104 Best Networking Bootcamps
- 33Reviews6CoursesDigital Career Institute (DCI) is a 12-month long coding bootcamp based in Germany with campuses in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg and Leipzig. The courses are ... Learn more about Digital Career Institute.Digital Career Institute (DCI) is a 12-month long coding bootcamp based in Germany with campuses in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg and Leipzig. The courses are fully immersive and cover entry-level basics in stack HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. DCI also specialize in technologies like Angular, Node.js, and Databases. DCI was launched as an initiative to integrate refugees into the growing IT industry. Today it is committed to training anyone who wants to pursue a tech career. In addition to coding languages, students will master best practices on platforms like GitHub. They will learn agile project management and development methodologies like SCRUM. Learn more about Digital Career Institute.
Kai Weinem
5Graduate • Course: Web Development Course • Düsseldorf
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Says: Nuova Speranza
Nuova Speranza - meine Reise zum Regenbogen. Nuova Speranza, so mein Desktop Hintergrund und DCI Mantra, in Anlehnung an einen meiner fantastischen Lehrer mit bNuova Speranza - meine Reise zum Regenbogen.
Nuova Speranza, so mein Desktop Hintergrund und DCI Mantra, in Anlehnung an einen meiner fantastischen Lehrer mit biografischer Verbindung nach Sardinien (sentimental bewundernde Grüße an Giaco und Rami, an Gaël, Anton, Nicole, Louisa, Ash, Metin, Albert, ...). Denn genau DAS beschreibt umfassend auf das Maximum reduziert in zwei Worten meine durchgehend/ausnahmslos positive Erfahrung mit diesem auf so vielfältige Weise großartigen Bildungsträger.
Nuova Speranza.
"Neue Hoffnung" also. Im Sinne von neuen, tragfähigen beruflichen Perspektiven, die vor meiner DCI experience schlicht nicht vorstellbar gewesen sind - und das war nur der Einstieg.
Mit Bewilligen der Fortbildung durch die Agentur gab es nach gefühlten Nanosekunden auch schon ein detailliertes Kursangebot per Mail gefolgt von einem Anruf meines DCI-Bildungsberaters Bogdan Cosma., der Kursdetails nicht nur leicht verständlich erklärte, sondern in beeindruckend liebenswürdiger Geduld aber auch jede Frage sofort kompetent beantwortete, gar anbot, man könne ihn jederzeit mit jedem Kursanliegen anrufen selbst an Wochenenden. Ein schönes Beispiel für "normative Kraft des Faktischen", solches Engagement setzt Standards, schafft Erwartungen, ist Referenz, die andere erstmal erreichen müssen. So war Bogdan ganz nebenbei Markenbotschafter für DCI, sein Verhalten ließ einiges erhoffen für den inhaltlich durchaus sportlich-ambitionierten Kurs.
Diese positive Ahnung wurde dann ein ganzes Jahr lang weit übertroffen in einer mir davor nicht vorstellbaren Weise.
Konkret bezogen auf DCI Staff: tatsächlich wären mir in durchaus abwechslungsreicher beruflicher Vita nie zuvor engagiertere Mitarbeiter:innen begegnet, die einen in jeder Form, jeder Funktion, in jedem denkbaren Kursaspekt, bei allen Schwierigkeiten bestmöglich unterstützt haben weit über die eigene Stellenbeschreibung hinaus. Genuin glaubwürdig authentisch mit Herzblut Lichtjahre über "Dienst nach Vorschrift" hinaus.
Tatsächlich alle, denen ich das Privileg hatte, zu begegnen.
Sie wollen Deinen Erfolg.
Wenn Du also das tolle Privileg einer bewilligten Fortbildung im Digitalbereich hast, wirst Du einen qualifizierteren, philanthropischeren, engagierteren Bildungsträger kaum finden können.
Idee und Konzept meines Kurses fand ich ohnehin super, sie entsprechen meinen Idealen von einer knallbunten Welt der Gleichen, die in liebevollem Respekt einander wertschätzend unterstützen. Was auch sonst. So hat man schlicht mehr Spaß.
Von der Idee zur Tat:
Die konkrete Umsetzung schöner Ideale in gelebten Kursalltag fand dann auch konsequent statt, es war angenehmer Spiritus Rector des täglichen Miteinanders und machte den Stress sehr vielen Lernens neuer, bisweilen komplizierter Inhalte deutlich einfacher.
Wenn auch nicht unbedingt einfach:
Der Kurs insgesamt ist durchaus anstrengend und fordernd, konnte mich an Grenzen bringen, was Leben ja erst spannend macht. Grenzen finden, überwinden, sich entwickeln.
Seriöse Ambition und Motivation sind unbedingt erforderlich für erfolgreiches Bestehen.
Eine tolle, manchmal schwierige, aber immer inspirierende Erfahrung mit wunderbar verschiedenen, klugen, anregenden Menschen, die ich nicht missen möchte.
Ob DU dafür geeignet bist im Sinne von "ist es meine Tasse Tee", lässt sich prima herausfinden im "Orientierungskurs" genannten Eingangsmodul von ca. 4 Wochen Dauer, in den einem verschiedene Aspekte des Web Developments näher gebracht werden. Das macht allen Beteiligten, also auch Dir, die Entscheidung leichter.
Hast Du Dich für den Kurs entschieden und qualifiziert, erwarten Dich außer dem Tsunami neuen Fachwissens über modernes Web Development, das täglich mit praktischen Übungen vertieft wird, weitere klug konzipierte, praxisorientierte Module, die Dir den Einstieg in Dein späteres berufliches Setting erleichtern.
Neben erwartbaren "how to" - Aspekten also (wie CD/Ci, git Workflow, Microservices vs. monolithic approach, Datenbankanbindungen ans selbst entworfene Frontend, Aufbau, Architektur, Gestaltung einer performant skalierbaren web application mit on demand rendered functionality etc.) noch die Vermittlung und das Üben sehr hilfreicher Softskills, die über Deinen späteren Erfolg entscheiden können. Alles im Team natürlich, wie es später auch wahrscheinlich im Job zu erwarten ist.
Das Ganze spielerisch mit viel Lachen, dabei didaktisch klug wie inspirierend aufbereitet.
Schließlich war noch Erwerb oder Vertiefen von Sprachkompetenz Teil des Pflichtprogrammes, in unserem Fall Deutsch oder Englisch.
Schul- und Unibesuch sind bei mir nun schon einige Sommer her, aber ich kann mich nicht erinnern, je so komprimiert gelernt zu haben auf so vielfältige Weise, wie in diesem Kurs.
Was gab es alles zu lernen, wen alles kennenzulernen. Eine tolle Erfahrung.
Abschließend wünsche ich noch möglichst vielen Privilegierten nach mir diese sehr außergewöhnliche und schöne Gelegenheit zur Entwicklung eigenen Potentials, ihnen selbst und der Gesellschaft zum Gewinn.
Fertig. Können wir jetzt endlich Coden?
Nuova Speranza – My Journey to the Rainbow
Nuova Speranza – this phrase adorns my desktop background and serves as my personal mantra, inspired by one of my fantastic teachers with biographical ties to Sardinia (sending heartfelt, admiring regards to Giaco and Rami, to Gaël, Anton, Nicole, Louisa, Ash, Metin, Albert, ...). These two simple words perfectly encapsulate, in the most concise manner possible, my consistently positive experience with this exceptional educational institution, which is outstanding in so many ways.
Nuova Speranza.
In other words, "New Hope" – representing new, sustainable career opportunities that were simply unimaginable to me prior to my DCI experience. And that was just the beginning.
Upon approval of the training program by the agency, it felt like mere seconds before I received a detailed course offer via email, swiftly followed by a call from my DCI educational advisor, Bogdan Cosma. Not only did he explain the course details in a clear and comprehensible manner, but he also exhibited remarkable patience and kindness, promptly and competently answering every question. He even offered his availability for any course-related inquiries, including weekends. A wonderful example of the "normative power of the factual": such dedication sets a standard, creates expectations, and establishes a benchmark that others must first strive to match. In doing so, Bogdan became a brand ambassador for DCI, his conduct inspiring confidence in what was already shaping up to be an ambitious and challenging course.
This initial positive impression was not only fulfilled but consistently exceeded over the course of a year in ways I had never imagined.
Specifically, in terms of DCI staff: in my varied professional career, I have never encountered more dedicated individuals. Regardless of their role, every staff member I had the privilege of engaging with provided optimal support in every conceivable aspect of the course and every difficulty that arose – far beyond the scope of their job descriptions. They were genuinely, authentically committed, demonstrating a passion that extended light-years beyond mere "duty by the book."
They genuinely want your success.
If you have the privilege of approved training in the digital field, you will struggle to find a more qualified, philanthropic, or dedicated educational institution than DCI.
The idea and concept of my course already resonated deeply with me, aligning perfectly with my ideals of a vibrant, inclusive world of equals who support each other with loving respect. What else could one wish for? It simply makes life more enjoyable.
From theory to practice:
The consistent implementation of these beautiful ideals into the daily course routine was a constant theme. This uplifting spiritus rector of our interactions made the stress of intensive learning – including occasionally complex new material – far more manageable.
That being said, it was not always easy:
The course as a whole is quite demanding and challenging. It pushed me to my limits, which is precisely what makes life interesting. Finding boundaries, overcoming them, and evolving. Serious ambition and motivation are absolutely essential to succeed.
It was an extraordinary, sometimes difficult, but always inspiring experience with wonderfully diverse, intelligent, and engaging people I am grateful to have met.
Whether you are suited for this program – in the sense of “Is this my cup of tea?” – can be easily determined in the “Orientation Course,” an introductory module of approximately four weeks. This provides an overview of various aspects of web development, helping everyone involved – including you – make an informed decision.
If you decide to pursue and qualify for the course, you can expect not only a "tsunami" of new technical knowledge about modern web development, reinforced daily through practical exercises, but also additional well-designed, practice-oriented modules that will ease your transition into a professional setting.
In addition to the expected “how-to” aspects (such as CD/CI, Git workflow, microservices vs. monolithic architecture, connecting databases to self-designed frontends, building and structuring a scalable, high-performing web application with on-demand rendered functionality, etc.), you will also gain valuable soft skills. These are practiced extensively and can be critical to your success. Everything is, of course, team-based, as it is likely to be in your future workplace.
All of this is presented in a playful, laughter-filled environment, with didactically clever and inspiring methods.
Finally, language skills were also part of the mandatory curriculum, in our case German or English.
It has been several years since my school and university days, but I cannot recall ever learning so much, so intensively, and in such a multifaceted way as I did in this course.
There was so much to learn, so many wonderful people to meet – a truly enriching experience.
In conclusion, I sincerely hope that many more fortunate individuals after me will have this unique and beautiful opportunity to develop their potential, for their own benefit and that of society.
Done. Now, can we finally start coding? :)
Level Effect
5.025Reviews1CourseFounded by former National Security Agency (NSA) analysts, Level Effect is a cybersecurity education and training provider offering a 12-week Cyber Defense A... Learn more about Level Effect.Founded by former National Security Agency (NSA) analysts, Level Effect is a cybersecurity education and training provider offering a 12-week Cyber Defense Analyst (CDA) Program. Students engage in hands-on, immersive learning that helps them master the skills needed to defend and protect an organization’s network. Students begin the course with a rudimentary understanding of cybersecurity and finish with the skills and knowledge they need to start a career in cybersecurity. Classes are live and take place Monday through Thursday from 7-9pm CT. Students can expect to spend between 15 to 20 hours per week (including live sessions) completing the required work. Learn more about Level Effect.James Jolley5Graduate • Course: Cyber Defense Analyst Program • Online
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Says: Best practical training hands down
If you are passionate about learning, and developing your skills in cybersecurity, look no further than this course. Having recently graduated from the bootcampIf you are passionate about learning, and developing your skills in cybersecurity, look no further than this course. Having recently graduated from the bootcamp I can say that I've never had a group of instructors as passionate about teaching and cybersecurity as those I've found here. I have taken courses on HackTheBox, TryHackMe, TCM, and a number of others and the level and quality seen here is unmatched. The course itself is designed to be challenging (it is) and is geared to help students develop a deeper understanding of the concepts and skills need to land their first job in cyber. They encourage students to ask questions, improve critical thinking skills, and most importantly, develop hands on knowledge and experience needed to truly be impactful from day 1 of landing a job. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced in your skills you will learn something from this course.- 25Reviews3CoursesChroma Tech Academy is an online tech training school that specializes in software test automation (16 weeks) and quality assurance analysis (8 weeks) bootca... Learn more about Chroma Tech Academy.Chroma Tech Academy is an online tech training school that specializes in software test automation (16 weeks) and quality assurance analysis (8 weeks) bootcamps. The Software Test Automation bootcamp covers topics like the software testing life cycle, Java, Selenium, behavior driven development, mobile testing, RESTful APIs, Git, continuous integration and continuous deployment, and web accessibility testing. The QA Analyst bootcamp covers topics like test cases, behavior driven development, manual API testing, manual database testing, and manual mobile testing. Bootcamps are project-based to give students practical experience in the materials they cover. Learn more about Chroma Tech Academy.
Daniela Pimentel
5Student • Course: Software Test Automation (SDET) • Online
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Says: I would choose Chroma Tech Academy again
I have been out of school for many years, and I was afraid that like many other classes, this was going to be hard to follow because the instructors was just noI have been out of school for many years, and I was afraid that like many other classes, this was going to be hard to follow because the instructors was just not motivated enough to teach us. However, taking this course with Chroma Tech Academy was the best decision I made. The instructors are very passionate and engaging. Not to mentioned how comprehensive this course is, and how knowledgeable the instructors are. If you are ready to put the work in, I highly recommended doing it with Chroma Tech Academy. SuperCode
4.8824Reviews4CoursesSuperCode offers bootcamps in Full Stack Development (22 weeks, full-time), Front End Development (30 weeks, part-time), and UX/UI Design (13 weeks, part-tim... Learn more about SuperCode.SuperCode offers bootcamps in Full Stack Development (22 weeks, full-time), Front End Development (30 weeks, part-time), and UX/UI Design (13 weeks, part-time) online and in-person in Düsseldorf, Germany. Each bootcamp cohort is taught by two, experienced instructors. Classes are taught in German. Learn more about SuperCode.Tolgay Özdemir5Graduate • Course: Full Stack Development Full-time (React) • Online
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Says: Ich bin super!
Entscheidung für den Kurs: Kurzfristig entschied ich mich, meinen alten Job aufzugeben, um über Entwicklung zu lernen und eine neue Perspektive auf TechnologieEntscheidung für den Kurs: Kurzfristig entschied ich mich, meinen alten Job aufzugeben, um über Entwicklung zu lernen und eine neue Perspektive auf Technologien, Apps, Websites und Produktentwicklung zu erhalten. Die Entscheidung fiel mir nicht schwer, da ich mich in meinem alten Job festgefahren fühlte.
Dauer und Classmates: Das Bootcamp dauerte 5,5 Monate und wurde mit fantastischen Menschen durchgeführt, sowohl Teilnehmende als auch Instruktoren. Die Teilnehmenden sowie einige Instruktoren hatten interdisziplinäre Hintergründe, sodass verschiedene Erfahrungen und Perspektiven bei Entwicklung und Lernfortschritt aufeinandergetroffen sind, die für interessante Gespräche, Lösungen und Herangehensweisen gesorgt haben.
Instruktoren: Keine Frage war zu doof – na klar – Selbstorganisation und Mitdenken waren Grundvoraussetzungen.
Lerninhalte und Ergebnisse: Die Lernkurve wuchs langsam, aber stetig, von einfachem HTML und CSS zu komplexeren Anwendungen, die erst skizziert und dann in React mit Typescript programmiert wurden, um zum Schluss zu einem fertigen Produkt zu kommen, sei es eine Website, eine Webapp oder eine Anwendung, um seinen Tagesablauf zu organisieren oder ein Katalog mit deinen Lieblings Pokémon.
Erfahrungen und Herausforderungen: Mit dem Beginn des Bootcamps ging es für mich darum zu erkunden, was mir liegt und was mir nicht liegt. Auf welche Weise lerne ich am besten oder welche Art des CSS liegt meinen Denkstrukturen näher, einfaches CSS, SCSS oder Tailwind? Hier musste ich mich mit mir selbst auseinandersetzen und einen Weg finden, Code zu schreiben, nach meinen Vorlieben, den man auch nachvollziehen kann.
Mein Erfolg: Zum Schluss kann ich von mir behaupten, dass ich nun in der Lage bin, einen Entwicklungsprozess zu skizzieren und selbst ausführen kann.- 23Reviews3CoursesThe Hacking School offers 13-week full stack web development, 24-week cybersecurity, and 24-week data science at campuses in India and Australia. The Hacking... Learn more about The Hacking School.The Hacking School offers 13-week full stack web development, 24-week cybersecurity, and 24-week data science at campuses in India and Australia. The Hacking School has a long list of hiring partners, and offers career services to students, such as placement assistance. Learn more about The Hacking School.
5Graduate • Course: Full Stack Web Development (online) • Hyderabad
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Says: Had an amazing experience!
THS is the best place to enhance your coding skills. The whole journey in the Bootcamp was awesome. My instructors Prashanth, Pranish, and Akhil are excellent.THS is the best place to enhance your coding skills. The whole journey in the Bootcamp was awesome. My instructors Prashanth, Pranish, and Akhil are excellent. They will teach you from every basic thing and will make you a professional.The atmosphere is very awesome. They
Motivated me in every way possible to improve myself.
Thanks to the whole team for improving my skills. Kable Academy
4.7423Reviews6CoursesKable Academy is a technical bootcamp based in Cincinnati, Ohio, that offers live-learning programs in Coding with AI, Cybersecurity, IT Support, and Network... Learn more about Kable Academy.Kable Academy is a technical bootcamp based in Cincinnati, Ohio, that offers live-learning programs in Coding with AI, Cybersecurity, IT Support, and Network Support, both in-person and online. Kable Academy also offers a 3-hour Intro to AI class that teaches the fundamentals of AI and how to implement AI into your school, work, or home life. Learn more about Kable Academy.Kevin LeMaster5Graduate • Cincinnati
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Says: Intense and worthwhile
Kable Academy will throw a ton of information at you, but will help you digest it all. You will have the knowledge to be prepared for a career in IT. They alsoKable Academy will throw a ton of information at you, but will help you digest it all.
You will have the knowledge to be prepared for a career in IT. They also emphasize lifelong learning. You won't know everything going into your first job. But if you're interested and committed, you'll do well.
All of the instructors and the career services staff are wonderful. I never felt like I was alone and out on a limb.
This boot camp is only as good as you make it. Take it seriously, and it will be a great experience for you.- 22Reviews8CoursesInstitute of Data is a technical skills and certifications provider that offers online Cybersecurity (24 week part-time, 12 week full-time), Software Enginee... Learn more about Institute of Data.Institute of Data is a technical skills and certifications provider that offers online Cybersecurity (24 week part-time, 12 week full-time), Software Engineering (24 week part-time, 12 week full-time), and Data Science AI (24 week part-time, 12 week full-time) bootcamps. Institute of Data bootcamps are delivered through video conferencing technology featuring virtual break-out rooms, shared screens, digital whiteboards, peer-to-peer collaboration, and instructor support. Learn more about Institute of Data.Samson Liaw
5Graduate • Course: Cybersecurity (Part-Time) • Online
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Says: IOD Cybersecurity Boot Camp
Having recently completed the IOD Cybersecurity Boot Camp, I was extremely impressed by the program’s overall quality. The instructors and assistant instructorsHaving recently completed the IOD Cybersecurity Boot Camp, I was extremely impressed by the program’s overall quality. The instructors and assistant instructors demonstrated exceptional expertise and real-world experience, which was reflected in every session. Their dedication to equipping students with practical skills and up-to-date industry insights stood out. The interactive, hands-on approach made even the most complex topics easy to understand and engaging. For anyone seeking to improve their cybersecurity knowledge in a structured and supportive environment, I would highly recommend this boot camp. NGT Academy
4.5721Reviews1CourseNGT Academy is an online, immersive, military-grade IT career training academy with courses in cyber security, network engineering, and Cloud/DevOps. NGT Aca... Learn more about NGT Academy.NGT Academy is an online, immersive, military-grade IT career training academy with courses in cyber security, network engineering, and Cloud/DevOps. NGT Academy was founded by two Air Force veterans with the goal to train other veterans for the cybersecurity job market. NGT Academy’s Zero To Engineer™ training framework takes students from beginner to job-ready within 6 months. The Zero To Engineer™ framework provides immersive, hands-on skills training with real world projects, labs, mentorship, career coaching and providing skills-based certifications to ensure graduates are job-ready. Full-time and part-time programs are available. The part-time track requires a 20-hour per week commitment and caters to the needs of students who are completing the bootcamp while working full-time. Learn more about NGT Academy.Young man with the a drive to be the best I can be.5 • Course: Full Stack Network Engineer (FSNE) & Cyber Security Accelerator • Online
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Says: FSNE Program
This program helped me learn and grasp concepts I could not on my own so fast. Gained familiarity with Routing, Switching, Dynamic routing along with Firewalls,This program helped me learn and grasp concepts I could not on my own so fast. Gained familiarity with Routing, Switching, Dynamic routing along with Firewalls, VPN's and troubleshooting.ChooseU
4.5221Reviews5CoursesChooseU is a free tech training provider that offers IT Support Specialist (12 week), Associate Cloud Engineer (10 week), Digital Marketing Analyst (10 week)... Learn more about ChooseU.ChooseU is a free tech training provider that offers IT Support Specialist (12 week), Associate Cloud Engineer (10 week), Digital Marketing Analyst (10 week), Junior Full Stack Java Developer (15 week), and Junior Web Developer (11 week) online bootcamps. ChooseU is a non-profit organization designed to prepare, place, and support individuals into careers that could otherwise be inaccessible and bootcamp participation is completely free of charge. Learn more about ChooseU.Chima Anthony Ukachukwu5Student • Course: Associate Cloud Engineer • Online
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Says: Jr Cloud Practitioner
The most fortunate thing that can happen to anyone looking to start a career in IT is Generation USA. Additionally, you will receive a voucher to take a professThe most fortunate thing that can happen to anyone looking to start a career in IT is Generation USA. Additionally, you will receive a voucher to take a professional exam, which will boost your resume and put you on the job market.- 20Reviews3CoursesAuckland University of Technology (AUT) Bootcamps is a tech training provider based in New Zealand offering 12-week full-time and 24-week part-time bootcamps... Learn more about AUT Bootcamps by the Institute of Data.Auckland University of Technology (AUT) Bootcamps is a tech training provider based in New Zealand offering 12-week full-time and 24-week part-time bootcamps in Data Science AI, Cyber Security, and Software Engineering online or in-person. Students are assessed through interactive labs and a final Capstone project to show potential employers. Learn more about AUT Bootcamps by the Institute of Data.Bartholomew Lind
5Student • Course: Data Science & AI • Online
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Says: Exceptional learning environment - uncapped potential
There are not many opportunities to balance a full time job with gaining skills to forge a brand new career in a highly technical field. The part-time remote coThere are not many opportunities to balance a full time job with gaining skills to forge a brand new career in a highly technical field. The part-time remote course was a good balance of structure, access to expert guidance, and convenience without cutting corners.
Training staff and their experience in industry were an invaluable resource for the class to highlight what would be relevant in our careers and context of what we were learning. It also made the content much more interesting.
3 instructors in a small class gave me options if I didn't gel with an initial overview, and surveys meant I could provide feedback on the class and I could tell they took this onboard graciously and made adjustments.
Learning in the course can be highly tailored to your previous experience and future goals - our cohort had current IT/data professionals, sales, healthcare, and even primary industry. All walked out with impressive marketable data skills that are in-demand. Assesments through practical projects really showcase this, and meant I felt really secure and overall inspired with the new skills I had gained. I was able to start working on outside web-scraping and consulting projects while still in the course.
I am usually skeptical of 'career coaching' but the support here is no nonsense, practical, and informed by genuine market conditions. Awesomely kind people too.
An extremely rewarding 6 months of hard mahi in a very exciting discipline.
4.7518Reviews15CoursesMagnimind is a 15-week data science bootcamp in Santa Clara, California. Students will learn core data science skills such as Python, SQL, Probability and St... Learn more about Magnimind.Magnimind is a 15-week data science bootcamp in Santa Clara, California. Students will learn core data science skills such as Python, SQL, Probability and Statistics, Linear Algebra, and Data Visualization. They will discover how databases are structured and model real data using common probability distributions. Students will also get to explore fundamental data types such as strings, booleans, lists, and dictionaries. Magnimind is meant for individuals with no previous tech experience, or career switchers interested in gaining the complete skill set needed to begin a career in data science. Learn more about Magnimind.Bayu Sukmanto
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Says: Magnimind Machine Learning Mini Booth Camp
The Mini Booth Camp arrangment is very punctual.... it contains fruitfull lesson and hands-on exercises.... recommend this so much to explore more about machineThe Mini Booth Camp arrangment is very punctual.... it contains fruitfull lesson and hands-on exercises.... recommend this so much to explore more about machine learning disciplines :).... If you intend to take chance in very early wave of the knowledge and relate machine learning theory to practice, then this Mini Booth Camp will be a good starting point :)- 16Reviews11CoursesGeeksHubs Academy is a coding school that offers 10- and 12-week bootcamps in Full Stack Development, Agile Project Management, Product Design, DevOps, Cyber... Learn more about GeeksHubs Academy.GeeksHubs Academy is a coding school that offers 10- and 12-week bootcamps in Full Stack Development, Agile Project Management, Product Design, DevOps, Cybersecurity, and more. The full-time Full Stack Development bootcamp is taught in-person. The part-time Agile Project Management, Product Design, DevOps, Cybersecurity bootcamps are taught live online. Learn more about GeeksHubs Academy.
- 16Reviews4CoursesHofstra University, Continuing Education offers non-credit online bootcamps in Cloud Engineering, Cybersecurity, Data Analytics and Visualization, and Softwa... Learn more about Hofstra University Bootcamps by Quickstart.Hofstra University, Continuing Education offers non-credit online bootcamps in Cloud Engineering, Cybersecurity, Data Analytics and Visualization, and Software Engineering. Online students can choose from full or part time programs and will complete real-world IT projects, collaborate with their peers, and develop a portfolio highlighting their career readiness. Learn more about Hofstra University Bootcamps by Quickstart.
Daniel Greyson
5Graduate • Course: Data Science Bootcamp • Online
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Says: Excellent experince
This was the first data science course I have undertaken, and I must say, it was worth the while. There is a lot to study; the coaches provide extra materialsThis was the first data science course I have undertaken, and I must say, it was worth the while. There is a lot to study; the coaches provide extra materials that helps you understand everything. They are also very professional and designed the course curriculum in a way that’s suitable for all students.
The projects and exercises are very realistic, and once you complete 50% of the course, you are on your way to begin learning Machine, Deep Learning, and Data Science in-depth.
The course is well structured, with self-paced courses and tutors were hands on ground to provide all the support I needed. The tutors took their time to break down complex concepts like as descriptive and inferential statistics. You'll also get a completion certificate at the end which is a major plus when job hunting.
Centriq Training
3.6916Reviews2CoursesCentriq Training is an IT technology training firm in Kansas City, Missouri that hosts two, 14-week training programs: a Full Stack Coding program and the Cl... Learn more about Centriq Training.Centriq Training is an IT technology training firm in Kansas City, Missouri that hosts two, 14-week training programs: a Full Stack Coding program and the Cloud and Security Specialist program. There are virtual and in-person training options in Kansas City and St. Louis, and night classes are available. During the 4-month programs, classes are held in a live, instructor-led format with hands-on activities. Each cohort is limited to 15 students. At the end of the course, students prepare a final project to present to their peers, instructors, and prospective employers. Learn more about Centriq Training.Celestina Ogidi5Graduate • Course: Cloud & Security Specialist Program • Kansas City
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Says: Cloud and Security Specialist
Centriq Cybersecurity boot camp will teach you how to build and configure virtual machines, analyze security protocols, device security and management. You willCentriq Cybersecurity boot camp will teach you how to build and configure virtual machines, analyze security protocols, device security and management. You will use real life scenarios to complete projects. The school will work with you from anywhere to ensure you achieve your dream career in IT. I will recommend Centriq to anyone who is starting with little or no knowledge in IT.Masterschool
4.6715Reviews3CoursesMasterschool is a Germany-based tech training provider offering live online bootcamps in data science, data analytics, software engineering, web development,... Learn more about Masterschool.Masterschool is a Germany-based tech training provider offering live online bootcamps in data science, data analytics, software engineering, web development, AI engineering, cloud engineering, QA engineering, cybersecurity, digital sales management, and more. These immersive online training programs provide the skills students need to build a new career in tech. Students will also participate in a 8-week industry internship. Programs are taught in English and German. Learn more about Masterschool.MURAT TUNA
1Graduate • Course: Data Analyst • Online
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Says: The company steals money
I got a mail today from masterschool. I will share important part here then you can decide yourself."If we do not receive your monthly employment update, we shoI got a mail today from masterschool. I will share important part here then you can decide yourself.
"If we do not receive your monthly employment update, we should assume your income is twice the minimum threshold per the mutual success agreement. This could result in monthly payments being triggered before time, or a higher monthly payment amount than what you actually owe. "- 15Reviews5CoursesNortheastern Illinois University, Office of Community & Professional Education offers non-credit online bootcamps in Cloud Engineering, Cybersecurity, Da... Learn more about Northeastern Illinois University Bootcamps by Quickstart.Northeastern Illinois University, Office of Community Professional Education offers non-credit online bootcamps in Cloud Engineering, Cybersecurity, Data Analytics and Visualization, and Software Engineering. Online students can choose from full or part time programs and will complete real-world IT projects, collaborate with their peers, and develop a portfolio highlighting their career readiness. Learn more about Northeastern Illinois University Bootcamps by Quickstart.Carla Pezzuto
5Student • Course: Cybersecurity Bootcamp • Online
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Says: Great Community and lots of resources
The weekly live classes with the coach were very helpful. Then they do additional live session which are not mandatory but id say is another great resource to uThe weekly live classes with the coach were very helpful. Then they do additional live session which are not mandatory but id say is another great resource to understand the courses better. And the whole member of QS are very responsive and their goal is really for you to succeed in this field. Cydeo
3.6213Reviews2CoursesCydeo offers a 28-week Java Full Stack Automation Developer/SDET program and a 20-week Cybersecurity program. The school offers live online learning as well ... Learn more about Cydeo.Cydeo offers a 28-week Java Full Stack Automation Developer/SDET program and a 20-week Cybersecurity program. The school offers live online learning as well as in-person learning at their locations in Chicago and Washington, D.C. The Java course covers Java, SQL, and Selenium to prepare students for a career in Automated Testing. The Cybersecurity program covers essential cybersecurity concepts to prepare students for a career in cybersecurity. Learn more about Cydeo.Alex Mwaura5Student
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Says: What you could be
Cybertek has equiped me with skills that could have taken me a very long time to acquire, its fast paced but with persistence and had work someone who is intereCybertek has equiped me with skills that could have taken me a very long time to acquire, its fast paced but with persistence and had work someone who is interested can hack it.- 11Reviews1CourseTechLaunch Academy offers 9-week and 18-week IT certification training programs where students train for certification exams to prepare for a career in IT. T... Learn more about TechLaunch Academy.TechLaunch Academy offers 9-week and 18-week IT certification training programs where students train for certification exams to prepare for a career in IT. These programs are offered in person at campuses in Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, and West Palm Beach, Florida. Flexible day and night programs are available. The program is taught with lectures, discussions, demonstrations, exercises, and virtual labs. Learn more about TechLaunch Academy.Travis Major
5Student • Online
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Says: Worth every minute
I attended online courses through VET TEC. A lot of information comes at you in a short amount of time so it is imperative that you make sure to set back plentyI attended online courses through VET TEC. A lot of information comes at you in a short amount of time so it is imperative that you make sure to set back plenty of time to study and you will leave this course with a lot of knowledge and the ability to jump into a forever growing industry. They have fantastic instructors, my instructors were Andrew Cichewics and Carlos, but worked with Luis through work shops a few times . Andrew is an extremely knowledgeable instructor that is able to bring a ton of real world experience into the instruction that is extremely helpfully in breaking down some of the material. He has a great upbeat personality that keeps you focused on what is being taught. He truly cares about his students success and will do everything he can to help you grow if you put in the effort. Everything can be said the same for Carlos. Although he is a newer instructor to be, he was always able to jump right in showing is vast knowledge with in the field and gave a lot of insight into his experiences. I also want to give a shout out to Kara Arguello, student services, who was always there to assist and kept me informed of any work shops that were taking place. Kara's constant communication through email kept me up to date with everything available and was appreciated even though I was not able to take advantage of as many work shops as I would have liked to. Overall, fantastic experience and would take it again just to retain even more knowledge. Finally, I would like to take this time to just give a huge thanks to the entire team I have had the pleasure of interacting with throughout this course. THANK YOU!!! - 11Reviews4CoursesColorado State University Pueblo, Extended Studies offers non-credit online bootcamps in Cloud Engineering, Cybersecurity, Data Analytics and Visualization, ... Learn more about Colorado State University Pueblo Bootcamps by Quickstart.Colorado State University Pueblo, Extended Studies offers non-credit online bootcamps in Cloud Engineering, Cybersecurity, Data Analytics and Visualization, and Software Engineering. Online students can choose from full or part time programs and will complete real-world IT projects, collaborate with their peers, and develop a portfolio highlighting their career readiness. Learn more about Colorado State University Pueblo Bootcamps by Quickstart.
Maria Brooks
5Graduate • Course: Cybersecurity Bootcamp • Online
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Says: I Love how detailed it was
Before taking this course, I was a novice in Cybersecurity, but after I completed the course, I became very knowledgeable in privacy, security, and anonymity anBefore taking this course, I was a novice in Cybersecurity, but after I completed the course, I became very knowledgeable in privacy, security, and anonymity and more. Thanks to this course, I now understood the threat and vulnerability landscape through threat modeling and risk assessments. The tutors taught me the foundations of operating system security and privacy functionality.
This course is designed for both beginners and intermediate experienced persons interested in mitigating the risk from hackers, Trojans, cyber-criminal, malware, trackers, and all online threats. If you fall within these categories, I will strongly recommend this Cybersecurity course to you.
- 11Reviews19CoursesImarticus Learning offers live online, instructor-led full-time and part-time bootcamps in Data Science and Data Analytics. Imarticus Learning offers a uniqu... Learn more about Imarticus Learning.Imarticus Learning offers live online, instructor-led full-time and part-time bootcamps in Data Science and Data Analytics. Imarticus Learning offers a unique teaching methodology, which includes immersive live lectures (online and offline), peer-to-peer discussions, industry-oriented seminars, capstone projects, guest lectures, soft skills training, and more. They offer courses that are specially designed to provide learners with best-in-class, holistic learning experiences that will enable them to chart strong career paths. Learn more about Imarticus Learning.
5.010Reviews3CoursesLeveld is a tech training provider offering online, self-paced bootcamps in cybersecurity and tech sales. The Cybersecurity bootcamp covers topics like firew... Learn more about Leveld.Leveld is a tech training provider offering online, self-paced bootcamps in cybersecurity and tech sales. The Cybersecurity bootcamp covers topics like firewalls, VPNs, Java, Python, HTML, PHP, SQL, and networking. The Tech Sales bootcamp covers topics like communication, negotiation, relationship building, lead generation, and sales strategies. Leveld offers ongoing coaching after students complete a bootcamp to provide extra support while they build careers in tech. Learn more about Leveld.Gazal F.
5Student • Course: Cybersecurity • Online
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Says: Leveld Catapulted My Cybersecurity Career
Leveld Careers provided me with a comprehensive, hands-on, and up-to-date curriculum that perfectly aligns with the dynamic world of cybersecurity. The coursesLeveld Careers provided me with a comprehensive, hands-on, and up-to-date curriculum that perfectly aligns with the dynamic world of cybersecurity. The courses are expertly designed, covering a wide range of topics and skills, from the fundamentals to advanced techniques. The real-world practical exercises and challenges were particularly beneficial, allowing me to apply my knowledge in a controlled environment.- 10Reviews13CoursesTalent Garden is a European digital skills academy and founding partner of a global edtech group that offers training in data, marketing, design, coding and ... Learn more about Talent Garden.Talent Garden is a European digital skills academy and founding partner of a global edtech group that offers training in data, marketing, design, coding and business. Talent Garden provides individuals and organizations with the knowledge, spaces and resources needed to transform and thrive within the innovation ecosystem. They offer diverse learning experiences with online, offline and hybrid courses, corporate programs and events and a network of campuses that hosts a vibrant community of digital and tech professionals. Learn more about Talent Garden.
euroTech Study
4.5610Reviews12CourseseuroTech Study offers part-time programs in cybersecurity (36 weeks), Android mobile app development (36 weeks), software development engineer in test (30 we... Learn more about euroTech Study.euroTech Study offers part-time programs in cybersecurity (36 weeks), Android mobile app development (36 weeks), software development engineer in test (30 weeks), full stack web development (68 weeks), front end web development (38 weeks), back end web development (30 weeks), and IT support specialist (19 weeks). euroTech Study is designed for beginners and individuals with some experience. Learn more about euroTech Study.Yusuf Atayün5Graduate • Course: Cybersecurity • Online
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Says: I learned from scratch a subject I never knew and now I have a job.
I joined this course in end of 2021. I learned network, operations systems and security related stuffs from zero. Then I found a job in the middle of 2022. TheI joined this course in end of 2021. I learned network, operations systems and security related stuffs from zero. Then I found a job in the middle of 2022. The instructors were super interested and helpful. When I had any question about anything, I reached them easily. And even after graduation they helped my orientation.GOMYCODE
4.4410Reviews21CoursesGOMYCODE is an online tech training provider offering online or in-person, full-time or part-time bootcamps covering topics like design (20 weeks), DevOps (1... Learn more about GOMYCODE.GOMYCODE is an online tech training provider offering online or in-person, full-time or part-time bootcamps covering topics like design (20 weeks), DevOps (12 weeks), full stack JavaScript development (20 weeks), digital marketing (20 weeks), and data science (20 weeks). GOMYCODE is dedicated to serving students across Africa and the Middle East. GOMYCODE also offers intro courses for students interested in learning foundational skills before committing to a bootcamp. Learn more about GOMYCODE.Adalab
3.810Reviews2CoursesAdalab is an online technology school for female-identifying coders. Adalab offers 14-week bootcamps in Web Programming and Data Analytics. Since Adalab is b... Learn more about Adalab.Adalab is an online technology school for female-identifying coders. Adalab offers 14-week bootcamps in Web Programming and Data Analytics. Since Adalab is based in Madrid, Spain, online classes are held live from 8:30AM-3:30PM in the Madrid time zone (UTC +1). Adalab’s mission is to empower talented women through innovative and quality training to enhance their employability, leadership and importance in the technology sector. Learn more about Adalab.Celia Martín Herranz5Graduate • Course: 14-Week Programming Bootcamp • Online
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Says: Emocionante, adictivo, esfuerzo, constancia y orgullo.
El Bootcamp de Adalab ha sido una experiencia magnífica que sin duda recomiendo al mil por mil. He descubierto un mundo inmenso, y gracias a Adalab he podido coEl Bootcamp de Adalab ha sido una experiencia magnífica que sin duda recomiendo al mil por mil. He descubierto un mundo inmenso, y gracias a Adalab he podido conocer una pequeña parte. Todavía queda mucho por aprender. ¡ Gracias Adalab !