
La Capsule Academy

Average Rating4.98
390 Reviews
8 Courses

La Capsule is a coding bootcamp offering 10-week, full-time Full Stack Web & Mobile Developer Bootcamp and 9-week, full-time DevOps Engineer Bootcamp in Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon, Paris, Nice, Marseille (France), Monaco and Brussels (Belgium). The signature pedagogy of La Capsule is project-based learning so students can have hands-on tech experience. Students will complete a project during each work of the bootcamp.

In the Full Stack Web & Mobile Developer Bootcamp, students will learn the common core of web development and master basic foundations. Students will also learn advanced concepts for back end and front end programming. Expect to learn the skills needed to create code that is more flexible and powerful, while building applications that can be deployed on mobile phones. The course also includes a 2-week final project with help from teachers and mentors. After the conclusion of the course, there is a 4-week mentor program where bootcamp graduates can utilize career prep and job search help.

In the DevOps Engineer Bootcamp, the curriculum covers systems and networks, release pipeline, and infrastructure. Students will learn Python, Git, Gitlab, Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, and more. For the 2-week final projects, students will create an IT infrastructure from A to Z. Students who complete the bootcamp will receive the professional title of DevOps System Administrator (Level 6 EUR), an equivalent Bac +3/4.

Beginners are welcome to apply to La Capsule. Applicants will go through an admissions interview and logic assessment in order to enroll in the bootcamp.


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390 La Capsule Academy Reviews

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  • hugues
    Graduate • Full Stack Web Developer - In Person • Paris
    Jan 22, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Thank you La Capsule!!

    As a salesman for several years, I wished to reconvert myself in computer science. So I joined La Capsule several months ago. And I'm delighted!

    The course formats were very intense and very enriching! The teachers were attentive and available to help us with our projects. I also noticed the group cohesion between batch mates. Mutual help was the key word of this training and allowed us to progress at a good rhythm!

    Today, I was able to continue with an int...

  • Maryse M
    Maryse M
    Graduate • Full Stack Web Developer - In Person • Paris
    Jan 21, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    I loved the program

    I enjoyed the program to become a Fullstack web developer for La capsule!
    These 9 weeks were intensive and formative! I reviewed the basics with HTML, CSS then I deepened my knowledge with Javascript, React, Node, Express. I also learned how to use Git and Github! 
    I learned a lot in 9 weeks and I am now able to code! The last two weeks were surely the most interesting. We applied all our knowledge in an entrepreneurial project to create a MVP. 

    I loved the program, the...

  • Aurore C
    Aurore C
    Graduate • Paris
    Jan 20, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Best coding bootcamp

    The intensity and quality of La Capsule's training make this program an effective and rewarding bootcamp coding program! 

    I integrated La Capsule after detecting a particular feeling with the code. So I decided to train myself. After graduating, I didn't want to spend another 2 years in a long training course and I preferred to learn quickly to be able to finally start an active life. 

    I have absolutely no regrets! The teachers were very formative and pedagogical. They ...

  • Heloise
    Graduate • Full Stack Web Developer - In Person • Lyon
    Jan 17, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great experience!!

    I loved my training at The Capsule! The teachers were available to answer our questions and accompany us throughout the training.
    The team is very friendly and there is a very good atmosphere in the classroom!
    I was able to meet people with very different backgrounds from mine and work with them on their future project. It was very enriching!

    La Capsule allowed me to develop new skills and deepen my marketing profile to improve my CV!

  • Marina
    Full Stack Web Developer • Lyon
    May 23, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Long life to La Capsule!

    When I signed up for the training with La Capsule, I clearly left my comfort zone! I had no experience in coding and this was the first step of my professional reconversion. Hence, I had some doubts regarding the possible results of such a short and intense training, but most of all I had doubts on my own capability of learning to code in so little time. The first three weeks were very hard, I almost gave up! When they say boot camp, they are not joking! But Noël, our trainer, proved...

  • Lenny
    Student • Full Stack Web Developer • Lyon
    May 20, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    High quality training

    Thanks to this high quality training given by Noël, I am now confident applying for a job as Full Stack Javascript developer. I appreciated the small size of the group which made it easy to get answers to all my questions, always in a very nice and relaxed atmosphere. The training is very hands on, the exercises are inspired by small web applications including tools used in startups, like means of payment, geolocalisation, email sending… I highly appreciated the mentoring part of t...

  • Cedric
    Full Stack Web Developer • Lyon
    May 15, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    The best way to become a developer

    A great thanks to La Capsule! I had no special knowledge when I signed up and today, after 10 weeks of training, I am capable to code. Noël, our trainer, tought us a lot of things in little time and in a very relaxed atmosphere. Each and everyone of us got one to one time with him, so that we all could move forward on a steady rythme. At the end of the training, we even developed our own application, all of us. I strongly recommend this training, even if you don't have prior coding e...

  • djebassi ramy
    Student • Full Stack Web Developer - In Person • Marseille
    Aug 22, 2024
    Overall Experience
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     A great experience at La Capsule, with a comprehensive training program on JavaScript frameworks. The training allows you to become autonomous while providing assistance when needed. The courses are clear and precise, and the exercises demonstrate the practical value of what you learn in a professional context. I highly recommend La Capsule for web development training. 
  • Emeline Courcelle
    Student • Lyon
    Apr 12, 2024
    Overall Experience
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    Great dev experience

    I completed the web development training at La Capsule in March 2024, and this experience boosted my technical skills and gave me confidence for my upcoming career.
    Before the Bootcamp I had a 4 years experience in VBA programming, I knew HTML, CSS and I studied JavaScript months before the beginning of the Bootcamp.After several months learning on my own, I chose La Capsule to earn a certification (the RNCP title) and to be confronted to Git conflicts when work...
  • Yasmine MANSOOR
    Feb 12, 2024
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great Bootcamp

    My recent experience with La Capsule was extremely positive. I particularly liked the format, which included morning classes with teachers who were available to answer all types of questions, followed by group work in the afternoon. Initially, being remote, I expected to be on my own, but this was not the case at all. Students were able to help each other and benefit from the guidance of teachers and teaching assistants. We were really well supported throughout the course.

    I also ...
  • sartor nathalie
    Jan 11, 2024
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance


    Coming from a background completely opposite to web development, I wanted to pivot for a change of pace and enter a field in constant evolution. That's when I discovered La Capsule, and what truly captivated me was their pedagogical approach focused on practicality, with a precise emphasis on a programming language. The highly intensive pace was also a very positive aspect for me.
    My experience with La Capsule was excellent! The classes were very interesting, and...
  • Jimmy Bellavia
    Student • Full Stack Web Developer - In Person • Paris
    Nov 21, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Bootcamp La Capsule

    As an IT support technician, I wanted to put my creativity into practice and be operational in the field of web development and La Capsule allowed me to get started in it. I chose La Capsule for its teaching, the languages ​​covered during the training and a BIG plus for the possibility of following the bootcamp in person. The end project is an interesting concept, it allowed me to implement everything I was able to assimilate throughout the training and to explore further. Autonomous bu...

La Capsule Academy Alumni Outcomes

Employment Rate
Graduation Rate
Median Salary
6% of students intended to seek in-field employment within 180 days of graduating. 10% of students did not intend to seek in-field employment. Below is the 180 Day Employment Breakdown for 182 graduates included in report:
180 Day employment breakdown
Employed in-field94.0%
Full-time employee58.0%
Full-time apprenticeship, internship or contract position12.0%
Short-term contract, part-time, or freelance16.0%
Started a new company or venture after graduation8.0%
Not seeking in-field employment1.2%
Employed out-of-field0.0%
Continuing to higher education12.0%
Not seeking a job for health, family, or personal reasons1.2%
Still seeking job in-field6.0%
Could not contact12.0%
salary breakdown
Notes and Caveats
Au total, 94% des diplômés de La Capsule sont en poste. 

Recent La Capsule Academy News

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La Capsule Academy Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
Job Assistance
Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Qualiopi - France
Recent La Capsule Academy News

How much does La Capsule Academy cost?

La Capsule Academy costs around €7,000. On the lower end, some La Capsule Academy courses like Code Essentials - Online cost €1,500.

What courses does La Capsule Academy teach?

La Capsule Academy offers courses like Cloud & DevOps Engineer - In Person, Cloud & DevOps Engineer - Online, Code Essentials - Online, Data Analyst & IA - In Person and 4 more.

Where does La Capsule Academy have campuses?

La Capsule Academy has in-person campuses in Bordeaux, Brussels, Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Monaco, Nice, and Paris.

Is La Capsule Academy worth it?

The data says yes! La Capsule Academy reports a 100% graduation rate, a median salary of $35,000 and 94% of La Capsule Academy alumni are employed. La Capsule Academy hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 390 La Capsule Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed La Capsule Academy on Course Report - you should start there!

Is La Capsule Academy legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 390 La Capsule Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed La Capsule Academy and rate their overall experience a 4.98 out of 5.

Does La Capsule Academy offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like La Capsule Academy offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read La Capsule Academy reviews?

You can read 390 reviews of La Capsule Academy on Course Report! La Capsule Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed La Capsule Academy and rate their overall experience a 4.98 out of 5.

Is La Capsule Academy accredited?

Qualiopi - France

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