
WBS Coding School

Average Rating4.85
289 Reviews
7 Courses
WBS Coding School is a hybrid tech bootcamp in Europe that teaches students to become web developers, data scientists, marketing analysts, or digital product designers in 4-6 months. Students can choose to attend online or on-campus in Berlin, Germany. The bootcamps offer a hands-on learning experience, personal feedback sessions, guided live lessons, job interview training, and a project-based curriculum to build a solid portfolio. Full-time bootcamps follow a uniqu...
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289 WBS Coding School Reviews

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  • Anagha Chadayan
    Full Stack Web Developer • Graduate • Full-Stack Web & App Development Bootcamp (full-time) • Online
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    Jun 25, 2024
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    Outstanding Web Development Bootcamp at WBS Coding School

     I recently completed the web development bootcamp at WBS Coding School, and it was a transformative experience. The comprehensive curriculum covers everything from HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to advanced topics like React and Node.js, ensuring a well-rounded education in both front-end and back-end development. The instructors were outstanding, demonstrating deep knowledge and a genuine passion for teaching, always ready to assist with any questions and break down complex concepts into un...
  • Lazar Bogdan
    Graduate • Full-Stack Web & App Development Bootcamp (full-time) • Online
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    Jun 16, 2024
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    Totally worth it

    The boot camp literally took me from  0 to developing full-stack web applications. The experience was incredible I learned a lot, The WBS Team is a very friendly one and always there to answer your questions, be it about technical issues or career support, I've always got the support needed. 
    I would highly recommend WBS for everyone who wants to get started in the tech industry, the curriculum is well made and they really prepare you for what is coming after the BootCamp, technical-w...
  • Adrianna Babula
    Graduate • Full-Stack Web & App Development Bootcamp (full-time) • Hybrid (Online & In-person)
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    Jun 13, 2024
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    Life changing Bootcamp

    If you want to improve your skills and start new life journey - that is the right place to start!!!
    Nothing more enjoyable than learn from and with people who really know how it is to make huge steps in your life. And if you add friendly, helpful and kind treat… nothing better to have!!!
  • Javier Molina Conesa
    Graduate • Full-Stack Web & App Development Bootcamp (full-time) • Hybrid (Online & In-person)
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    Jun 13, 2024
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    Transformative Learning Experience at a WBS coding Bootcamp

    I recently completed a hybrid remote bootcamp, and I am thrilled to share my positive experience. This program exceeded my expectations in many ways, primarily due to its project-oriented approach. The hands-on projects allowed me to apply theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios, significantly enhancing my learning process.Teamwork was another highlight of the bootcamp. Despite the remote setting for most of the program, collaboration with peers was seamless and productiv...
  • Christian Goerke
    Graduate • Data Science Bootcamp (full-time) • Hybrid (Online & In-person)
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    May 18, 2024
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    An EPIC Experience

    After navigating through some tough personal times, the Data Science Bootcamp at WBS Coding School gave my life a new foundation and a new direction!

    From my first contact with the company, I felt welcomed, accepted and cared for. They gave a clear presentation of what was to come and took the time to answer all my questions. In no way did the conversation feel rushed (unlike some experiences with other competitors). You'll quickly find that the people who work at WBS are open-min...
  • Hallie Frost
    Designer • Student • UX/UI Product Design Bootcamp (full-time) • Hybrid (Online & In-person)
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    May 16, 2024
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    Extensive head start

    I interviewed at 5 other bootcamps before choosing WBS for what I viewed as an expanded UI/UX curriculum and hybrid classroom environment with classmates and extra instructor attention. I'm so glad I made this choice-- the bootcamp is extremely challenging but it has to be to prepare graduates not just to design interfaces but to be a team player in product development. From user research to ideation and business analysis, I feel like I have all the tools in the my belt to take on any pr...
  • Robin Bigus
    Robin Bigus
    Graduate • Full-Stack Web & App Development Bootcamp (full-time) • Online
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    Apr 22, 2024
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    My ideal start into coding

    - Primer (to ensure that everyone has some base knowledge before the actual course begins)
    - Own learning platform
    - Career support
    - Very friendly and supportive staff
    - Excellent teachers
    - Regular events (Community Demo Day, Guest Speaker, Recap Session)
    - More...

    - Time went by too quick
  • Andrea Caviglia
    Andrea Caviglia
    Graduate • Full-Stack Web & App Development Bootcamp (full-time) • Hybrid (Online & In-person)
    Verified by GitHub
    Apr 19, 2024
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    One of the best learning experiences of my life

    Loved every minute of my WBS experience. I highly recommend it.  
    Everything was absolutely perfect about this boot camp: the students, the teachers, the campus phase, the job assistance. 
    The amount of things you learn during the bootcamp can be overwhelming sometimes but it is worth it. I learned all the things one should if one is looking for a career change or is interested in this field. Of course you should not expect to be the best developer in the world after the boot camp ...
  • Irene da Cruz
    Student • Data Science Bootcamp (full-time) • Hybrid (Online & In-person)
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    Mar 18, 2024
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    Rewarding learning experince

    I strongly recommend this 15-week Data Science Bootcamp. It surpassed my expectations by not only significantly enhancing my data analysis skills, but also enabling me to build my own portfolio and generate new project ideas. The course content is present-day and meticulously organized, enriched with plenty of exercises. The program is designed to introduce a new topic every one to two weeks, challenging students to present their work and demonstrate newly acquired skills. The...
  • Dante Lertora
    Graduate • Data Science Bootcamp (full-time) • Online
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    Mar 15, 2024
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    Amazing experience

    As a fresh graduate of the Data Science bootcamp I can only say both this program and this school have exceeded my expectations. After these 17 weeks I am amazed at the projects I have achieved thanks to the knowledge I have acquired. The classes are very well structured and have a mainly practical approach which helps a lot to understand the topics and to be able to apply them quickly. It should be noted that each lesson has "bonus" study modules in terms of theory in which everyone can...
  • Hanne
    Graduate • Data Science Bootcamp (full-time) • Online
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    Mar 14, 2024
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    great learning experience

    just finished the full time Data Science Bootcamp and it exceeded my expectations by far. I learned much more than I thought in the last 17 weeks. The materials and the project we worked on were really good an had a great balance of guiding us through, but also let you tackle real world issues and figure out some stuff on your own. There is a lot to take in and you have to commit to the work, but it was really rewarding. The staff and our instructors were always super helpful and kind an...
  • Rey C
    Graduate • Data Science Bootcamp (full-time) • Online
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    Mar 14, 2024
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    You will learn and adapt your new skills to your interest

    I want to thank the whole WBS team for this amazing experience where I was challenged and pushed beyond my limits by doing something I find interesting as a final project. 

    I started the Bootcamp because I wanted to learn how to code to use it on Blockchain, my idea wasn't to become a blockchain developer but to learn how to use analytical tools that are blockchain-based. Before starting the Bootcamp, I knew the theoretical concepts of blockchain from a marketing perspective and I...

WBS Coding School Alumni Outcomes

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There are no blog posts about this school yet.

WBS Coding School Alumni Reviews Summary

Based on 200+ WBS Coding School alumni reviews on Course Report, the school is highly regarded for its immersive and comprehensive bootcamps, particularly in Full-Stack Web & App Development and Data Science. Students praise the school for its knowledgeable instructors, hands-on learning approach, and supportive community. A review highlighted, "The instructors were knowledgeable, supportive, and passionate about teaching. The curriculum was well-designed and covered a wide range of topics"​​. However, some students noted the intensity of the courses, requiring significant dedication and effort.
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Guarantees Job
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent WBS Coding School News

How much does WBS Coding School cost?

WBS Coding School costs around €10,500. On the lower end, some WBS Coding School courses like Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Business Course (full-time) cost €4,900.

Where does WBS Coding School have campuses?

WBS Coding School has in-person campuses in Berlin. WBS Coding School also has a remote classroom so students can learn online.

Is WBS Coding School worth it?

WBS Coding School hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 289 WBS Coding School alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed WBS Coding School on Course Report - you should start there!

Is WBS Coding School legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 289 WBS Coding School alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed WBS Coding School and rate their overall experience a 4.85 out of 5.

Does WBS Coding School offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like WBS Coding School offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read WBS Coding School reviews?

You can read 289 reviews of WBS Coding School on Course Report! WBS Coding School alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed WBS Coding School and rate their overall experience a 4.85 out of 5.

Is WBS Coding School accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. WBS Coding School doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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