
Turing College

Average Rating4.92
229 Reviews
5 Courses
Turing College is an online AI college for busy professionals, and offers 24-96 week, online programs in data science & ML, analytics, data engineering & web development. While this is a supervised and peer-to-peer program, the program is flexible and can be completed at the student’s own pace. Turing College is licensed as a higher education institution in the European Union via Woolf, and driven by Google-level engineers to Cambridge University PhDs. At Tur...

229 Turing College Reviews

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  • Filipe Batista
    Student • Web development • Online
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    Jun 27, 2024
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    A Transformative Online Learning Experience at Turing College

    I had the privilege of joining Turing College, and it has been an incredible journey. Here’s why: 
    1. Community of Like-Minded Peers:
      • The camaraderie among students is remarkable. I’ve met cool, like-minded people who share a passion for coding and learning.
      • The 1-on-1 code reviews are invaluable. Learning from others’ code and receiving feedback on my own work has accelerated my growth.
    2. From Zero to Multilingual...
  • Justas Sadauskas
    Student • Digital Marketing • Online
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    Jun 23, 2024
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    Digital marketing & Analytics course experience

    I've joined their new Digital marketing & Analytics course to upskill and transition my career into digital marketing. And I can honestly say that the overall experience is spectacular. The sole fact that I joined this program by Turing College was a contributing factor to me getting a job as a junior digital marketer, because even the employers are aware of the relevant, high quality and up-to-date skills TC learners acquire, regardless of the chosen program. Turing College also doe...
  • Egle Valukoniene
    Process analyst • Student • Data Analytics • Online
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    Jun 18, 2024
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    Best online college for data analysts

    I highly recommend Turing College if you want to change your career path or to receive more knowledge in data analytics, data science and etc. They have a super online learning program which is based on self-learning. No strict schedule, the program is very flexible so that even a full-time working Moms can study. The online learning platform is very user-friendly as well as the whole staff. Everything is organized in high-quality and very professionaly. 
  • Ogechukwu Sylvia Okwu
    Data Analyst • Student • Data Analytics • Online
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    Jun 06, 2024
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    Great Learning Structure

    I highly recommend Turing college. They have a very good learning structure. the peer reviews and 1-1 Senior Team lead reviews, Sessions and all motivates one to put in the effort to duly understand the course
  • Aleksandr Kovger
    Application Support Specialist • Student • Data Science • Online
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    Jun 05, 2024
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    Amazing facility to change the course of your life.

    I couldn't be more satisfied with my experience. The curriculum is comprehensive and up-to-date, covering everything from foundational programming languages to cutting-edge topics like artificial intelligence. The flexibility of online classes allowed me to balance my studies with work and personal commitments, which was crucial for me.

    The faculty at Turing College are outstanding. They are not only experts in their fields but also incredibly supportive and accessible. The small ...
  • Kata Rita Hernádi
    Student • Data Science • Online
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    Jun 02, 2024
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    Great self-study course

    I have been doing the online course for Data Science at Turing College for about a month now. It has been a great experience, I love the structure and content of the material. 
    I have constant contact with instructors and peer learners. I find the peer and senior review concept really efficient. 
    I can manage my own schedule which is a must having a full-time job. 
    The projects are challenging but doable, we get all the help we could ever need. 
    I also need to emphasize that ...
  • Kazimieras Badokas
    Graduate • Data Science • Online
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    Jun 02, 2024
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    Turing College experience

    Turing College lived up to its promise of being an AI college for busy individuals. The flexible learning schedule allowed me to balance my studies with other commitments while still maintaining the discipline needed to complete projects on time. One of the standout aspects of the program was the introduction to an IT environment, complete with stand-ups and code reviews with STLs. If you find a program that aligns with your interests, I highly recommend embarking on this journey. It’s a...
  • Asad Naeem
    Senior System Analyst • Student • Data Science • Online
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    Jun 02, 2024
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    Data Science Journey Just Started

    I just completed the first sprint successfully and have now started the second one. As an online student, this is my first experience taking an online course. Initially, I was worried that online learning would be difficult to manage and that many of my questions would go unanswered. However, I was completely wrong. TC's online community on Discord is fantastic, offering help and guidance almost 24/7. The community members have a very positive attitude and are always willing to help, tha...
  • Yu Chen Wei
    Student • Data Analytics • Online
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    Jun 01, 2024
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    Excellent data analytics course with strong peer review study methodology

    There are many different data analytics online, but Turing College standouts because of their strong peer review learning system. At the end of every sprint, the student has to do a project and it will be reviews twice, during which the student has to demonstrate what they have learnt in the sprint. After which the student could do peer review on the same project to further solidify what they have learnt in the sprint. 

    The best way to retain what you have learnt is to teach other...
  • Mindaugas Nasutavičius
    Head of finance division • Student • Data Analytics • Online
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    May 31, 2024
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    Useful, interesting, flexible

    I am glad that I started my journey in Turing college, data analytics, because two main features were important for me - flexibility and quality. The course is based on self-determined pace, therefore it was easy for me to learn, work and take care of two children. The quality is good, at least as far as I understand (I work in finance sector, not in data analytics, therefore I feel my growth). And the last thing is amazing community, where you can find help and support when you struggle...
  • Viktorija D.
    Analytics Engineer • Graduate • Data Analytics • Online
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    May 31, 2024
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    Truly beneficial course

     I have been working in the field of data analytics for over 10 years and have always been looking for ways to improve my skills. Finding genuinely beneficial courses can be quite challenging since the current offerings are very broad. However, about a year ago, I stumbled upon Turing College's Data Analytics program, which caught my attention. And I was not mistaken! By enrolling in the program, I not only enhanced my skills but also learned new things that have truly proven useful in m...
  • Ammu Joshy
    Researcher • Student • Data Analytics • Online
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    May 23, 2024
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    Transformative Learning Experience at Turning College

     Choosing the Data Analytics program at Turning College for upskilling has been the best decision I've made. The learning platform and content are meticulously curated to meet real-world standards, preparing learners to tackle challenging and complex problems. The community at Turning College deserves special mention. The support and encouragement from peers, who are sometimes even willing to go through each line of code to resolve an issue, created an incredibly nurturing environment. F...

Turing College Alumni Outcomes

Recent Turing College News

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Liz Eggleston
Updated November 13, 2023
Are data science bootcamps really worth it? If you re looking to make a career change into data science more quickly than traditional routes, then the answer is yes! But not all data science courses are equal — we re diving into what to look for when researching data science bootcamps, how much you can expect to spend on data science bootcamp tuition, and how to calculate your data science bootcamp ROI. Are Data Science Bootcamps Worth It? The short answer is Yes! On average, graduates ...
Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated October 06, 2023
Indre Rimkeviciene spent years working as a lawyer, but as a mother of three, she was ready for a new, more flexible career. She leapt into data science and found a path that offered lifelong learning and freedom in a way she couldn t experience before as an attorney. Indre breaks down how Turing College s curriculum and dedication to student success ensured she landed her first data science job soon after graduating from the bootcamp. Plus, Indre shares her tips for making the most ...
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Jess Feldman
Updated January 31, 2022
Course Report January 2021 Coding Bootcamp News Roundup 2022 started strong with a 525M acquisition of a bootcamp-adjacent company and a 10M grant from Melinda French Gates. We continued to see stamps of approval on bootcamps from government and workforce development organizations, and a major indication from the Department of Labor about registered apprenticeships. Find out how coding bootcamps (especially non-profit programs!) are helping U.S. workers reskill into ...
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Jess Feldman
Updated May 15, 2024
Most data science bootcamps require prior knowledge a college-level understanding of linear algebra, probability, statistics, calculus, and Python to get accepted into their programs. That doesn t necessarily mean you ll need a college degree in those subjects or that attending college is a better way to get into data science than bootcamps. You can learn these skills through online courses, and a data science bootcamp will take a fraction of the time that college would, ...
Imogen Crispe
Imogen Crispe
Updated June 06, 2024
Data scientists are more in-demand than ever, but how much does it cost to learn data science at a bootcamp ? From students looking for free data bootcamps to those wondering if a 17,000 data course is worth it, we understand that cost is important to future bootcampers! Data science bootcamp tuition can range from 7,000 to 18,000, so how do you decide what to budget for ? In this guide, we break down the costs of several popular data science schools, plus share financing options, ...

Turing College Alumni Reviews Summary

Based on 70+ Turing College alumni reviews on Course Report, the school is highly rated, especially for its data analytics and web development programs. Students value the self-paced learning, hands-on project experience, and support from industry professionals. One student shares, "The self-paced structure and practical projects helped me build a robust skill set." However, some found the intensity and pace of the course challenging, requiring significant commitment.
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Accepts GI Bill

How much does Turing College cost?

Turing College costs around €6,480.

What courses does Turing College teach?

Turing College offers courses like Data Analytics, Data Engineering, Data Science, Digital Marketing and 1 more.

Where does Turing College have campuses?

Turing College teaches students Online in a remote classroom.

Is Turing College worth it?

Turing College hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 229 Turing College alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Turing College on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Turing College legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 229 Turing College alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Turing College and rate their overall experience a 4.92 out of 5.

Does Turing College offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Turing College offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Turing College reviews?

You can read 229 reviews of Turing College on Course Report! Turing College alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Turing College and rate their overall experience a 4.92 out of 5.

Is Turing College accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Turing College doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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