

Average Rating4.71
62 Reviews
7 Courses

DataScientest is a learning institution, which includes aspects of a coding bootcamp, while delivering full-time or part-time online courses in Data Science, Data Analysis, Machine Engineering, and Data Management. The content of the different courses of DataScientest are available in either French or English. Students can access a ready-to-code environment through DataScientest’s full SaaS platform that includes over 1,000 hours of learning content. 

To enroll in the Data Analyst bootcamp, an understanding of mathematics and general analytical skills are required. To enroll in the Data Scientist bootcamp, a good knowledge in mathematics, statistics and informatics is required. The Data Manager course does not require any specific skills or diploma to apply. To enroll in the Machine Learning Engineer bootcamp, applicants are required to have a good understanding in mathematics, statistics and informatics. To enroll in the Data Engineer bootcamp, applicants must have knowledge of mathematics, statistics and informatics. In addition, Data Engineer applicants should already have a basic understanding of programming, but it is not obligatory to have a bachelor's or master’s degree in one of these fields. 

The Data Analyst bootcamp curriculum includes several coding languages and data analysis tools, such as Python, NumPy, Pandas, SQL, PySpark, PowerBi, Tableau, Dataiku, web scraping and text mining. Students will also learn the art of storytelling and dashboard creation as well as machine learning concepts. Data Analyst students will learn how to develop segmentation criteria for a CRM database. They will perform market research through data extraction from sites and social networks. 

Students of the Data Scientist bootcamp will learn Python for Data Science and SAS/Excel, Object Programming, Web Scraping, SQL, PyMongo and PySpark. Students will learn to use tools (especially Python libraries) for Data Visualization, such as Matpilotlib, Seaborn and Bokeh. The Data Scientist bootcamp curriculum includes concepts of Machine Learning, such as clustering methods and concepts of Deep Learning, such as TensorFlow, CNN, RNN and Gans. Students will learn recommendation systems, reinforcement learning, Deep RL and algorithms. 

Data Engineer bootcamp students will learn Bash, Python, OOP for Python, SQL, MongoDB, Cassandra, ElasticSearch and Neo4J. Data Engineer students will learn theories of big data architecture and streaming architecture, such as Hadoop, Hive, HBase, Pig, Spark and Kafka. Finally, the students will learn APIs with Flask, Docker and Airflow. Data Engineer students work on developing segmentation criteria for a CRM database and perform market research through data extraction from sites and social networks. 

Machine Learning Engineer bootcamp students will learn Pandas, Numpy and Python. They will get to know methods of Data Visualization, such as Matplotlib, Seaborn and Bokeh. The Machine Learning Engineer curriculum includes concepts of Machine Learning, such as clustering methods and concepts of Deep Learning, such as TensorFlow, CNN and RNN, Pytorch. The students will learn APIs with Flask, Docker and Airflow. Finally, the students will learn SQL, PySpark, Linus Bash, Git/Github, Bootstraps, Kubernetes, MLFlow, Power BI, Make. 

The Data Manager course teaches Python, Pandas, Data Quality, the acculturation Data, SQL and Data intelligence with Power BI and Make. 

The DataScientest courses are certified by the University Paris La Sorbonne. The course graduates who pass a certification exam will receive a diploma from La Sorbonne University upon program completion, as well as the official certification by DataScientest.

62 DataScientest Reviews

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  • Marius
    Student • Machine Learning Engineer Bootcamp • Online
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    Sep 10, 2024
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    Good experience

    I really enjoyed the course material and the fact that everything was remote. Well I haven’t finished the MLOps part yet. The data science part was very interesting. And even though I did another in person data science bootcamp at SPICED before, I still learned quite a few more things. Teachers have been good and friendly. I just never really give a 5/5 or 10/10.
  • Dotun Olujide
    Dotun Olujide
    Graduate • Data Scientist Bootcamp • Online
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    Aug 06, 2023
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    Empowering Computer Journey!

    I'm delighted to share my experience with this bootcamp! After completing my bachelor's degree, I was searching for a way to work with computers and data input. This bootcamp was the perfect fit! The team was incredibly supportive and motivating, and the instructors were always there to help during my weaker moments. Their encouraging words and useful tips boosted my confidence, and I enjoyed every class section thoroughly. I wish it could have continued forever because the energy and en...
  • Shiva
    Graduate • Data Analyst Bootcamp • Online
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    Mar 31, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    Very helpful

    The bootcamp program 
    is really intensive, specially for a person who has no programming background, but the course is definitely worth it. It helped me to improve my knowledge and also I learnt so many more things.
  • Rémy
    Student • Online
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    Jan 27, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    Très bon organisme de formation

    Excellent organisme de formation pour les métiers de la Data.
    Cours très bien fait, et on est rapidement challengé grâce à des examens après chaque cours, et certifications que l'on peut afficher sur son profil Linkedin par la suite !
    Je recommande les yeux fermés.
  • moustafa bendjema
    SRE LEAD • Graduate • Data Engineer Bootcamp • Online
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    Jan 26, 2023
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    formation efficace et pratique

    j'ai suivi une formation de data-engineer chez dataScientest, en clair, la formation est structurée et un mélange entre projet, théorie et pratique, les examens ne sont pas forcement des QCM, mais des exercices à faire dans un laps de temps.
    la formation est assez chargée et d'un niveau excellent
    je la recommande pour les personnes qui veulent s'orienter vers la data ( elle donnera les pratiques et les connaissances adéquates) ou les personnes qui veulent se perfectionner dans le d...
  • Bazin Fabrice
    Graduate • Data Scientist Bootcamp • Online
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    Jan 25, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    Intense, Exigence

    J’ai fait la formation DataScientist en Bootcamp. Venant du monde médical sans aucune connaissance en programmation, cette formation et ce format m’ont permis en 3 mois d’acquérir les connaissances pour être datascientist.Les cours et les examens sont d’un haut niveau et ne s’obtiennent pas facilement, ce qui est preuve du sérieux de Datascientest dans la délivrance des certifications et diplômes.En plus des cours s’ajoute un accompagnement à rentrer prof...
  • Ouedraogo Marthe
    Graduate • Data Scientist Bootcamp • Online
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    Jan 23, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    Une formation de très haute qualité

    Une formation de très haute qualité. Une équipe très professionnelle, à l'écoute et soucieuse de la réussite des étudiants aussi bien pendant qu'après la formation.
    Grâce à cette formation et à DataScientest, je suis une datascientiste accomplie et confiante pour mon avenir professionnel.
  • Moukouba Moutoumounkata
    Cloud Data Engineer • Graduate • Data Engineer Bootcamp • Online
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    Jan 18, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    La formation mérite bien ses 5 sur 5...

    Vue de l'extérieur on pourrait émettre des doutes quant à l'efficacité de l'enseignement à distance pour des disciplines plutôt pratiques. Au bout du compte, on se rend compte que le matériel est "self-contained", très pédagogique et surtout actualisé. Datascientest m'a permis d'avoir la main sur les entrées et sorties de la Data Engineering, partant de zéro à un niveau opérationnel. La seule surprise c'est la cadence plutôt intense de l'enchaînement des enseignements. En gros, le conten...
  • Xavier DEBUF
    Student • Data Scientist Bootcamp • Online
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    Jan 17, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    Formation de très bonne qualité

    Une formation d'une très bonne qualité. Entièrement en foad formation ouverte à distance. Mais tout est prévu pour créer un lien entre apprenant et enseignant. Des aides carrière et des webinar optionnel de très grandes qualités sont régulièrement proposés. Amateurs de Data de statistiques et d'innovation allez discuter avec les ambassadeur et conseiller en formation pour une orientation optimale. 
  • Camille LARA
    Cost estimating engineer • Graduate • Data Analyst Bootcamp • Online
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    Dec 22, 2022
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    efficient, fun,

    J'ai fait la formation Data Analyste en formation continue (6 mois) et ça a dépassé mes attentes. Le format d'apprentissage par sprint est très efficient et permet d'explorer plein de sujets. j'ai pris beaucoup de plaisir à apprendre. Je me sers des connaissance que j'ai acquises au quotidien. j'ai tellement aimé que je vais renouveller l'experience avec un nouveau module de formation de 6 mois
  • Emelyne SAMSON
    Student • Data Analyst Bootcamp • Online
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    Dec 21, 2022
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    Super expérience avec DataScientest !

    En tant qu'alumni Data Analyst de DataScientest sur la session en remote de janvier 2022, j'ai beaucoup apprécié leur cursus pédagogique. 
    J'ai été particulièrement satisfaite de l'encadrement au quotidien : via un chef de cohorte pour toute question sur le cursus, via un pôle de Data Scientists dédié et disponible tous les jours concernant les questions pédagogiques et les examens, via un mentor de projet pour encadrer la bonne réalisation du projet fil rouge, la cohésion d'équipe et...
  • Maksym Padun
    Student • Data Analyst Bootcamp • Online
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    Oct 21, 2022
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    unprofessional team

    While studying on these pseudo-courses, you are not offered a study, but a "how to Google " .
    They offer training in English, but:
    1- The material placed in their modules is not fully translated, sometimes it is completely missing
    2- The "teachers", if you can call them that, do not speak verbal English well, that is, it is almost impossible to understand them

    When you ask to review your task solutions, they pretend not to notice you
    When you make a comment to them, th...

DataScientest Alumni Outcomes

Recent DataScientest News

Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated May 27, 2020
Course Report · April 2020 Coding Bootcamp News As much of the world sheltered in place this April, we’re sharing musings about the future of work and how alternative education like coding bootcamps can help with reskilling. And we’ve continued keeping tabs on how coding bootcamps are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, plus all the new hardship scholarships and initiatives now avai...

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Recent DataScientest News

How much does DataScientest cost?

DataScientest costs around €10,990. On the lower end, some DataScientest courses like Data Analyst Bootcamp cost €5,990.

What courses does DataScientest teach?

DataScientest offers courses like Analytics Engineer Bootcamp, Cloud Engineer Bootcamp, Data Analyst Bootcamp, Data Engineer Bootcamp and 3 more.

Where does DataScientest have campuses?

DataScientest has in-person campuses in Berlin and Paris. DataScientest also has a remote classroom so students can learn online.

Is DataScientest worth it?

DataScientest hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 62 DataScientest alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed DataScientest on Course Report - you should start there!

Is DataScientest legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 62 DataScientest alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed DataScientest and rate their overall experience a 4.71 out of 5.

Does DataScientest offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like DataScientest offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read DataScientest reviews?

You can read 62 reviews of DataScientest on Course Report! DataScientest alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed DataScientest and rate their overall experience a 4.71 out of 5.

Is DataScientest accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. DataScientest doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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