Tecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps is closed
This school is now closed. Although Tecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps is no longer accepting students or running its program, you can still see historical information and Tecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps alumni reviews on the school page.
Tecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps offer 24-week, part-time web development, data analytics, and cybersecurity courses. The full stack curriculum includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Express.js, Node.js, databases, MongoDB, MySQL, and Git. The data curriculum includes programming in Excel, Python, R programming, JavaScript charting, HTML/CSS, API interactions, SQL, Tableau, fundamental statistics, machine learning, and more. Enjoy close collaboration with other professionals while receiving hands-on experience. The cybersecurity curriculum offers hands-on training in networking, systems, web technologies, databases, and defensive and offensive cybersecurity.
Applicants do not need prior experience to enroll, but once admitted, all students will complete a pre-course tutorial. The part-time programs are designed for working professionals and students who are actively pursuing a career change or advancement or are looking to gain a new skill set.
Throughout the program, students have access to career-planning services including resume and portfolio reviews, technical interview training, virtual tech panels, and 1:1 coaching. Upon graduation, students will receive a Certificate of Completion from Tecnológico de Monterrey showcasing their accomplishments to future employers and will have a portfolio of projects demonstrating a working knowledge of web development, cybersecurity, or data analytics.
Tecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps are offered in collaboration with edX.
Boot Camp Team of Tecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps
Community Team
Jun 17, 2022
Boot Camp Team of Tecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps
Community Team
Feb 24, 2019
I was looking for full-stack classes and found out about this bootcamp through facebook. I had an interview and was really interested in joining but had my doubts, given that I no experience on the topic.
If you are having the same feelings as I did, I suggest you practice first with online courses and then join the bootcamp, otherwise you will feel stressed and many things won’t make sense. It is a very challenging journey in which time will be always against you. Don’t get me w...
I was looking for full-stack classes and found out about this bootcamp through facebook. I had an interview and was really interested in joining but had my doubts, given that I no experience on the topic.
If you are having the same feelings as I did, I suggest you practice first with online courses and then join the bootcamp, otherwise you will feel stressed and many things won’t make sense. It is a very challenging journey in which time will be always against you. Don’t get me wrong, it is fun, challenging, interesting and a practical bootcamp, but when you think you are in control, next week’s lesson will teach you that you aren’t.
It is called a bootcamp for a reason, and time is very important. Everything happens really fast. I stopped working the days of the bootcamp in order to work on my homeworks and practice with my tutor, but still I felt I needed more time.
Did it meet my expectations:
-Until this moment, it has but I’m quite aware that I won’t be able to do what I expected after the course until I reach a certain level of mastery over the topics.
-Teachers are great, very supportive.
-The location of the campus was good at the beginning but then they changed it and sometimes we arrive late and have to walk a lot because we didn’t have a close parking lot.
What needs to be changed:
-I want to suggest at least an extra month of classes. This will help future students learn theory before practicing.
-The prework helps but it's not enough if you don’t have previous knowledge on programming.
-The teaching strategy wasn't the best at first, but it improved.
-The classroom didn't have the adequate conditions: air conditioning, connections.
Boot Camp Team of Tecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps
Community Team
Feb 25, 2019
Mi experiencia general... he aprendido muchisimo definitivamente. Solo al principio pense que la clase iba a un ritmo algo lento. Ahoritilla para el week 19 (?) lo describiria como mas complicado y dificil de concentrarse, porque ahora los ejercicios involucra abrir varias cosas a la vez.. Ami lo personal me hubiera gustado que la clases funcionen mas como un taller con asesoria. Me gusto poder crear mis propios programas y no tener que hacer una tarea definida. Me hubiera gustado que pudi...
Mi experiencia general... he aprendido muchisimo definitivamente. Solo al principio pense que la clase iba a un ritmo algo lento. Ahoritilla para el week 19 (?) lo describiria como mas complicado y dificil de concentrarse, porque ahora los ejercicios involucra abrir varias cosas a la vez.. Ami lo personal me hubiera gustado que la clases funcionen mas como un taller con asesoria. Me gusto poder crear mis propios programas y no tener que hacer una tarea definida. Me hubiera gustado que pudiera hacer mas preguntas cuando estoy fuera de clase, mientras trabajo en mis proyectos.
Boot Camp Team of Tecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps
Community Team
Feb 25, 2019
Its hard, no doubt about it, but its important to find resolve and keep on pushing forward. Thank you for all the work you put into this bootcamp. Very professional people.
See you :)
It was very very hard and very very worth it.
I got to a new perspective of problem solving that got me in a better understanding of how my day to day work should be and a very good sense of the services that I am right now doing.
Please give it a chance and invest in yourself!
Boot Camp Team of Tecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps
Community Team
Feb 22, 2019
The course is really good. It covers all the main subjects you need to know to have all the tools under your belt to be a full stack web developer.
Everyone involved in the course was very friendly and helpful.
Boot Camp Team of Tecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps
Community Team
Feb 20, 2019
This course has been a very rewarding experience for me. I wanted to learn a programming language that I could use for work, there are tons of online courses that you could take and some of them are even free but for me, I needed a program like this that could fit with my work schedule and have someone to explain me in case I had difficulties on some topics and this is exactly what I was expecting.
The course is well organized, with all the activities, homework’s and projects and...
This course has been a very rewarding experience for me. I wanted to learn a programming language that I could use for work, there are tons of online courses that you could take and some of them are even free but for me, I needed a program like this that could fit with my work schedule and have someone to explain me in case I had difficulties on some topics and this is exactly what I was expecting.
The course is well organized, with all the activities, homework’s and projects and the pace is really good.
Finally, it was beyond my expectations and I did learn a lot, all the team (instructor, TA's, etc.) helped us a lot and they were very patient and dedicated.
Without a doubt, I definitely recommend this course.
Boot Camp Team of Tecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps
Community Team
Feb 20, 2019
I was very interested in learning how to code. I tried to learn with MOOCs and other pages, but I was lost. I really needed the basic-basics. The first part of this course (the first two weeks) were very good for that purpose.
If you’ve learned something online before and liked the experience, try to learn by yourself before joining a bootcamp. But if you need an extra push, this way of learning sure helps. I took the online bootcamp and really enjoyed the experience. I had good ...
I was very interested in learning how to code. I tried to learn with MOOCs and other pages, but I was lost. I really needed the basic-basics. The first part of this course (the first two weeks) were very good for that purpose.
If you’ve learned something online before and liked the experience, try to learn by yourself before joining a bootcamp. But if you need an extra push, this way of learning sure helps. I took the online bootcamp and really enjoyed the experience. I had good relationship with almost all my classmates and learn a lot from them! It’s nice to start coding with people who can support you.
In the course there was people that already knew how to code, and people (like myself) that didn’t have a clue. For me, after taking this course, I feel I covered the basics, but still have a long way to go coding-wise. That is different for the people that knew programming before. For them, this course complemented their knowledge and I find that their profile is more well-rounded than before.
I’m grateful that now I feel that I know where to go from here, but for me, this course more than making me a full-stack developer, just accelerated my knowledge in coding, but I have a lot of things to learn, still. The difference is that now I know what I need to learn, my strengths and my coding weaknesses.
I don’t think this course is for everybody. You really need time for this bootcamp! And I think it’s better if you want to change your career path and if you’re very determined, dedicate a lot of your time, learn by yourself, make a good network with your classmates…It lasts only 6 months, but it is a true commitment.
Boot Camp Team of Tecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps
Community Team
Feb 15, 2019
I enjoyed the bootcamp, the instructor was very clear in all the topic. I feel very confident developint in the front and in the backend.
The inversion really worths.
Boot Camp Team of Tecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps
Community Team
Feb 13, 2019
I really liked the bootcamp and I consider I learnt a lot. In genral I would recommend this bootcamp to people who are willing to get the main concepts of web development in an organized, easy to understand fashion.
Boot Camp Team of Tecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps
Community Team
Feb 14, 2019
How much does Tecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps cost?
Tecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps costs around $100,995.
What courses does Tecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps teach?
Tecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps offers courses like Cybersecurity - Part-Time, Data Science and Visualization - Part-Time, Full-Stack Flex - Part-Time.
Where does Tecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps have campuses?
Tecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps has an in-person campus in Mexico City.
Is Tecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps worth it?
Tecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 64 Tecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Tecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps on Course Report - you should start there!
Is Tecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps legit?
We let alumni answer that question. 64 Tecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Tecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps and rate their overall experience a 4.85 out of 5.
Does Tecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?
Right now, it doesn't look like Tecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.
Can I read Tecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps reviews?
You can read 64 reviews of Tecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps on Course Report! Tecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Tecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps and rate their overall experience a 4.85 out of 5.
Is Tecnológico de Monterrey Boot Camps accredited?
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