe 4 extra weeks makes a lot of difference.

    Throughout my time in the bootcamp, the instructors and TA's were really helpful and always available to answer questions. Another aspect that Codecore ...

  • Dylan Smith
    Dylan Smith
    Junior Programmer • Graduate • CodeCore Developer Bootcamp • Vancouver
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Jun 21, 2018
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    An amazing experience

    A little bit of background on myself, I have always been interested in technology and computers.  From the time I was a little boy I was fascinated with the multitude of things you could do with a PC so naturally once I had tried programming I was hooked. Gaining some experience in high school and later my first year at University I had never taken a deep dive into programming and computer science. I had taken some time off from University to work and that’s when my father had found out ab...

  • David Scott
    David Scott
    Graduate • CodeCore Developer Bootcamp • Vancouver
    Verified by LinkedIn
    May 15, 2018
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Phenomenal Team and Program

    I want to start by saying that I believe codecore is the best option for those looking to enter into a career in web development. As a graduate, my opinion may be considered as biased, but I would strongly recommend those who doubt it to attend demo days at codecore and competing bootcamps. In my opinion, the final projects of codecore students are typically superior to projects completed at other bootcamps.

    Throughout the 12 weeks in the bootcamp, I was exposed to a number of fron...

  • Raymond Chen
    Raymond Chen
    Graduate • CodeCore Developer Bootcamp • Vancouver
    Verified by GitHub
    May 11, 2018
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    My Honest Opinion

    I had conducted hours of research into 4 of Vancouver's most prominent bootcamps. In the end I had chosen CodeCore because it offered a fundamentals course, along with the 12 week bootcamp itself. They were also very welcoming of their alumni in returning to the campus. This was in contrast to the interview I had with Red Academy's developer program. I asked the recruiter if I would be able to return to the campus upon graduating, and was told that the time should be limited as time progre...

  • Amir
    Graduate • CodeCore Developer Bootcamp • Vancouver
    Verified by GitHub
    May 02, 2018
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance


    Whether you  are a junior or intermediate developer or recently graduate from school, CodeCore is one of the places you can start a new career. 12 weeks intense coourse help you to boost your career path. Needless to say it reuires hardworking. It is recommended people without CS background just take part-time courses and if they found they can go further then try fulltime course. CodeCore is a freindly and positive environment whcich has proved it's name in Vancouver for years by educatin...

  • Jackie Ellenberger
    Associate Programmer Analyst • Graduate • Vancouver
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    May 01, 2018
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Excellent Entry into the Job Market

    CodeCore was able to round out the skills that college could not. I was given a job offer about 1.5 months after graduating. The job interview that actually got my foot in the door was organized by the staff at CodeCore.
  • Gregory Leepart
    Graduate • CodeCore Developer Bootcamp • Vancouver
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    Dec 07, 2017
    Overall Experience
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    Tam's knowledge, teaching style, and caring nature make this bootcamp hands down the best.  Not only is the course material dynamic to adapt to the changing landscape, but there are tons of knowledgeable resources to further drive home your education.

    I course is about 4 hours/day with about 4 hours/day labs to get practical experience working on the days concepts.  Outside of these hours, there is about 4 more where one has access to Tam or his knowledgeable staff to answer ques...

  • Dan
    Software Devloper • Graduate • CodeCore Developer Bootcamp • Vancouver
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    Dec 06, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    As good as YOU make it

    I can't say enought positive things about Tam and the people at CodeCore.

    After spending 10 years doing physical labor, I purchased my first computer in Spring of 2015 and attended the BootCamp in fall of 2015.

    Since then I have had 5 jobs and moved to San Francisco to be on a cutting edge team at one of the hottest startups in the history of startups.

    My pre-BootCamp income was a very reasonable, comfortable, and livable wage.  I now make 2.7 times my previou...

  • Jason Au
    React Developer • Graduate • CodeCore Developer Bootcamp • Vancouver
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    Aug 08, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    A Really Detailed Review

    Investing several thousand dollars into a 3 month course is not an easy decision. No doubt you have already spent several hours researching different education options. I hope this review will shed some light on whether it’s right for you.

    Are Bootcamps for Me?

    If you are fresh out of highschool, seriously consider going to university or BCIT for a compsci degree.

    A lot of material is covered in a very short time. A science/engineering degree,...

  • Howard Hao
    Automations Engineer • Graduate • CodeCore Developer Bootcamp • Vancouver
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Aug 02, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Amazing journey

    I had a blast going through the CodeCore course, and I would wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone who wants to enter the tech industry. The instructors are very knowledgable, personable, and are always very helpful. The founder himself teaches some of the classes and is very approachable, always there for a chat or to answer questions. I had great classmates that challenged and taught me a lot. If you can use this environment to push yourself, you will find yourself making things that you...


CodeCore Bootcamp Alumni Outcomes

Recent CodeCore Bootcamp News

Nick Toscano
Nick Toscano
Updated January 08, 2025
Canadian bootcamps are working hard to develop the talent needed to keep up with Canada’s growing tech hubs. StartUp Genome ranks Toronto and Vancouver amongst the top 20 startup ecosystems in the world. The Canadian tech economy as a whole is being fueled by thriving companies such as Shopify, HootSuite, Kik, Wattpad, and Erkem. Their success has generated a lot of interest among investors. ...
Liz Eggleston
Liz Eggleston
Updated August 14, 2014
Lighthouse Labs and CodeCore are the two top coding bootcamps in Vancouver, Canada. With similar offerings, which bootcamp should you attend? Let's compare the two schools to find which is the best fit.  Teaching Style CodeCore prides itself in strong mentorship from alumni and community members. CodeCore representative Tammam Kbeili cites their "commitment to the success of our stu...

CodeCore Bootcamp Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
CodeCore Developer Bootcamp is a fully Designated Institution under the BC Ministry of Advanced Education CodeCore is a Designated Institution under StudentAidBC.
Recent CodeCore Bootcamp News

How much does CodeCore Bootcamp cost?

CodeCore Bootcamp costs around $9,000. On the lower end, some CodeCore Bootcamp courses like Programming Fundamentals cost $950.

What courses does CodeCore Bootcamp teach?

CodeCore Bootcamp offers courses like Programming Fundamentals, Web Development Bootcamp.

Where does CodeCore Bootcamp have campuses?

CodeCore Bootcamp has an in-person campus in Vancouver.

Is CodeCore Bootcamp worth it?

CodeCore Bootcamp hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 56 CodeCore Bootcamp alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed CodeCore Bootcamp on Course Report - you should start there!

Is CodeCore Bootcamp legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 56 CodeCore Bootcamp alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed CodeCore Bootcamp and rate their overall experience a 4.68 out of 5.

Does CodeCore Bootcamp offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like CodeCore Bootcamp offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read CodeCore Bootcamp reviews?

You can read 56 reviews of CodeCore Bootcamp on Course Report! CodeCore Bootcamp alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed CodeCore Bootcamp and rate their overall experience a 4.68 out of 5.

Is CodeCore Bootcamp accredited?

CodeCore Developer Bootcamp is a fully Designated Institution under the BC Ministry of Advanced Education CodeCore is a Designated Institution under StudentAidBC.

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