Learn Back End Development at These 52 Back End Development Bootcamps

Software development focuses on two interactions: the user side (known as front end development) and the server side (known as back end development). Back end development uses a server, an application, and a database to communicate database information to the browser that the user sees. Back end is all about how a site works! 

Back end developers use APIs to communicate between software applications, and they also need to be familiar with languages like: Java, PHP, Ruby on Rails, Python, and .NET, while keeping up with tech evolution. The national average starting salary for back end developers is $70k! Learn back end development online — or better yet, full stack development — and launch an in-demand tech career in less than a year!

There are 52 bootcamps that teach Back End Development skills around the world – which is best for you? This list has top-rated bootcamps like BrainStation, Springboard, General Assembly. As you do your research, look for Back End Development bootcamps with great alumni reviews, proven student outcomes, and a strong Back End Development curriculum.


52 Best Back End Development Bootcamps

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