Career Tracks

Full Stack Developer

101 What Is a Fullstack Developer?

Full Stack Web Developers build applications for both the visible front end that users interact with and the back end that powers the application using a server and database. The average salary of a web developer is $75,057.

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The Full Stack Developer

A Full Stack Developer has knowledge of both front end and back end technologies. The front end is the visible part of the application that users interact with. The back end includes the server, database, and applications that power the front end. You may think of a ‘stack,’ in the term full stack, as the layers of technology used to create a complete application. 

How to Become a Full Stack Developer

The three most popular ways of becoming a Full Stack Developer are attending a coding bootcamp, self-study, and earning a computer science degree

Coding Bootcamp

Coding Bootcamp is the fastest, most streamlined way to become a Full Stack Web Developer. Coding bootcamps typically teach both technical skills and career success skills which help more than 80% of graduates secure jobs after bootcamp. Before attending coding bootcamp, you’ll want to prepare for their admissions process by taking a prep course, self studying beforehand, and considering interview questions. Bootcamps run anywhere from 8-16 weeks and on average cost $14,780 USD. Many bootcamps now offer deferred tuition, Income Share Agreements, and financing options. 

Coding Bootcamp vs Self Study 

Some self-taught programmers have founded insanely successful startups, including Instagram and Tumblr! Learning to code on your own using online resources, books, and free or paid for resources can take anywhere from 8 weeks if you have experience or multiple years if you don’t. Self study requires discipline, putting together a curriculum for yourself, and you’ll need to weather the job search on your own. 

CS Degree vs Coding Bootcamp

Earning a Computer Science (CS) degree might be the longest route to Full Stack Developer and the most expensive. This route will provide you with theoretical knowledge, mathematics, and exposure to more low level programming than a coding bootcamp. Critics say a computer science degree will not provide as much practical experience or tailored career counseling as bootcamp. If cost is a factor, then bootcamps certainly win. While coding bootcamps cost an average of $13,584, the tuition at top CS programs can be triple or quadruple that in just one academic year. Carnegie Mellon undergraduate tuition and tuition at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is about $60,000-70,000 per year. In the past, most jobs required a CS degree. Now that they do not, the return on investment of a degree is not as high as a bootcamp.

How to Choose a Coding Bootcamp

The best coding bootcamp for you depends on your own learning style, career goals, availability, etc. Here's our advice for choosing the best web  developer bootcamp:

  1. Narrow down your options – you can rule out some bootcamps based on location, cost, and time commitment.
  2. Examine the curriculum – the exact programming language you learn at a bootcamp isn't as important as you might think. Most bootcamps teach full stack JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, Java, Python, or C#/.NET. If the particular language is a deal-breaker for you, be sure the bootcamp includes it in their curriculum.
  3. Ask About Projects – at a quality full stack developer bootcamp, you'll build at least 2-3 projects to add to your portfolio. These should include front-end and back-end technologies to show that you can handle programming across the full stack.
  4. Meet the Instructors – do the bootcamp instructors have real-world coding experience? Did they work for reputable companies before teaching? Pro-Tip: Take an intro course or free workshop hosted by the bootcamp to really understand the teaching style.
  5. Ask About Outcomes – do past bootcamp graduates get jobs in web development? Ask the school directly for their CIRR report or job outcomes report, read bootcamp reviews, and even reach out to alumni on LinkedIn to ask questions.

Red Flags – instructors don't have real-world developer experience, the school can't tell you about past student career success, the school doesn't have dedicated career services, or the full-stack curriculum focuses too heavily on front-end languages.

Full Stack Developer Salary

Sales Job Average Salary
Coding Bootcamp Graduate $66,964
Full Stack Developer $75,057
Software Engineer $97,950


Full Stack Developer Jobs

From big tech companies to small startups, Full Stack Developer jobs are abundant and demand is growing. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for software developers is expected to grow by 17%, “much faster than average” by 2024, which is about 200,000 more roles. The possibility to work in an office, work remotely, or freelance as a Full Stack Developer provides some of the most flexible and plentiful opportunities globally. But with so many different coding languages out there, it makes sense that each job description and job title is going to be unique. Common job responsibilities of Full Stack Developers include back end development, data engineering, mobile development, machine learning engineering, and/or front end web development. 

Here is a list of the most frequent full stack development job titles for bootcampers: 

  • Full Stack Engineer
  • Full Stack Web Developer
  • Full Stack Software Engineer
  • Full Stack Architect
  • Front End Developer
  • Back End Developer
  • Mobile Developer
  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • Junior Developer
  • Associate Developer
  • Senior Developer
  • Web Development Apprentice
  • Web Development Instructor
  • Teacher Assistant

Full Stack Developer vs Software Engineer

Depending on the employer, Software Engineer and Full Stack Developer could mean exactly the same thing or two entirely different things. Some believe that Software Engineers are more concerned with back end development while Full Stack Developers work with every layer of a program. Others believe that Software Engineers work with computer programs that are not web applications or websites. Still, others believe that Software Engineers only do coding while Full Stack Developers are expected to do user experience research, front end design, and deployment in addition to writing code. 

Full Stack Developer Resume

The Full Stack Developer is a generalist. A Full Stack Developer’s resume should show knowledge of both front end and back end technologies as well as an understanding of the user experience and user interface design process. Developers should also demonstrate transferable skills from their experiences before bootcamp. Full Stack Developers will need to learn multiple languages to be successful. 

Here are some of the skills and technologies often taught in combination at Full Stack Web Development bootcamps: 

  • HTML - HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is a standardized markup language used for creating a webpage. These pages can include writing, links, pictures, sound, and video. HTML is used to denote these elements so that the web browser can display them correctly. 
  • CSS - CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. CSS is used alongside HTML and JavaScript to control the layout and presentation of a website.
  • JavaScript - JavaScript is the most popular language on the web. It is a scripting language used to enhance and manipulate web pages by adding interactivity.
  • NodeJS - Node was created to run JavaScript outside of the browser. This framework creates a bridge between the front end and the back end and the knowledge needed to execute code on a computer. 
  • Ruby on Rails - Ruby is a programming language. Rails is an open source web app framework written in Ruby. Ruby on Rails (RoR) is built for speed and adaptation.
  • Python - Python is a programming language with a cleaner syntax that is built with data manipulation, analytics, system administration, and scientific programming in mind. 
  • Django - Django is an open-source web app framework written in Python. It is a highly customizable option.
  • Java - Java is a general-purpose programming language and platform used for web development, Android development, and enterprise apps.
  • C# - C# is a general-purpose, multi-paradigm programming language developed by Microsoft that is used for developing desktop applications. 
  • .Net - .Net is a back end language.
  • Git - Git is a version control system that keeps track of changes made to projects over time.   
  • Object-Oriented Programming - Object orientation is a way to organize and structure code. Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, Java, and C# are all object-oriented languages.
  • HTTP - HTTP is the protocol that allows servers to communicate with the front end. 
  • REST API - REST is the interface that allows the back end to understand the front end.
  • Soft Skills - Recruiters are looking for good communicators, team players, and critical thinkers. Most recruiters agree technical skills can be taught but soft skills cannot. 

A Full Stack Developer’s resume is not the only thing you’ll need to get a job. Fullstack Academy’s former Head of Career Success Ceren Depree says, “Anyone can build their own LinkedIn, resume, and Github.” Those three profiles are the most important things when it comes to the job hunt! For your LinkedIn profile, you’ll want to write a clear personal summary, feature any projects you’ve done at bootcamp, and dial in keywords to sprinkle throughout your profile. Your Github should feature all of your projects and you should follow any repositories you’re interested in.

Full Stack Developer Portfolio

Full Stack Developers must build and maintain an online portfolio. Showcase the projects you’ve built during bootcamp in your portfolio as well as on your resume. Here are some projects Developers built during bootcamp and added to their portfolios:


Schools may compensate Course Report for featured placement.


Displaying schools 1-25 of 636 in total

  1. 3370

    Le Wagon is a global tech training provider that offers full-time, in-person and online bootcamps in Web Development, Data Science, and Data Analytics. Le Wa... Learn more about Le Wagon.


    5Graduate - Singapore

    Verified Via GitHub

    Says: Lewagon web development course

     My experience at Le Wagon was transformative and invaluable. The bootcamp provided me with a solid foundation in web development and equipped me with the skill
  2. 2198

    BrainStation offers full-time and part-time courses in data science, design, development, marketing, cyber security and product in New York City, Miami, Lond... Learn more about BrainStation.

    Nicolas Martinez

    5Graduate - Course: Web Development Bootcamp - Vancouver

    Verified Via LinkedIn

    Says: Great use of time

    Very intense 3 months where you learn a lot with tons of hands on practise, following a well structured course curriculum. Educators are very helpful too. I was
  3. nucamp-logo



    Nucamp is a coding bootcamp that offers part-time, online programs, including Back End, SQL, DevOps with Python (16 weeks); Front End Web & Mobile Develo... Learn more about Nucamp.

    Nuari Williams


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    Says: NuCamp FullStack Web & Mobile App Development Review

    NuCamp FullStack Web & Mobile App Development ReviewIntroduction and Decision-Making ProcessWhen I first started researching bootcamps, NuCamp stood out becaus
  4. 1616

    Springboard is an online learning platform that prepares students for the tech industry’s most in-demand careers with comprehensive, mentor-led online progra... Learn more about Springboard.

    Raphael Prophil

    5Graduate - Course: Cyber Security Career Track - Online

    Verified Via LinkedIn

    Says: Amazingly helpful experience

    The only cons to the bootcamp are the fact that the labs are simple click and post labs. Outside of this, the resources availble to help grow, amazing mentors w
  5. 1484

    CareerFoundry is an online bootcamp that offers flexibly paced programs for career changers in web development, UX design, UI design, product design, data an... Learn more about CareerFoundry.

    Stephanie Edwards

    5Student - Course: UX Design Program - Online

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    Says: Fantastic mentors, out of date resource links

    CareerFoundry is friendly and accessible bootcamp which is easy to complete at your own pace. Their range of mentors and tutors are all knowledgeable and friend
  6. 1153

    Founded in 2012, App Academy is a global online coding bootcamp with a focus on software engineering. App Academy offers both full-time (24 weeks) and part-t... Learn more about App Academy.

    Manuel Tobal

    5Student - Course: Part-Time Coding Bootcamp (Online) - Online

    Verified Via LinkedIn

    Says: I love App Academy

     True story, I tried to leave App Academy to attend another Boot Camp. They told me, “Hang on, stay focused, App Academy is a great Boot Camp. “ And since then,
  7. 1073

    Ironhack offers full-time and part-time bootcamps in Web Development, UX/UI design, Data Analytics and Cyber Security in Miami (Florida), Madrid and Barcelon... Learn more about Ironhack.

    Tomás Maria

    5Student - Course: Web Development Bootcamp (Full-time) - Lisbon

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    Says: Ironhack Full Time Web Development in Lisbon

    Hello everyone!Before starting the bootcamp I was super scared that I wasn't going to be able to follow the classes and understand the content but it turned out
  8. 1040

    Edureka offers instructor-led, live online bootcamps in Full Stack Web Development (8 weeks) and AI & Machine Learning (44 weeks). The Full Stack Web Dev... Learn more about Edureka.

    Ajay Singh

    5Student - Online

    Verified Via LinkedIn

    Says: awesome learning experience.

    Great learning experience with edureka. they also provide excellent support. love the content and teachers both. Thanks a ton. the recording session features he
  9. 893

    Simplilearn’s Masters Programs are intensive, online bootcamps for Full Stack Web Development, Data Science and Analytics, AI and Machine Learning, Big Data ... Learn more about Simplilearn.

    G MadhuriG Madhuri

    5Student - Course: Data Science with Python - Online

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    Says: Applied Data Science with Python by Naveen Kumar

     The course on Applied Data Science with Python led by Naveen Kumar was well-structured, covering essential topics with relevant examples and real-world applica
  10. 689

    General Assembly is a technical education provider that teaches students the skills, career advice and networking opportunities needed to make a career chang... Learn more about General Assembly.

    Amelia WardAmelia Ward

    5Graduate - Course: 2. Software Engineering Bootcamp (Full Time) - Online

    Verified Via GitHub

    Says: Tough but great experience.

    I recently completed the Software Engineering Bootcamp at General Assembly and it has been an extraordinary journey. Very tough, but definitely worth it.  From
  11. 639

    Great Learning offers online, career-relevant programs from world-class universities in data science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, management, ... Learn more about Great Learning.

    James Ling

    5Student - Course: Applied Data Science Program - Online

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    Says: Excellent Online Data Science Program

    As someone who does not have any background in Python Coding and Data Science, the Applied Data Science Program offered by Great Learning and the MIT faculties
  12. 629

    Founded in 2012, Coding Dojo is a global technology education company that offers programs in Software Development and Data Science. Students can choose to l... Learn more about Coding Dojo.

    Lee DeJonge

    5Graduate - Course: Software Development Online Full-Time - Online

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    Says: this is a BOOTCAMP

    As an individual coming from NO computer background what-so-ever, I want to  share my experiences.First of all, I have a great support system at home that allow
  13. 627

    Udacity offers Nanodegrees which are online immersive full-time and part-time programs, ranging from 12-24 weeks in length for students worldwide. Nanodegree... Learn more about Udacity.

    Eslam MustafaEslam Mustafa

    5Graduate - Course: Full Stack Web Developer - Online

    Verified Via GitHub

    Says: very nice program

    It's a very nice program, but also challenging 🌹There are useful references and professors who explain well, when I submit the projects I catch what I've been
  14. 587

    Actualize is an online software engineering bootcamp based in Chicago that offers part-time and full-time bootcamp options. Instructors with professional edu... Learn more about Actualize.

    Rexly Penaflorida II

    5Graduate - Course: Web Development - Online

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    Says: Comprehensive course with great support

    I was part of a January 2024 cohort (Sundays and weeknights) and I found the course to be engaging and fulfilling. A big factor in that was the small cohort siz
  15. 585

    Codesmith is a coding school redefining the way software engineering is taught. Codesmith offers full-time (13-week) and part-time (38-week) remote software ... Learn more about Codesmith.

    Donald Twiford

    5Graduate - Course: Full-Time Remote Software Engineering Immersive - Online

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    Says: The Foundation I Needed

    Codesmith provided me with exactly what I needed. The curriculum was set up to cover some of the most prevalent concepts and technologies in the industry, and w
  16. 577

    Flatiron School offers immersive on-campus and online programs in software engineering, data science, cybersecurity, and product design (UX/UI design). Flati... Learn more about Flatiron School.


    5Student - Course: Software Engineering - Online

    Verified Via GitHub

    Says: One of the best if not THE best bootcamp i ever enrolled in

    I joined ReCoded Algeria Bootcamp back in june 2017, currently i'm still a student in it and will hopefully graduate by December, the whole bootcamp was nothing
  17. 546

    CourseCareers is an online modern learning platform that offers affordable, self-paced courses in technology sales and information technology. Students start... Learn more about CourseCareers.

    Justin Warren

    5Student - Course: UIUX Course - Online

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    Says: CourseCareers True Novice Experience

    As a true complete novice to UX/UI Designing, this course has been extremely educational and beneficial to creating a bridge to tapping into the industry. All o
  18. 505

    Tech Elevator offers both full-time and part-time coding bootcamps that prepare students for a career as a software developer, starting with an Aptitude Test... Learn more about Tech Elevator.

    Kohl Braman


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    Says: Very Helpful and Effective Bootcamp

    Everyone involved at Tech Elevator makes it very clear they care about you and your success the whole way through. From when you start to the day you get a job,
  19. 472

    KnowledgeHut offers a flexible, online full-time and part-time bootcamps in Full Stack Development, Front End Development, and Back End Development. Knowledg... Learn more about KnowledgeHut.

    Abhishek Vijay Kumar

    5Student - Online

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    Says: CSM Certification Training

    I recently completed CSM certification course with KnowledgeHut UpGrad.I must mention that content was very well organized by the trainer.With the training I wa
  20. 437

    Skillcrush is a woman-owned, independent, online coding & design school founded in 2012. Skillcrush offers both free and paid programs, including the sel... Learn more about Skillcrush.

    Kylar Valentine

    5Student - Course: (2) Front End Developer Track (Break Into Tech + Get Hired Program) - Online

    Verified Via LinkedIn

    Says: Incredible Learning opportunity!

    An amazing bootcamp. I have tried to learn to code before using a combination of sits but nothing really stuck with me and it was hard to keep motivated and it
  21. 414

    Makers Academy is a highly selective, tech program which teaches Software Engineering, Data Analytics, DevOps (or Cloud), and Test Engineering online and in ... Learn more about Makers Academy.

    Samuel Badru

    5Graduate - Online

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    Says: Great foundational learning experience

    The learning structure of the bootcamp was good, there wasn't a week when it felt wasted. The emphasis is definitely more so on producing projects and completin
  22. 413

    Hacktiv8 is a tech training provider based in Indonesia that offers full-time bootcamps in Full Stack JavaScript, Data Science, and Performance Marketing. Ha... Learn more about Hacktiv8.

    Badzlin MaladziBadzlin Maladzi

    5Graduate - Course: Full Stack JavaScript Immersive - Tangerang

    Verified Via GitHub

    Says: A great place to start your first step

    My experience at Hacktiv8 has been very enjoyable, even though I don't have an IT background. With the level of difficulty and the curriculum designed to suppor
  23. 410

    The Tech Academy is a trade school headquartered in Portland, Oregon that offers full-time and part-time bootcamps online and in-person at their Portland cam... Learn more about The Tech Academy.

    Garrett Hiles

    5Graduate - Course: Online Software Developer Boot Camp (part-time) - Online

    Verified Via LinkedIn

    Says: A great start.

    The Tech Academy is a great place to start your journey in software development. I recently completed the Software Developer boot camp and I couldn't be happier
  24. 395

    TripleTen is a family of digital re-skilling products offering 20-46 week online Software Engineering, Quality Assurance, Business Intelligence Analytics, Da... Learn more about TripleTen.


    5Student - Course: Software Engineering - Online

    Verified Via GitHub

    Says: It's Amazing

     The TripleTen Software Engineer Bootcamp has been a transformative experience for me. I entered with a desire to learn and left with the skills, confidence, an
  25. 390

    Founded in 2012, Fullstack Academy is a tech bootcamp provider that offers immersive online programs for AI & machine learning, software engineering, clo... Learn more about Fullstack Academy.


    5Student - New York City

    Verified Via LinkedIn

    Says: Fullstack Academy Cybersecurity Analytics Bootcamp (Full-Time)

    I want to start off by saying thank you to the entire Fullstack team for all the help that they've given me. Kim Wood is an extremely knowledgeable career coach

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