

Average Rating4.8
280 Reviews
4 Courses

Henry is a 20-week, full-time or 28-week, part-time live & remote Full Stack Web Developer and Data Science coding school with $0 upfront cost for Spanish speakers. Henry offers "Labs" where students build real world projects in an Agile environment. Classes are taught in Spanish. 

No prior experience is required to apply. An optional prep course (20 hours) is available to help prospective students prepare for the Henry Challenge, a technical exam and the final step in the application process. 

Henry students receive job search support from a team of career coaches, CV assistance, LinkedIn and GitHub profile improvement, and interview practice. Graduates also have access to continued learning through workshops, exclusive talks, community, perks, etc. 

Henry offers an ISA plan, which allows students to begin the bootcamp with no upfront cost. Upon getting a job after graduation, ISA repayment is 15% of a student’s income paid in 24 monthly installments or up to $4,000 USD, whichever comes first.

280 Henry Reviews

Schools can't pay to alter or remove their reviews. Course Report never suppresses negative reviews
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  • Rodrigo Velazco
    Rodrigo Velazco
    Junior developer • Student • Full Stack Development • Online
    Verified by GitHub
    Mar 01, 2021
    Overall Experience
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    Great educational quality & excellent community

    Henry is the leap in quality of life that many need. On a continent with a prehistoric educational system, Henry is the example of where education has to go. It is intense, but effective. And the most important thing is that it has an extraordinary community where everyone learns from everyone and no one feels superior. 
  • Matias Casagrande
    Full Stack we Developer (Front end focused) • Graduate • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Mar 01, 2021
    Overall Experience
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    Full Stack Developer

    Great Experience! I changed my life in just 4 months. I was a Graphic designer when I started with no previous knowledge of code except for some HTML and CSS. Today I'm working full-time for a local company with 2 successful working apps as a front-end developer and took part in two projects for USA-based companies. Although I still have much to learn (mostly by experience) I work little guidance and am able to implement things I never did before by reading documentation, all thanks to H...
  • Enzo Orbe
    Full Stack Developer • Graduate • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Mar 01, 2021
    Overall Experience
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    Full Stack Developer

    100$ Recomendable, es una excelente opción para quienes recién empiezan en la programación, como para los que tienen experiencia, al ser sin costo inicial solo tenes que preocuparte por aprender  se realizan proyectos sumamente desafiantes, con un equipo de apoyo que te ayudan a resolver cualquier duda que tengas, desde instructores hasta PM's, te siguen capacitando hasta después de graduados con workshops sobre diversos temas.
  • Juan Manuel Otero
    Juan Manuel Otero
    Full Stack Developer • Graduate • Full Stack Development (Part-Time) • Online
    Verified by GitHub
    Mar 01, 2021
    Overall Experience
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    El mejor bootcamp, la mejor comunidad

    Es recomendable, para quien no sabe programar o para el que sabe y quiere llegar a otro nivel. Todos los proyectos te permiten desarrollarte al maximo, porque los tutores te guían para que logres los resultados que esperas. Y lo mejor es la comunidad de graduados donde además de subir búsquedas laborales, hay workshops, seminarios, charlas con referentes de la industria y asistencia para mejorar tus redes sociales personales. 
  • Ariel
    Graduate • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Feb 28, 2021
    Overall Experience
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    Full Stack Developer

    Buenas quiero recomendar 100% el Bootcamp de Henry, además de sus excelentes profesores hay un gran equipo de tutores y personas que se dedican a apoyarte como estudiante a lo largo de tu carrera, si te apasiona la programación web henry es tu mejor opción sin lugar a dudas.
  • Rebeca Durán
    Full Stack Web Developer • Graduate • Full Stack Development • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Feb 27, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    El mejor Bootcamp

    No solo aprendés, no solo estan para impulsarte a cambiar tu rumbo en mejorar tu calidad laboral, sino que es una comunidad de hermosas personas trabajando por un mismo objetivo! 
  • Andrés A. Gómez
    Student • Full Stack Development • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Feb 27, 2021
    Overall Experience
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    Academia de primer nivel!

    Henry es una de las academias mejor estructuradas que he conocido, su nivel de exigencia lleva a los alumnos a dar lo mejor de si y a esforzarse cada día por poder llegar a cumplir los retos que ésta propone, para poder graduarte de Henry debes ser una persona disciplinada y auto-exigente, es una academia que garantiza en sus alumnos graduados un nivel de conocimientos y habilidades que no cualquier academia puede proporcionar, pues cuenta con un riguroso control y seguimiento sus alumno...
  • Tomás Costanzo
    Product Owner • Graduate • Full Stack Development • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Feb 27, 2021
    Overall Experience
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    Amazing experience!

    Henry's bootcamp is beyond a coding school. Taking advantage of collaboration since day one, it will provide you an immersive experience where you will have the opportunity to learn hard (and edge) and soft skills among other people in an agile cell format (during the labs stage). I would strongly recommend Henry as the first step towards your future as a software engineer.
  • Matías Racedo
    Full Stack Developer • Graduate • Full Stack Development • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Feb 27, 2021
    Overall Experience
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    Muy completo

    Un programa muy completo, aprenderás las tecnologías y herramientas que más se utilizan hoy en día en el desarrollo web. El acompañamiento a los graduados en la búsqueda laboral también es excelente.
  • Agustin Rolon
    Agustin Rolon
    Portfolio Analyst • Graduate • Online
    Dec 27, 2024
    Overall Experience
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    Henry es una experiencia increíblemente transformadora. Llegué buscando hacer un cambio laboral y seguir mi pasión por los datos, y me encontré con un lugar que no solo me enseñó tecnologías clave como Python, SQL, Power BI, sino que también me preparó para el mundo real.El enfoque práctico y los proyectos grupales te obligan a salir de tu zona de confort, aprender a trabajar en equipo y desarrollar habilidades blandas que son igual de importantes que las técnicas. Además, el ...
  • Nicolas Rene Hoyos Arizaga
    Nicolas Rene Hoyos Arizaga
    Data Sciencie • Graduate • Data Science • Online
    Dec 06, 2024
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Mi experiencia del bootcamp

    Siento que al bootcamp le falta mas herramientas que enseñar, auque las que proponen dentro del bootcamp son esenciales si quieres tener un inicio solido dentro del mundo laboral. la profundidad del conocimiento que abarca es hasta nivel intermedio en herramientas como SQL, Python, Power BI, y en la area Estadistica, en Machine Learning te dan una introduccion, pero el mundo laboral necesita mas que eso te necesita preparado para que uses alguna herramienta en la Nube o que abarques mas ...
  • Emanuel Erasmo Nieto
    Emanuel Erasmo Nieto
    Full stack developer • Graduate • Full Stack Development (Part-Time) • Online
    Oct 04, 2024
    Overall Experience
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    Eficaz Estructurada Notable

    El Bootcamp de Soy Henry me ayudo a conseguir mi primer trabajo en el mundo IT, logre obtener grandes conocimientos en el mundo de la programación, tiene excelentes instructores y el acompañamiento de sus coach para la búsqueda laboral es excelente.

Henry Alumni Outcomes

Recent Henry News

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Henry Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill

How much does Henry cost?

Henry costs around $4,000.

What courses does Henry teach?

Henry offers courses like Data Science, Data Science (Part-Time), Full Stack Development, Full Stack Development (Part-Time).

Where does Henry have campuses?

Henry teaches students Online in a remote classroom.

Is Henry worth it?

Henry hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 280 Henry alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Henry on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Henry legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 280 Henry alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Henry and rate their overall experience a 4.8 out of 5.

Does Henry offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Henry offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Henry reviews?

You can read 280 reviews of Henry on Course Report! Henry alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Henry and rate their overall experience a 4.8 out of 5.

Is Henry accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Henry doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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