

Average Rating4.87
71 Reviews
9 Courses

JayJay is an Indonesia-based tech training provider offering online, self-paced bootcamps covering topics like UI/UX design, QA engineering, and social media specialization. The bootcamps include hands-on projects to help create a portfolio to show potential employers. JayJay also offers online training courses for experienced professionals to help them build on existing knowledge.

Beginners and students with no experience are welcome to apply to JayJay bootcamps.

Career support is included in the curriculum at JayJay. Career services include resume building, LinkedIn profile assistance, interview prep, and career coaching. Students have lifetime access to JayJay career assistance after graduating.

71 JayJay Reviews

Schools can't pay to alter or remove their reviews. Course Report never suppresses negative reviews
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  • Syofia Friherdina
    Syofia Friherdina
    A long life learner • Student • UX/UI Design • Online
    Dec 02, 2024
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    Flexible Course!!!

    Hi! Aku syofia, aku sedang mengikuti kursus UI/UX Design di Jayjay school. Aku cukup senang ikut kursus disini karena materinya simple. Kalau dibilang mudah dipahami, enggak juga, tapi Jayjay ada mentor yang profesional yang siap membantu ngejawab kerandoman pertanyaanku seputar UI/UX, jadi ya so far aku bisa ngikutin dengan baik. Aku harap bisa lulus tepat waktu di kursus ini dan ilmu yang ku dapatkan bisa berguna untuk ku dan orang lain. Doakan aku ya Jayjay! Thanks for the education!!...
  • Sultan Rafa Fadilla
    Sultan Rafa Fadilla
    Graphic Designer • Graduate • Digital illustration • Online
    Dec 02, 2024
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    Intensive, interactive, supportive, inspiring, practical.

     JayJay is the perfect place to hone your graphic design skills, offering a well-structured program from basic to advanced levels. The mentors, including Kak Cahyo, Kak Agung, Kak Anna, and especially Kak Dwizky, are highly experienced and always provide valuable feedback. The learning environment is interactive and supportive, allowing participants to apply their knowledge in real-time. Highly recommended for fresh graduates looking to enhance specific skills for the workforce or freela...
  • Kasyif Al Ghitha Indah
    Kasyif Al Ghitha Indah
    Multimedia Staff • Student • Online
    Dec 02, 2024
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    Best Buy Online Course

    Kenal jayjay karna iklan nya lewat instagram mulu, akhirnya konsultasi buat ambil kelas Motion Graphic karna kebutuhan ku sebagai karyawan multimedia yang butuh tingkatin skill di mograph. So far enjoy banget dengan kelasnya karna fleksibel, atur waktu belajar sesukamu, dan very responsive mentor kalo kita ada pertanyaan tentang course ataupun diluar itu.  Banyak pengetahuan yang aku baru tau setelah ikut course ini. Cocok juga buat kaum pekerja event yang jam kerjanya n...
  • Irza Setya Anshari
    Irza Setya Anshari
    Staff Design and Social Media Specialist • Applicant • UX/UI Design • Online
    Dec 02, 2024
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    Great Experiece Learning with JayJay School!

    At JayJay School, we truly gain extraordinary knowledge. We are taught from the basics to more detailed aspects. Here, we don't just get theory, but we also get practical training, consultations with mentors, and there's also a community of coursemates and alumni. So we can share insights and also share projects from the JayJay School alumni. I don't regret taking the course at JayJay School, because the most interesting part is that the materials and learning videos provided are lifetim...
  • Ahmad Fadhil Muflih
    Ahmad Fadhil Muflih
    Student • QA Engineer • Online
    Dec 02, 2024
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    Online Course QA Engineer

    Mengikuti course QA Engineer selama tiga bulan terakhir adalah salah satu keputusan terbaik dalam perjalanan karier saya. Program ini tidak hanya memberikan ilmu teknis, tetapi juga membangun pola pikir sebagai seorang QA yang berorientasi pada kualitas dan detail.

    Poin penting pembalajarannya terdapat pada:
    1. Pengajaran yang Sistematis
    2. Pendekatan Praktis
    3. Mentor yang Responsif
    4. Fasilitas Belajar yang Lengkap
    5. Persiapan untuk Dunia Kerja
  • Felix Sunandar
    Felix Sunandar
    Student • Online
    Dec 02, 2024
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    Review 3D Generalist in Blender

    Di tengah padatnya aktivitas kerja dan keinginan untuk mempelajari keterampilan baru, saya akhirnya menemukan Jayjay yang menawarkan metode pembelajaran yang fleksibel, memungkinkan saya untuk mengatur jadwal belajar sesuai keinginan. Saya memilih kelas 3D Generalist di Jayjay karena kelas ini memenuhi semua kebutuhan saya, dengan materi yang mencakup berbagai aspek 3D, mulai dari modeling, texturing, dan material, compositing, hingga pra-produksi, yang juga membantu saya dalam mengemban...
  • Satya Bagus Putra Wicaksono Saefeto
    Satya Bagus Putra Wicaksono Saefeto
    Graduate • QA Engineer • Online
    Dec 01, 2024
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    Challenging, fun and the best

    a suitable course place for me who is busy with my current job but still wants to learn and try to switch my careers to the IT field.

    the learning is quite satisfying because it is easy to digest for lay people and if there is something difficult the mentor is always ready to help. I hope this place can be a way for me to become a professional in the IT field.  
  • Arjuna Damar Jaya
    Arjuna Damar Jaya
    Student • Online
    Dec 01, 2024
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    Sangat Rekomendasi Buat Pemula!

    Kursus "3D Blender Generalist" di Jay Jay School sangat mengesankan dengan struktur materi yang rapi dan lengkap. Instruktur sangat berpengetahuan, dan sesi live memberikan kesempatan berharga untuk tanya jawab langsung. Latihan interaktif memperkuat pemahaman saya, dan dukungan komunitas sangat membantu. Kecepatan pengajaran bisa sedikit lebih cepat, dan akan lebih baik jika ada materi lanjutan. Secara keseluruhan, kursus ini sangat direkomendasikan bagi pemula yang ingin belajar Blende...
  • Muhamad Eros Maulana
    Muhamad Eros Maulana
    Graphic Design • Student • Online
    Dec 01, 2024
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    Graphic Design Course

    Sangat worth it, bukan cuma untuk pemula, tapi buat saya yang sudah berkarir kurang lebih 2 tahun saja rasanya sangat worth it, penjelasan lengkap dari mentor yang super jago, jamnya yang fleksible saya jadi leluasa untuk ngatur waktu kerja dan belajar, sangat recomended! oiya, live session membantu banget, gak cuma bahas materi kita juga bisa bahas apa pun terkait dunia design loh, terimakasih JayJay!
  • Arsyun Najuda
    Arsyun Najuda
    student • Student • Online
    Dec 01, 2024
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    graphic design course

    Belajar di kelas online Jayjay Graphic Design benar-benar membantu saya meningkatkan skill desain secara signifikan. Materinya jelas, mudah dipahami, dan langsung aplikatif. Jayjay juga sangat komunikatif, sehingga saya merasa nyaman bertanya dan belajar. Setelah mengikuti kelas ini, hasil karya saya jauh lebih rapi, kreatif, dan profesional. Sangat cocok untuk siapa saja yang ingin upskill diri di dunia desain grafis. Highly recommended!
  • Clarisa Faradhita
    Clarisa Faradhita
    Student • QA Engineer • Online
    Dec 01, 2024
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    2 Month

    Saya sangat senang belajar di Jay jay Shcool banyak ilmu yang telah saya dapatkan mulai dari QA manual sampai ke Automation. Walaupun baru beberapa 6 modul yang terselesaikan tapi pembelajaran menyenangkan dan tidak membosankan serta waktu yang fleksibel. Di dalam metode Manual test disini saya juga telah belajar bagaimana cara membuat dokumen testing seperti Skenario, test plan dll. Selanjutnya saya juga mempelajari database hingga membuat query, github bahkan nantinya saya juga belajar...
  • Junika Hotnida Tobing
    Junika Hotnida Tobing
    Student • QA Engineer • Online
    Nov 30, 2024
    Overall Experience
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    Worth it, fun, useful

    Kursus di Jayjay sangat Worth it whyyy???? materi yang disampaikan lengkap bahkan dikuatkan dari basic. Praktikum nya juga sangat relate dengan dunia kerja, apalagi dengan penggunaan tools yang masih banyak digunakan di dunia kerja, mentornya juga sangat responsif dan teliti untuk semua tugas dan pertanyaan terjawab dengan baik dan mudah untuk dimengerti, tidak hanya itu ada live session juga meskipun tidak bisa hadir tapi tetap bisa dapat materinya, dan yang paling utama materi bisa aks...

JayJay Alumni Outcomes

Recent JayJay News

Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated October 02, 2023
Happy Fall! AI was all everyone wanted to talk about this September, and rather than reading more doomsday headlines, we saw more nuanced (and longer!) articles on how AI integration will actually improve and create more jobs. We saw two tech training programs receive sizable gifts from MacKenzie Scott’s charitable foundation, and a new coding bootcamp merger in south Florida. We’ll let you k...
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JayJay Alumni Reviews Summary

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Accepts GI Bill
Recent JayJay News

How much does JayJay cost?

The average bootcamp costs $14,142, but JayJay does not share pricing information. You can read a cost-comparison of other popular bootcamps!

What courses does JayJay teach?

JayJay offers courses like Digital illustration, Front End Web Development, QA Automation, QA Engineer and 5 more.

Where does JayJay have campuses?

JayJay teaches students Online in a remote classroom.

Is JayJay worth it?

JayJay hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 71 JayJay alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed JayJay on Course Report - you should start there!

Is JayJay legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 71 JayJay alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed JayJay and rate their overall experience a 4.87 out of 5.

Does JayJay offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like JayJay offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read JayJay reviews?

You can read 71 reviews of JayJay on Course Report! JayJay alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed JayJay and rate their overall experience a 4.87 out of 5.

Is JayJay accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. JayJay doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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